
美 [klin]英 [kliːn]
  • v.打扫;把;洗涤;【化】纯化;打扫;【化】纯化;提纯;扫除;打扫;除去…的灰尘;使…干净;变干净
  • n.打扫;清扫
  • adj.清洁的;未染污的;(核武器等)无放射性尘埃的;洁净的;干净的;爱干净的;爱整洁的;清洁的;未染污的;(核武器等)无放射性尘埃的
  • adv.十分;清洁地;巧妙地;完全地;彻底地;干净地;干净利落地
  • 网络最清洁的;清洁性

比较级:cleaner 最高级:cleanest 第三人称单数:cleans 现在分词:cleaning 过去式:cleaned

clean coal,clean environment,clean sweep,clean sheet,clean gasoline
clean window,clean equipment,clean wound


清洁not dirty

1.洁净的;干净的not dirty

2.爱干净的;爱整洁的having a clean appearance and clean surroundings

无害not harmful

3.无有害物的;无污染的free from harmful or unpleasant substances


4.[ubn]空白的;未写过字的with nothing written on it

文明not offensive

5.文明的;无色情的;正派的not offensive or referring to sex; not doing anything that is considered immoral or bad

合法not illegal

6.无犯罪记录的;守法的;清白的not showing or having any record of doing sth that is against the law

7.(informal)没有私藏(或携带)违禁品(如毒品、武器等)的not owning or carrying anything illegal such as drugs or weapons


8.公平的;守规则的;不违例的played or done in a fair way and within the rules


9.边缘平整的;表面平滑的;简洁规则的having a smooth edge, surface or shape; simple and regular


10.动作熟练而准确的;干净利落的done in a skilful and accurate way


11.清醇的;清新的tasting, smelling or looking pleasant and fresh


as clean as a whistle

干干净净very clean

a clean bill of health

健康证明;合格证明a report that says sb is healthy or that sth is in good condition

a clean break

(与人、组织、生活方式等的)彻底决裂a complete separation from a person, an organization, a way of life, etc.

a clean sheet/slate

无过错记录;清白的历史a record of your work or behaviour that does not show any mistakes or bad things that you have done

make a clean breast of sth

彻底坦白;如实供认;把…和盘托出to tell the truth about sth so that you no longer feel guilty

make a clean sweep (of sth)

全部撤换;彻底清除to remove all the people or things from an organization that are thought to be unnecessary or need changing


2012年4月雅思听力预测(V09112)_新东方网 ... blue n. 蓝色 cleanest adj. 最清洁的 permit n. 通行证 ...


...rol of nuisance algae),或者清洁性cleanest

Sure, you could probably play and spam the channel every once in a while but it's really not the cleanest approach. 当然,你也许可以发挥和垃圾的通道每一次的同时,但它确实不干净的办法。
London, renowned for centuries for its infamous smog and severe pollution, today has the cleanest air that it has had since the Middle Ages. 伦敦,因其臭名昭著的烟雾和极其严重的污染而闻名几百年,今天有着自中世纪以来最干净的空气。
It was the cleanest, smoothest, and most elegant of the "revolutions. " It was also a swift one. 那里的“革命”最干净、最顺利,也最有风度,而且非常迅速。
Hydropower is one of the cleanest, cheapest and most easily controlled methods of renewable power generation. 水力发电是经济、清洁且非常容易控制的可循环发电方式之一。
That would steer investors towards the cleanest technologies, whatever they might be. 这将引导投资者倾向于清洁技术。
Natural gas is considered as one of the potential fuels for engine while hydrogen is considered as one of the cleanest fuels for engine. 天然气和氢气被认为是最有潜力和最清洁的发动机替代燃料。
She does housework all day long and her house may be the cleanest one in the world. 翻译她成天做家务,她的家可能是世界上最干净的。
Rwanda, which exploded in ethnic bloodshed 16 years ago, is now one of the safest and cleanest nations in Africa. 16年前爆发的种族流血冲突使卢旺达变得支离破碎,但她现在已经成了非洲最安全、最干净的国家之一。
Matching wood hangers will transform your closet into one of the sleekest, cleanest spaces in your house. Wire hangers belong in the trash. 使用木质的衣架会把我们家的衣橱变成家中最光滑最洁净的地方。那种就像电线弯成的衣架只属于一个地方--垃圾桶。
His own country, one of Africa's cleanest, may punish him further. 阿达姆所在的尼日利亚是非洲最廉洁的国度之一,也许将对他作进一步的惩罚。
It rooted in the most innocent circle of earth, breathed the freshest air , and was nourished with the cleanest blood in the vessel. 这株草扎根在心里最天真的一方土里,呼吸着心口最清新的空气,由血脉中最干净的血液滋养着。
Those figures make it among the cleanest, greenest automobiles in the world. 这些数据使得它是世界上最干净,绿色的汽车。
Close eye ability to see the cleanest world. . . . ? ? ? 闭上眼睛才能看见最干净的世界…???。
And audiophile-grade crossovers are connected to the shrouded bi-wirable terminals to ensure the cleanest possible signal transmission. 高保真级交叉线连接至可接双线的屏蔽端子,以确保最纯净的信号传输。
Using a "less is more" motif, Paulin created one of the cleanest looking interiors imaginable. 用“少即是多”序,保创造一个干净的期待内饰想象。
Natural gas is considered the cleanest of the fossil fuels, the fuels created by plant and animal remains over millions of years. 天然气是最清洁的化石燃料,它是植物与动物残余经过数百万年后所产生的燃料。
Few would quibble with the outlines. The most corrupt countries are the poorest, and the cleanest are the richest. 最腐败的国家是那些最贫穷的国家,而最清廉的则是那些最富裕的。
This has to be one of the cleanest beaches in the world undoubtedly! 这已成为世界上最洁净的海滩无疑是一个!
We all know our teacher favors him because he is always the cleanest boy among us. 我们都知道我们的老师很喜欢他,因为他总是我们当中最干净的男孩。
Panama, in contrast, is not even the cleanest in Central America, according to Transparency International, a pressure group. 而巴拿马恰恰相反,根据压力集团—透明国际的说法,在中美洲地区它都算不上是最干净的。
China's leadership recognizes the challenge of providing energy to maintain economic growth in the cleanest possible way. 中国的领导层认识到他们面临着以最清洁的方式提供能源维持经济增速的挑战。
Dutch and Swiss companies were seen as the cleanest, with Belgium, Germany and Japan close behind. 荷兰和瑞士的公司看上去是最干净的,比利时、德国和日本紧随其后。
This toilet is the best and cleanest where I saw in China. However, the toilet paper can be provided that will be much better! Best wishes! 这里的卫生间是我在中国见到的最好而且最干净的。但是,如能供给卫生纸将更好!祝福你们!
Pros: This installation is the cleanest and most pristine way of loading the operating system. 优点:这种安装最为彻底并且是加载操作系统的最原始的方法。
In addition, the region's air currents blow straight up from Antarctica, so Fiordland's air is some of the cleanest on the planet. 此外,该地区的气流是直接从南极洲吹过来的,因此峡湾的空气是这个地球上最干净的。
Contamination is a continual worry even in the cleanest equipment and the most favourable experimental situation. 甚至在有最清洁的设备和最好的实验条件时,沾染也是一个始终存在的问题。
Then they've boldly edited out unnecessary elements, and the result is undeniably the cleanest, most effective communication. 然后,他们大胆地编辑出不必要的元素,其结果无疑是最清洁,最有效的沟通。
Parks are the cleanest parks that you can imagine . 这些公园是你可以想象的最干净的公园。
Static initializers and static constructors provide the cleanest, clearest way to initialize static members of your class. 静态初始化器和静态构造函数提供了最洁净的、最直接的方式来初始化类的静态成员。
But New York City is known for having some of the cleanest drinking water in the world. 但纽约市正是以拥有全球最清洁的饮用水而著称啊。