
美 [klʌb]英 [klʌb]
  • n.俱乐部;会;社团;夜总会
  • adj.俱乐部的;客饭性质的
  • v.用棍棒(或类似棍棒之物)打;泡夜总会
  • 网络梅花;球杆;会所

复数:clubs 现在分词:clubbing 过去式:clubbed

join club,form club,start club,run club
private club,exclusive club


n. v.

活动;体育运动for activity/sport

1.[cspv]俱乐部;社团;会a group of people who meet together regularly, for a particular activity, sport, etc.

2.[c](俱乐部使用的)建筑设施,活动室the building or rooms that a particular club uses

3.[cspv]职业运动俱乐部a professional sports organization that includes the players, managers, owners and members


4.[c](尤指年轻人听音乐、跳舞等的)俱乐部,夜总会a place where people, especially young people, go and listen to music, dance, etc.


5.[cspv](尤指英国)男性俱乐部(especially in Britain) an organization and a place where people, usually men only, can meet together socially or stay

销售书╱激光唱片selling books/CDs

6.[c](以优惠价出售图书、激光唱片等给成员的)读者俱乐部,听众俱乐部,…会an organization that sells books, CDs, etc. cheaply to its members

纸牌游戏in card games

8.[c]梅花one of the four sets of cards (called suits ) in a pack/deck of cards. The clubs have a black design shaped like three black leaves on a short stem .

9.[c]梅花牌one card from the suit called clubs


be in the club

怀孕;肚子大了to be pregnant


//Suit表示一副牌,它有4个花色:梅花(Clubs),方块(Diamonds),红心(Hearts),//黑桃(Spades)sealed class Example { static v…


城市梦想家:纽约_百度百科 ... Bars ~ 酒吧 Clubs俱乐部 Shows ~ 表演 ...


高尔夫球杆什么牌子好,高尔夫球十大品牌 ... 威尔胜,本-哈根 BenHogan,Cleveland,Maruman, 球杆- Clubs 小白球- Golf …


棍棒(Clubs):钉头槌(Maces)*: 巨槌(Hammers): *注:官方网站里面是这样分类的,钉锤(Maces)和权杖(Scepters)是2个大的类.在钉 …


多伦多中国大学生联合会 ... 团 队 TEAM 社 团 CLUBS 照 片 PHOTOGRAPHY ...


街头、会所clubs)、甚至学校,都变得越来越不安全。不过,警方则表示,在政府重点投资治理、并于上述地区加强了警力 …


高尔夫·尊皇高尔夫国际网络俱乐部 ... 2. 了解能力( capabilities) 3. 了解球具( clubs) 1. 了解球场( course) ...

I anticipate there might be a situation where other big clubs will try and sign Steven, but he gave no indication that he wanted to leave. 我能预计到可能会有其他大的俱乐部会争取签下杰拉德,但他没有要离开的迹象。
There has yet to have been a single draw between the two clubs since Stoke returned to the top, the last one came in a 1996 cup tie. 自斯托克升回英超之后,双方还没有出现过平局的比赛,最后一次是在1996年的杯赛中。
There are a number of clubs interested in him and one of these is Fiorentina, who already asked about him in January. 那里有许多对他感兴趣的俱乐部,佛罗伦萨就是其中的一家,早在今年一月份他们就已经询问过他的转会事宜。
He said: "I have been a Real Madrid fan since a kid, but I also like great clubs such as Milan and United. " 他说道:“我从小时候就是皇马的球迷,不过我也喜欢像米兰以及曼联这样的大俱乐部。”
With Chelsea no longer owning their own ground they were unable to do any more rebuilding and lagged behind other clubs in that respect. 这时的切尔西失去了斯坦福桥的所有权,不能再对球场进行任何的改造,因此在球场方面,它开始落后于其它的俱乐部。
He would never be able to face his social equals, and lurid tales of her would be told at local clubs. 他不能面对与他同等地位的人,因本地各社团都在传她的耸人听闻的故事。
Our goal is to have less debt than any of the top clubs, and that's a commitment we have made and will continue to make. 我们的目标是比任何一个顶级俱乐部的债务都低,并且这是一个我们已经做出的承诺,我们将继续这么做。
The gulf between the two clubs was apparent from the start and, by half-time, it had become an exercise in damage-limitation for Leeds. 两个俱乐部的差距从一开始就显露无遗,半场的时候利兹联已经被摧毁了,比赛进入垃圾时间。
"What I think the positive benefit [with its abolition] would be that clubs wouldn't get in to that situation, " Gill said. “我想一个好处就是俱乐部不用陷入那样的境地,”吉尔说。
It was one of several woods used to make golf clubs including ash, greenheart, apple and hazel wood. 其他几种能用于制作杆身的树木有:芩树,樟树,苹果树,榛子树。
He said: "It has been a great season for English clubs - Chelsea, Manchester United and now Liverpool in the semi-finals. " 他说:“这个赛季对英国球队来说是个好年头——切尔西,曼联,现在还有利物浦都打进了四强。”
By the age of six, the young Jacksons were playing strip clubs and burlesque palaces - the only venues open to them in Gary. 迈克尔六岁时,杰克逊一家的演唱组混迹于脱衣舞俱乐部和低级表演场所——加里镇可以表演的地方屈指可数。
Real are too big and too important to fail or to come under the kind of debt pressures that affect traditional clubs. 皇马规模太大地位太重要,不会破产,影响传统球会的债务压力也影响不到他们。
A host of top European clubs have been linked with him, while the player himself has stated a desire to prove himself at Old Trafford. 许多欧洲豪门都和他联系到了一起,而球员本人却渴望在老特拉福德证明他自己。
I had been warned that, like many upmarket private clubs, it was a bit of a formal, stuffy, conservative place. 有人提醒过我,和其他高端会所一样,这里也是较为正式、古板和保守的场所。
He said a few clubs, Chelsea, Madrid, and I am glad to be here now. 他先说了一些俱乐部,切尔西,马德里,我更想去切尔西。
The Mirror says Gallas is ready to sign a new contract following showdown talks between the clubs and his agent. 在俱乐部与他的经纪人关键谈话后,镜报说加拉斯准备签一份新的合同。
Closeted from outside world, he spent his early years touring clubs and colleges and performing up to twenty concerts a week. 最初几年,他在旅游俱乐部和学院中过着与世隔绝的表演生涯,甚至多达每周二十场。
The spa and fitness center is as big as an Olympic sized swimming pool and the ship has four kids' clubs and a shopping precinct. 水疗和健身中心与奥运会游泳池一般大小。此外,该船还有四个儿童俱乐部和一个购物区。
On a personal level, it has been a time of surprises and that probably applies to most of the 20 clubs as well. 站在个人角度来说,20支球队里有大多数都会对本赛季感到吃惊。
He has always been the main man at the clubs he's been at and I look at him and he's not the same player. 一直以来他都是俱乐部的绝对主力,无论是在利物浦还是在马德里竞技。但是再看看他似乎不再是主力。
At least two clubs of a set may include a progressively increasing hosel length from a lowest lofted club to a highest lofted club. 一套高尔夫球杆中的至少两个球杆包括从最小杆面倾角的球杆向最大杆面倾角的球杆逐渐增加的把部长度。
' 'Scandinavian referees do not have the right to serve the games involving English clubs - that's my opinion, ' he said. 在我看来,斯堪的纳维亚的裁判在执法英格兰球队的比赛时总是做不到公正执法。
LL: "Joint" is a slang for "place" - and it is often used to refer to restaurants, clubs or other places of entertainment. 哦,我明白了,joint指的是饭馆、酒吧和夜总会这类地方。我今天又学了个新词。
And I feel that next season it is possible to see four English clubs in the semi-finals. 我感觉下赛季也许会看到半决赛有四支英超球队。
After a year of restraint last season, with only 3 clubs putting their prices up in the premier league. . . 在从上个赛季开始停止涨价一年后,主要联盟中只有3家俱乐部上调了价格…
Part jest, part provocation, the posters still come up in conversation most days around the two clubs. 是玩笑还是挑衅,这幅海报在两家俱乐部间引发的口水战持续已经有些日子了。
Adebayor has been linked with a move away from Arsenal this summer, with a number of European clubs said to be interested in his services. 这个夏天阿德巴约的未来变得不确定,许多欧洲俱乐部都对引入他表示了一定的兴趣。
Though his musical and entrepreneurial talent was enormous, he had been slow to break out of the "chittlin circuit" of black southern clubs. 尽管特纳拥有超凡的音乐与创业者的天赋,他却迟迟未能与黑人南方夜总会的“chittlincircuit”脱离关系。
It had long been the Galaxy's intention to hold an open tryout this winter, just as other Major League Soccer clubs do every few seasons. 和其他大联盟的球队一样,银河队从很久之前就开始计划这次每隔几个赛季就会开展一次的冬季公开试训。