
美 [klɪr]英 [klɪə(r)]
  • v.澄清;砍伐;批准;结清;转晴;批准;放晴;搬走;澄清;扫除;赶走;打发掉
  • adv.离开;不靠近;不接触;一直(到远处);离开;清楚地;一直;清楚地;离开;一直
  • adj.透明的;爽朗的;皎洁的;清楚的;远离;清晰易懂的;明白清楚的;不含混的;透明的;爽朗的;明亮的;明白的
  • n.同“clearance”;【机】间隙;【建】中空体内部的尺寸;同“clearance”;【机】间隙;【建】中空体内部的尺寸;同“clearance”;【机】间隙;【建】中空体内部的尺寸
  • 网络最清晰的

比较级:clearer 最高级:clearest 第三人称单数:clears 现在分词:clearing 过去式:cleared

clear sky,clear water,clear picture,clear understanding,clear conscience
clear name,clear road,clear throat,clear space,clear land
perfectly clear,absolutely clear


清晰;无疑问without confusion/doubt

1.清晰易懂的;明白清楚的;不含混的easy to understand and not causing any confusion

2.明显的;显然的;明确的obvious and leaving no doubt at all

3.无疑的;清楚的;明白的having or feeling no doubt or confusion


4.(尤指在困境中)思维敏锐而有逻辑的,头脑清醒的thinking in a sensible and logical way, especially in a difficult situation

容易看见╱听到easy to see/hear

5.容易看见的;听得清的easy to see or hear


6.透明的;清澈的that you can see through


7.无云(或雾)的;晴朗的without cloud or mist


8.无斑(或疤痕)的without spots or marks

无阻碍not blocked

10.~ (of sth)畅通无阻的;无障碍的;(表面)收拾干净的free from things that are blocking the way or covering the surface of sth

与坏事不沾边free from sth bad

12.~ of sth摆脱掉(不愉快事物)的free from sth that is unpleasant

不接触;不靠近not touching/near

13.[nbn]~ (of sb/sth)不接触;远离not touching sth; a distance away from sth

一段时间period of time

14.[obn]全部的;整体的;完整的whole or complete

款项sum of money

15.[obn](扣除税项、成本等后)净的,纯的remaining when taxes, costs, etc. have been taken away


be clear sailing

(as) clear as day

显而易见;容易理解easy to see or understand

(as) clear as mud

一点不清楚;难懂not clear at all; not easy to understand


,最为清晰( clearest ) 的成员,最具代表性的( most representative)成员,也就是最为核心( central) 和典型( typical)的成员39) 。


61 Trouble with the Hubble -... ... atmosphere 大气层 clearest 最清晰的(最高级) stars 星星,恒星 ...

Loosening the purse strings did not mean abandoning the frugality that was the clearest consumer trend during the recession. 解囊购物并不意味着抛弃节约这一经济衰退时期最明智的消费趋向。
He gave the clearest account of how his company intended to resist surveillance. 他对自己的公司准备如何抵制监视作出了最清晰的说明。
He had the clearest image in his mind of his mother and father. 他脑海中对父母的印象极其清晰。
The Dunlap case is one of the clearest examples of a failure in recruitment screening that had disastrous consequences for an employer. 邓拉普案是一个最为明显的例子,说明招聘调查失误会对雇主造成灾难性后果。
Give people the rationale for change, laying it out in the clearest, most dramatic terms. 给人们变化的理论基础,放置它在最清楚,多数戏剧时期上。
His comments are among the clearest statements of the risk of a credit squeeze from a banker in Europe's largest economy. 他的言论是欧洲最大经济体的银行家对信贷紧缩风险最明确的陈述之一。
One of the clearest places to look for clues of our cultural capacity is in one of our closest relatives: chimpanzees. 最适合寻找人类创造文化能力的线索的地方是人类近亲黑猩猩。
Asia-Pacific's strong showing was one of the clearest themes of the Pisa survey. 在此次Pisa调查中,一个最明显的主题就是亚太地区的强劲表现。
His clearest recent statement of intent on Afghanistan so far is the one he gave to NBC's "Meet the Press" . 奥巴马最近一次关于阿富汗战争的表态是在NBC的“与媒体面对面”上做出的。
In a few finite words that the son can say, should count " building " what the word tells is the clearest. 儿子会讲的有限的几个词里,要数“楼”字讲的最清。
The shift is one of the clearest demonstrations of the diverging fates of the U. S. and emerging market economies. 这种转变十分清楚地展示了美国和新兴经济体命运的分化。
The clearest but unkindest explanation for Mr Klaus's conduct is a desire to be noticed more than his predecessor, Vaclav Havel. 对于VáclavKlaus的行为最贴切但最不友善的诠释,就是他想要比前任总统VáclavHavel更受到注目。
But I knew that the sun's rays, even in the clearest seas, could reach no deeper. 虽然没有什么器械可以让我测量,但我知道,即最清澈的海水,阳光也不能再往下照了。
If the unconfirmed reports are true, it would be the clearest sign yet of China's displeasure with its unruly ally. 如果这些未经证实的报道属实的话,这是中国对这个难以驾驭的盟友发出的最清晰的不满信号。
One of the clearest marks of the moral life is right speech. Perfect our speech is one of the keystones of an authentic spiritual program. 准确的言词是道德生活最清楚的标记之一。改善我们说话的能力是一项实实在在的基本心灵课程。
The comments are the clearest signal yet that Mr Dudley intends to take a different approach to his predecessors on dividends. 这番言论是迄今为止最清晰的信号,表明达德利打算在派息方面采取与其前任不同的做法。
But in the U. S. , marriage remains one of the clearest paths to a higher class. 但在美国,婚姻仍是一条最便捷的阶级晋升之路。
One thinks of the simplest in the logic starting point as the clearest, the easiest to understand and define. 误解之一是把逻辑起点的最简单理解为最简单明白,容易为人理解,最容易确定。
And with the deepest sense of satisfaction and clearest of consciences. 带着最深的满足和良心的安慰。
To me one of the clearest examples of how difficult it is to reconcile the different approaches rests in the idea of fairness. 调和这两种生存方式非常困难,我可以举一个最清楚明白的例子:“公平(fairness)”观念。
Perhaps the clearest example of a specialist business set up to cater for the very rich is Stonehage's own practice. 谈到专为超级富豪提供服务而成立的企业,Stonehage自身的业务可能是最明显的范例了。
The clearest and most striking of the specimens can be seen to have four wings, extensive plumage and profusely feathered feet. 其中最清晰、最引人注目的化石标本上,可依稀看出它有四个翅膀、全身羽毛分布广泛、连脚上都被有羽毛。
Consumer groups complained. The deal was also one of the clearest illustrations yet of how Google has changed. 该交易也是迄今为止最明确的证据之一,表明谷歌已经发生了怎么样的变化。
Mine is always your Highest Thought, your Clearest Word, your Grandest Feeling. Anything less is from another source. 你最高的思维、你最清晰的话语、你最崇高的感受是来自我的。而任何较次的都是来自其他的来源。
The call was the clearest signal yet that Mr. Micheletti might not be primarily responsible for the stalemate. 该呼吁发出的最明确的信号是---米凯莱蒂先生未必对现僵局负主要责任。
The clearest video footage yet of what appears to be a Chinese stealth fighter prototype has been posted online. 上曝光了一段貌似中国隐形战斗机原型机迄今最清晰的视频短片。
They have demonstrated in the clearest manner how instruments of the state can be commandeered in the interests of an individual. 他们的所作所为已经清楚表明,这个国家机构是如何强占个人利益的。
The clearest manifestation, of course, is in the greater purchasing power of US-bound tourists and shoppers. 当然,最明显的表现就是,去美国旅游和购物的英国人购买力增强了。
The U. S. central bank said economic activity is leveling out, clearest sign that it sees the recession ending. 美国央行表示,经济活动是平了,明显的标志,它认为经济衰退结束。
This book expresses him final conclusion to ponder the justice question and expressed him clearest thinking to the political philosophy. 此书表达了他对正义问题思考的最后结论,表述了他对政治哲学最清晰的反思。