come home

  • na.回国;回家;使人沉痛地感到;【航】锚脱掉
  • 网络回家来吧;回家吧;回来

come homecome home

come home


大学英语四级常用词组 ... come forth 出来;涌现 come home 回家;打中 come into 进入;得到 ...


丹尼尔 最好的我 DANIEL POWTER BEST OF ME ... NO.1 Lose To Win 失而复得 NO.3 Come Home 回家来吧 NO.4 Bad Day …


OneRepublic 专辑列表... ... 11.Someone To Save You( 谁来拯救你) 12.Come Home( 回家吧) 13.Dreaming Out Loud( 勇敢梦) ...


日常英语图解字典_百度文库 ... eat 吃 come home 回来(回家) go out 出去 ...


新概念第一册L1-86课教案_出水芙蓉_新浪博客 ... music 音乐 come home [在家,谈及回家] get home 到家[不论在家与否] ...


... [reach a very high level;be perfect] 在学识和工作上有相当造诣 [go home;come home] 回到家中 [complete] 完备;周详 ...


They arrive home... ... carry home 拿回家 come home 回家,回国(在国外说时) hit home 击中要害 ...

'I'm not religious, but I am conscious that what I do is serious, ' he said. 'But then you come home and you have all that cash. ' 他说,“我不信教,但我挂十字架是很严肃认真的。只要人安全,你能赚到很多钱。”
My parents agree to let me go out with you, but they ask me to come home before 12: 00. 我爸妈答应让我跟你出去,但是他们要求我必须在十二点前回家。
But I also hope you can always come home with me to see my parents, so that they have on my life peace of mind! 但也希望你能经常陪我回家看看我的父母,让他们对我的生活安心,放心!
If he's home all day with the kids, it's not fair for her to come home and complain about the way he's dispensing his parental care. 如果他整日和孩子呆在家里,她回到家里抱怨他抚育的方式是不公平的。
When she saw him returning alone, she said, "Oh my son, why didn't you ask the senior monk to come home with you for breakfast? " 当她看见儿子独自一人回来时,她问:“噢,我的儿啊,你为什么不请那位年长的和尚跟你一起回家吃早饭呢?”
A letter came from her mother late the next week, reminding her that she must come home in time for Thanksgiving. 第二个周末,收到她母亲的来信,提醒她在感恩节必须按时回家。
He'd come home and find Mary on the phone and, sure, she'd smile at him and blow him a little kiss-across-the-room. 他回到家时,玛丽正在打电话,当然,她对他笑笑,给他一个飞吻。
If you've had a stressful day at work, when you come home you know it's likely to be stressful there as well, right? 如果你工作上度过了很有压力的一天,那么当你回到家,你知道还是会很有压力,不是吗?
He did not send me to come home directly, take me a carry on one's shoulder however sweet the lakefront of 4 excessive. 他没有直接送我回家,而是将我带到一个荷香四溢的湖边。
Don't you see that now you've gone And I'm left here on my own That I have to follow you And beg you to come home. 此刻你已远去,留我独尝寂寞。我必须跟随你,我乞求你归家。
Grandfather took Mister Jewel's hand and asked him to come home with us. But he said no. 爷爷握着朱厄尔先生的手,请他和我们一起回家,但他谢绝了。
A few days before, Mr. Shi had come home with his pants soaked to the knees, says his wife of 12 years, Guo Qinqin, 32. 师伟科32岁的妻子郭琴琴说,出事前的几天,师伟科一次回家时裤子的膝盖以下都是湿的。
When he pauses to drink from his canteen I say, "I'm here to ask you to come home. " 当他停下来从水壶里喝水的时候我说,“我来这里是想请你回家。”
Mrs Battista would come home and Aidan wouldn't be able to laze around the house all day. 巴蒂斯塔太太回到家中艾丹将无法在家里整天懒散。
There was so much to do, getting the boxes ready to go tomorrow, that I didn't come home to dinner. 我还有很多事情要做,你们自己吃晚饭吧,把明天要用的盒子准备好。
Anne always loved to come home to Avonlea even when, as now, the reason for her visit had been a sad one. 安妮总是喜欢回到阿冯丽的怀中,即使像现在一样,她的到访是因了悲伤的事。
He had no sooner come home than she started complaining. He made for the door directly he heard the knock. 他一听到敲门声就向门口走去。
After two weeks in Fairfield, she was well enough to come home and able to tolerate small amounts of soft food by mouth. 在美田医院两周之后,她已经好转并可以回家了,还能进食少量流食了。
He was extremely untidy, He used to come home with a face of smudges, an inkspattered shirt, a pair of dirt-bedraggled pants. 他非常地不整洁。回家时,他常常是脸上满是污点,衬衣上沾满墨水渍,裤子上全是尘土。
When he did not come home it did not seem anything like a terrible thing to her. 当他不回家的时候,她也不觉得是件什么大不了的事情。
he wanted her to go , positively , to have her little adventures and perhaps come home pregnant , and all that. 他的确愿意她走,愿意她有点小浪漫史,也许她怀了个胎回来呢。
Edward keeps asking to come home. It breaks my heart. I can't take care of him anymore. I did what I thought was best. 爱德华一直要回家。这让我心碎。我无法再照顾他。我做了我认为对他最好的。
Although some do not want to come home, we are glad to see that there are more overseas learners chosen to work at home than before. 虽然有些人不想回家,但是使我们高兴的是现在选择回国的留学生比以前多了。
I can't wait for you to come home next thanksgiving a militant veganism, anemic and proud. Brown is an ivy league school. 我不能等你下周感恩节才回来,激进的素食主义者,贫血而又骄傲。布朗是常春藤联盟的学校。
He was fond of going to a nigger joint on the Rued'Odessa where there was a good looking mulatto who used to come Home with us occasionally. 他很喜欢去奥德萨街一个黑鬼们聚会的场所,那儿有一个好看的黑白混血儿,她偶尔跟我们一起回家来。
Mboya wrote, "As you yourself said, you were glad to come home, we were glad to receive you home. " 他还写道:“正如你说你很高兴回到故乡一样,我们很高兴在故乡接待你。”
If she happens to come home to see her son chatting online, we have no idea about what response she would make to it. 如果她碰巧回家看到她的儿子在网上聊天,我们真不知她会作何反应。
hannah , i have been a fool . please come home with me . " and he got down on his knees and begged for her forgiveness" . “汉纳,我页是个傻瓜。请与我一起回家。”跟著,他跪下并且乞求她的宽恕。
Some of the soldiers I met at Fort Bliss had just come home from the battlefield, and others are getting ready to ship out. 我在布里斯见到有些士兵刚从战场返回国内,而有些人则正整装待发。
In it she asked him to come home, but she did not give a reason. 信上她请他回去,却没说明为什么。