
美 [koʊt]英 [kəʊt]
  • n.外套;大衣;外衣;(套装的)上装
  • v.给…涂上一层;用…覆盖
  • 网络上衣;涂层;表皮

复数:coats 现在分词:coating 过去式:coated

take coat,wear coat,buy coat,get coat
blue coat,black coat,white coat,outer coat,woolly coat


n. v.

1.外套;外衣;大衣a piece of outdoor clothing that is worn over other clothes to keep warm or dry. Coats have sleeves and may be long or short.

3.动物皮毛the fur, hair or wool that covers an animal's body

4.涂料层;覆盖层a layer of paint or some other substance that covers a surface


cut your coat according to your cloth

量入为出to do only what you have enough money to do and no more


首页-哎呀搜搜吧 引领英伦时尚-淘宝网 ... 上装 Top 外套 Coat 下装 Jeans ...


新概念英语第一册单词表_百度文库 ... book( 书) 15、 coat( 大衣) 17、 dress( 连衣裙或套裙) 18、 ...


日常生活英语单词_百度文库 ... sweater 毛衣 coat 上衣 raincoat 雨衣 ...


《新概念英语》第一册词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... cloud 云, 云朵 coat 上衣, 外衣 coffee 咖啡 ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... coast n. 海岸;海滨 coat n. 外套;涂层;表皮;皮毛 coffee n. 咖啡 ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... coast n. 海岸;海滨 coat n. 外套;涂层;表皮;皮毛 coffee n. 咖啡 ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... coast n. 海岸;海滨 coat n. 外套;涂层;表皮;皮毛 coffee n. 咖啡 ...


外贸童装 服装 JACADI ZARA HM CATIMINI DKNY ... Raiment 其他配.. Coat 外套 风衣 .. BOY 男童 ...

When we got to my house , I gave Man Friday some trousers , and I made him a coat and a hat . he liked his new clothes very much . 当我们回到房子里,我给星期五几条裤子,而且给他做了件外套和一顶帽子,他非常喜欢他的新衣服。
Pointing at her own red coat, Li said she had to wear it in her shop to keep warm but would take it off if she had to venture out. 指着她自己的红外套,李说,在店中,他不得不穿着以保暖,但当她需求外出时,会脱下外套。
She was amazingly quick with her needles. She could knit up a baby's coat in an afternoon. 她编结起来快得出奇。她一个下午就能编结好一件婴孩的紧身短上衣。
At this point the color of coffee, like cappuccino monks church coat in dark brown, covered by a scarf, like coffee, hence the name. 此时咖啡的颜色,就象卡布奇诺教会的修士在深褐色的外衣上覆上一条头巾一样,咖啡因此得名。
But there was no coat. There was only a ridiculous little fur neckpiece dangling from her husband's hand. 但是没有貂皮大衣,只有一条可笑的小皮草围脖挂在他丈夫的手上。
So he took his coat off and put it in front of him. 所以他脱去外套放在他前面。
It was thought earlier that multiple copies of no more than a few different proteins make up the protein "coat" of the ribosome. 人们以前认为组成核蛋白体蛋白质“外壳”的只不过是几个不同蛋白质的重复拷贝。
I had to try this new approach, but I'm using a hot stove instead of a coat. Let's see if it works . . . 我不得不尝试这个新方法,但是我用高温火炉代替了外套。
So the owner of the shop goes in back and comes out with an absolutely gorgeous full-length coat. 于是,店主到后面找出一件富丽堂皇的落地貂皮大衣。
How much is the coat? It's five yuan. 大衣多少钱?五元。
His dream, before the war, was to be a British Army officer, finely turned out in a red coat and brass buttons. 战争前,他的梦想是成为一名英军军官,潇洒地穿着有金黄色纽扣的红外套。
"It doesn't matter , madam , " said Mr Black , "You have to lose some weight. You'll be able to wear your coat if you do all that I say . " “别担心,夫人。”布莱克先生说,“你应该减肥,如果你按我说得去做你有可能穿上你的外套了。”
The velvet swimming crab has bright red eyes, with a coat of fine hair on its shell giving it a velvety texture. 泳绒梭子蟹的眼睛是鲜红色的,甲壳上覆盖着细绒毛,使它具有柔软光滑的质地。
The hull of a ship is often protected against corrosion with a coat of special paint. 船舶的外壳通常涂一层特殊的漆以抗腐蚀。
Shoes and boots go right onto the waterproof mat laid out next to the wall, , and coats go on the coat rack behind the door. 鞋靴摆放在靠墙的防水垫上,外套挂在门后。
Every morning after his father left, Blue would take a look at the blue coat his mother stitched for him when he was a baby. 爸爸走后,他每天早上都要看一看妈妈在他小时候给他缝的一件蓝上衣。
He handed the phone to the white coat, who calmly spoke the address into it, as if nothing at all strange were happening, and then hung up. 他把电话递给穿白大衣的人,对着话筒镇静地说出了医院的地址,好像根本没发生什么奇怪的事似的,然后挂了电话。
When Jane went off to get his order he took a newspaper out of his coat pocket and began reading the sports page on the back. 当简离开准备他的餐点时,他从大衣里拿出了一张报纸,然后从背面的体育版开始读起。
A woman in Paris was on her way to go shopping, but she had forgotten her coat - went back to get it. 一个住在巴黎的女人正在往购物的路上,但是她忘记拿她的大衣,便回往取了。
They stand at 90 degrees from the surface they coat, which Nasa scientists have referred to as looking like shag-pile carpet. 这些碳纳米管垂直地排列覆盖在物质表面,美国宇航局的科学家说看起来就像是绒毛地毯。
It sometimes happened that she had to greet the public from the balcony with her nightgown tucked up under her coat. 有时候她不得不在睡袍外面批件外套然后在阳台上问候公众。
The bed had not been disturbed, and on the bed lay, outspread, but not defiantly the great-coat and the black ribbon. 床上的被枕没有动过,那身旅行服和那条黑带子却毫无戒备地摊在床上。
Only a minute ago he had limped quickly out of the Rotunda in an army-surplus coat. 一分钟前他还穿着那件军装外套跛着腿快速的离开圆形大厅。
The nice lady smiled at me. I didn't get any change, but she put the coat in a bag and wished me a Merry Christmas. 她对着我笑了。我以为她会找钱给我,但她没有,而是把大衣装进袋子里并祝我圣诞快乐。
Act as if it is winter and bring a thick coat, boots and mittens in the office. 就像到了冬天一样,带一件厚外套和靴子、手套到办公室。
A young boy in a broken coat came up to me and robbed me of my watch. 一个穿着破外套的小男孩走过来抢走了我的手表。
No doubt, if the tailless coat had been worn by anyone other than a Lorillard, it would never have appeared again. 毫无疑问,如果无尾的外衣只是由别人而不是由劳瑞拉德穿,它也许再也不会出现了。
The blind man took a small book from his coat pocket and held it out. Gillian opened it and saw that it was a bank deposit book. 瞎子了一本小书,从他的上衣口袋里,并举行了它。阿娇打开一看,只见这是一个银行存折。
When a man and a woman go in or out of a room together, a man should also help the woman take off or put on her coat. 当他们同时进门或出门的时候,男士别忘了接女士脱下来的风衣或帮她拿外套。
There was a man in the shop. He was a dirty man in an old coat with a cigarette in his mouth. 'What do you want? 'he asked. 店里有个男人,穿着一件旧外套,嘴里叼着一支烟。“你想干什么?”他问道。