
美 [kloʊs]英 [kləʊs]
  • v.结束;闭合;封闭;闭(眼等)
  • n.【乐】终止(法);结尾复纵线(∥);终结;白刃战
  • adj.局促的;严密的;紧密的;严丝合缝的
  • adv.密接;亲密地;紧密地;秘密地
  • 网络最靠近的;最接近;最近的

比较级:closer 最高级:closest 复数:closes 现在分词:closing 过去式:closed

close attention,close friend,close relationship,close contact,close connection
close window,close door,close account,close gap,close deal
extremely close
properly close



1.[nubn]~ (to sb/sth).~ (together)(在空间、时间上)接近near in space or time


2.[nbn]~ to sth.~ to doing sth几乎(处于某种状态);可能(快要做某事)almost in a particular state; likely to do sth soon


3.~ (to sb)亲密的;密切的knowing sb very well and liking them very much

4.(家庭关系)亲近的near in family relationship

5.(与某人的工作或活动)紧密相关的,密切的very involved in the work or activities of sb else, usually seeing and talking to them regularly


6.[obn]细致的;严密的;周密的careful and thorough


7.~ (to sth)酷似的;几乎相等的very similar to sth else or to an amount

竞争、选举等competition/election, etc.

8.实力相差无几的;仅以些微之差获胜的won by only a small amount or distance

近乎于不好的结果almost bad result

9.(通常指危险或不愉快的情况几乎发生)差一点儿,险些used to describe sth, usually a dangerous or unpleasant situation, that nearly happens

无空间without space

10.空隙极小的;无空隙的;密集的;紧凑的with little or no space in between

剪短cut short

11.剪到齐根的;剪得很短的cut very short, near to the skin


12.[obn]严加戒备的;守卫严密的carefully guarded


14.[nbn]~ (about sth)(对自己的个人信息)守口如瓶not willing to give personal information about yourself


15.[nbn]吝啬;小气not liking to spend money


at/from close quarters

很近;非常靠近very near

close, but no cigar

很接近,但还是输了;猜得差不多,但不完全对used to tell sb that their attempt or guess was almost but not quite successful

a close call/shave

侥幸避免事故;侥幸脱险;幸免于难a situation in which you only just manage to avoid an accident, etc.

a close thing

成败机会各半a situation in which success or failure is equally possible

close to home

(话语或讨论的话题)因点中要害而使人局促不安(或尴尬)if a remark or topic of discussion isclose to home , it is accurate or connected with you in a way that makes you uncomfortable or embarrassed

keep a close eye/watch on sb/sth

密切注视;严密监视to watch sb/sth carefully


next的 近义词_百度知道 ... succeeding adj. 接连的, 随后的... closest adj. 最靠近的 successive adj. 连续的, 接连的... ...




新目标英语八年级上册第十二单元Self Ch... ... clothing store 服装店 closest 最近的 quality 品质,特质 ...


标准英语听说突破 - 免费文档下载 ... remind v. 提醒 closest adj. 最亲密的 it's been ages 很久很久 ...


《精通Mastercam9。X》电子书下载 ... 5.2.9 绘制平分线( Bisect) 5.2.10 绘制最近距离线( Closest) 5.3.1 极坐标画弧( Polar) ...


电火花线切割 -... ... 9.2.9 绘制分角线─ ─Bisect 190 9.2.10 绘制最近线─ ─Closest 190 9.3.1 绘制极坐标圆弧─ ─Polar 191 ...

While his hushed vocals were a constant factor in all of his albums, this was the closest Drake came to being in a rock band. 然而他安静的嗓音在他所有的专辑中是一个永恒的元素,这是德雷克最接近于摇滚乐队的一张唱片。
China, which hosted the six-party talks and is North Korea's closest ally, said the discussions yielded 'positive results. ' 作为六方会谈的东道国,也是朝鲜关系最为密切的盟友,中国称相关讨论取得了积极成果。
had her two closest friends lie to her, and poured her eyes out for the man she loved. 她的两个个性朋友骗了她,又为了她爱的男人眼睛都快哭掉了。
Apparently, he was lured away to another meeting by his wife, Dame Patience, who is one of his closest advisers. 很显然,他是被自己的妻子达姆•帕西恩斯(他亲密的顾问之一)诱使去参加另一个会面了。
Even his closest associates believed that was the end of him. 甚至他的心腹都认为他大限来临。
In the model domain, the surface currents of the SCS have the closest relations with the monsoon with an apparent seasonal variation. 在所模拟的海区中,南海海区表层海流与季风关系最密切,季节变化最明显。
After all, she had betrayed those closest to her to save Theseus. 毕竟,为了救忒修斯,她不惜众叛亲离。
But a bridesmaid is one of the bride's closest friends, and she walks ahead of her down the aisle. 其他人的眼中新娘是伴娘最好的朋友,并且经常在婚礼上走到她的前面。
"You and I should have met long ago " he said taking the chair closest to the brazier. “你我应该在很久以前就遇见的,”他拿了离火盆最近的椅子坐下说。
And downtown, another woman was feeling deserted. It was the closest Samantha had come to giving her heart to a man in a long long time. 在市中心,另一名女人也感到被遗弃了。这是很久很久以来,莎曼珊把她的心这么近距离地给一个男人。
She poured out to her closest friend the longing that surged up from her very heart. 她向最知心的朋友倾诉了内心深处的希冀。
Up to three of your closest canine companions can be tracked with a GPS collar that follows them for up to a mile away. 它最多能追踪三条带着GPS颈圈的狗狗,追踪距离可以至一英里以外的地方。
Some of Odom's closest associates said he was unhappy about coming off the bench, despite Sunday's declaration he was fine with it. 一些奥多姆最亲密的助手说,他不满作为球队的板凳,尽管他周日解释说,他扮演球队第六人这个角色感到很好。
In contrast, retroflex consonants do not appear in any other Indo-European language, not even Iranian ones which are closest to Indic. 与之相反,代表卷舌音的子音并不出现在任何其他印欧语言里面,甚至在伊朗语那里也没有任何一处是与印度语相近。
One way of trying to answer it is to look in the fossil record for evidence about what modern humanity's closest relatives could do. 一个解决它的途径就是从化石记录中寻找证据——现代人的近亲到底能做什么?
Britain is still locked into a gradual, half-willing decline, destined to be less loved by its closest ally than it would like. 英国继续受困于半不情愿的渐衰之中,注定不能像其希望的那般为亲近盟国所喜爱。
Though her work often seemed confessional, even her closest friends wondered how much they ever knew her. 虽然她的作品似乎常常在自白,但是即使她最亲密的朋友也不知道自己了解她多少。
Such a defender is considered to be on the touch line or goal line closest to his or her off-field position. 这样的防守球员会被视为,处在距离他或她的场外位置最近的边线或底线上;
Telegrams had been received from Washington stating that he was the closest confidant and personal agent of the President. 我在事前曾接到华盛顿发来的电报,介绍他是总统最密切的亲信和私人代表。
So this is the closest you can get to kind of seeing at least the effects of the dark matter with your naked eye. 这是最接近于看到至少通过肉眼看到暗物质的影响。
Newman would later confess that the uptight, reserved Mr Bridge was the role closest to his own personality. 纽曼后来承认,片中那个不安,保守的布瑞吉先生是最接近他性格的角色。
Hillary was Bill's closest adviser when he was president, and he would have done the same for her, had she been elected. 当比尔担任总统的时候,希拉里是其最亲密的智囊,要是希拉里当选的话,比尔同样也会为她出谋划策。
When I was walking back through the door, she woke up, thought I was a burglar, and threw the closest thing to her at me. 当我回到家以后,我老婆以为我是个入室的小偷,随手就拿了个东西砸过来。
Other texts from the period tell of sealed books of wisdom and of a secret tradition passed on by Jesus to his closest disciples. 那个时期的其它典籍里也记载被封住的智慧之书和秘密传统之书被耶稣传给了他最亲近的学生。
The Marines closest to me thought that I had been killed instantly, but that did not deter Corpsman George Grant. 离我最近的伙伴都以为我当场阵亡了,但医护兵乔治·格兰特却没有片刻地迟疑。
He seemed quite convinced, despite the fact that the closest he had come to space was the big button[4] on his computer keyboard. 他好像很当真,尽管实际情况是,他与太空沾得上一点儿边的,就是他电脑键盘上的那个大空格键。
It occurred to Cameron that he needed someone, and she was just the closest at the moment. 在他需要某个人的时候发生在了卡梅隆身上,她只是碰巧遇上了。
In high school we were the closest friends. Then he took a job and went off to the university, and our friendship gradually died away. 在中学我们是最要好的朋友。然后他找到了一份工作并上了大学,我们之间的友谊就渐渐淡薄了。
Harry introduced her to some of his closest friends and she was reportedly popular within the royal household. 哈里不仅将她带进了自己最亲密的朋友圈,还将她介绍给了家人,据报道称她在皇室家族里颇受欢迎。
This only made me realize that this has been the closest I've come to touching a girls ass in over a year. 我意识到这是一年以来我距离美女屁股最近的一回。