
美 [klæʃ]英 [klæʃ]
  • n.冲突;交锋;比赛;差别
  • v.冲突;比赛;抵触;相矛盾
  • 网络冲撞;碰撞;撞击

复数:clashes 现在分词:clashing 过去式:clashed

violent clash
avoid clash


n. v.


1.~ (with sb).~ (between A and B)(两群人之间的)打斗,打架,冲突a short fight between two groups of people


2.~ (with sb) (over sth).~ (between A and B) (over sth)争论;辩论;争执an argument between two people or groups of people who have different beliefs and ideas


3.差别;差异;分歧the difference that exists between two things that are opposed to each other

两件事of two events

4.(时间上的)冲突,矛盾a situation in which two events happen at the same time so that you cannot go to or see them both

大声loud noise

6.(金属的)撞击声a loud noise made by two metal objects being hit together

体育运动in sport

7.交锋;交战;比赛an occasion when two teams or players compete against each other


英语六级听力高频词汇_百度文库 ... circulation n. 流通,发行(量) clash vi. n. 冲突,冲撞 cling vi. 紧紧抓住,依恋,坚持 ...


英语六级听力高频词汇_百度文库 ... circulation n. 流通,发行(量) clash vi. n. 冲突,冲撞 cling vi. 紧紧抓住,依恋,坚持 ...


航务航运词汇 - 豆丁网 ... 向…查明 Be Clarified with… 碰撞,碰损 Clash 泥土 Clay ...


战争 - 搜搜百科 ... strife n. 争吵, 冲突, ... clash n. 冲突, 抵触, 撞击... feud n. 长期不和, 争执... ...


英语六级词汇(新大纲) ... clarity/ 5klAriti/n. 清楚,透明 clash/ klAF/n. 碰撞声;抵触,冲突 clasp/ kla:sp/n. 扣子,钩子;别针 ...


考博英语词汇大全(完全免费版)_百度文库 ... clamp n. 螺丝钳 clash v. 冲突,撞击 clasp n. 扣子,钩,紧握 ...


新东方教育科技集团 > 新东方 > 详细信息 ... clarity n 清晰,明晰 clash vi 发生冲突;不协调,不一致 clasp a 抱紧握紧 ...


新视野大学英语第二册单词表(第二版) - 豆丁网 ... spite n. 恶意,怨恨; clash n. 冲突,撞击声,抵触; tradition n. 传统,惯例 61 ...

It was a very endearing moment, something out of a stereotypical "cultures-clash" film but much funnier. 这是一个珍贵的镜头,不是某种老套的“文化冲突”电影,但非常搞笑。
The Pakistan Army will present Sunday's clash as proof of its valor in an attempt to assuage Pakistanis outraged by its incompetence. 巴基斯坦军队将用周末冲突作为事例表明他们的英勇,试图以此平息巴基斯坦人民对该军队能力不济的愤怒。
Owen, who underwent a hernia operation little more than a week ago, says he feels fit and raring to go for the big clash. 欧文一周多以前刚刚做过疝气手术,但是他说他感觉身体恢复得很好,急切渴望投入激烈的战斗中去。
The military clash took place in the disputed maritime border area in the Yellow Sea along the west coast of the Korean Peninsula. 这场军事冲突系发生在朝鲜半岛西岸黄海上的争议海界区。
A clash between the two titans, divided for so long by so much bad blood, is widely supposed to be inevitable. 由于被太多恶意隔阂太久时间,在这两个巨人之间,一场冲突看来已经难以避免。
A partisan difference like this one is not a clash of "values, " with each side blind to the other and with no way to decide between them. 双方皆对另一方毫无所知,也没有办法决定他们之间的是非,像这样的党派性分歧并不是“价值”的冲突。
He said the two of them decided to head home after being caught in a clash with club-wielding forces in central Tehran. 他说他们两人当时在德黑兰中部遭遇了舞着棍棒者的势力冲突,正准备回家。
but , there was no loud irruption into the court - yard , as he had expected , and he heard the gate clash again , and all was quiet. 可是并没有他所预料的冲进院子的喧嚣,大门反倒砰的一声关上了,一切又归于平静。
KING: So there was no clash over what you would record or what kind of music you were singing , etcetera ? 金:就是说和你要录制什么或者你演唱哪种类型的歌曲方面并没有什么冲突对吗?
He picked up a serious elbow injury in a heavy clash with an opponent throughout the club's worst performance of the season. 他在这场紫百合本赛季表现最差的比赛中和对方球员碰撞,肘部严重受伤。
The new politics, he said, would be about boring administration, not the clash of ideals. 新政治将聚焦于治理,而非观念冲突。
In this solution, a mixin is associated with a view that determines which method to call in the case of a name clash. 在这个解决方案中,mixin包含有这样的观点:确定在名称不一致的情况中要调用哪个方法。
Wednesday's clash at Portsmouth will see the end of a three-month spell in which Philippe Senderos has played every minute of every game. 周三对朴茨茅斯的比赛桑德罗斯不会上场,这会结束他三个月以来踢满每分钟比赛的纪录。
Much of the debate has fallen into the familiar tramlines of a clash between an authoritarian right and a compassionate left. 辩论大多落入大家熟悉的冲突套路:独裁的右派对慈悲的左派。
The U. S. military says a prison clash broke out yesterday when guards tried to stop the fourth suicide attempt in a day. 美军方表示,昨天正当狱警试图阻止一天中的第四起自杀行动时,监狱内爆发了动乱。
This clash is often depicted as an epic struggle for supremacy between Linux and Microsoft's proprietary Windows operating system. 这个冲突往往被描述成Linux与微软所属Windows操作系统之间为市场领先地位所进行的了不起的斗争。
There's going to be a massive culture clash and Google need to be very careful in finding the right balance between innovation and humility. 谷歌和摩托罗拉之间会有一个巨大的文化冲突,因此谷歌需要在创新和妥协上拿捏好分寸。
The conflict between work and leisure appears to be the clash of time distribution. Beneath the surface, the conflict is of values. 劳动与休闲的矛盾在形式上表现为时间分配上的冲突,但深层次的问题是价值观的冲突。
Larry Gopnik: No. It would be a culture clash if it were the custom in your land to bribe people for grades. 拉里:不是,如果真的是文化冲突,那么在你的国家是有用钱买来及格成绩的传统的。
The history of philosophy is to a great extent that of a certain clash of human temperaments. 哲学史在极大的程度上是人类几种气质冲突的历史。
There is a very definite clash between the approach of the historicist and that of the social engineer or the technologist. 历史决定论者的看法与社会工程师或技术师的看法之间有着极其明确的差别。
After deciding that this job would not clash with her studies and upon considering the high salary, Liu applied. 在考虑这份工作与她的学业不会产生冲突,并且薪水还比较高,她就申请了。
Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said the priority was to reduce tensions and avoid a clash over the incident. 中国总理温家宝说首要问题是要缓解紧张局势,避免因为此事而引发冲突。
Y et it is not inevitable that this series of events will quickly spiral into a broader geopolitical clash in Asia. 不过,这一系列事态未必会迅速升级,演变为亚洲全面的地缘政治冲突。
The England international missed last Sunday's clash with Chelsea with a calf injury but has trained this week and is ready to return. 英国国脚因伤错过了上周日与切尔西的比赛,但本周已经恢复训练并整装待发。
I was always listening to his music, and a bit of the Rolling Stone, the Clash. 我总是听他的歌,还有一些滚石乐队和撞击乐队的音乐。
A bluff, perhaps. But it has raised fears of an impending strike and of a clash of something more serious than words. 这也许是个骗局,却使人们更加担心迫近的打击冲突将不会停留在口头上。
You could have a great deal of fun trying to invent a way to do this; a way for two threads to ensure that they don't clash. 可以进行许多有趣的尝试去发现一个合适的方法;这个方法要保证两个线程不会冲突。
Gianluigi Buffon has spoken of his pride at wearing the captain's armband for Italy in what promises to be a hard-fought clash with Holland. 在戴上意大利队队长袖标之后布冯表达了自己的自豪同时指出与荷兰队的比赛是一场相当困难的比赛。
This has already been a momentous week in the titanic clash between the champions of transparency and the protectors of privacy. 这是个重要时刻的一周,透明度的拥护者和隐私权的保护者产生巨大冲突。