
美 [kʌm]英 [kʌm]
  • v.来;来到;发生;成为
  • n.精液;精子
  • int.得啦
  • prep.(提及的时间)到来
  • 网络伴星;又来了;来自

第三人称单数:comes 现在分词:coming 过去式:came

time come,people come,dream come,come way,come day
come round,really come,come tomorrow,finally come,come home
come season


地方to a place

1.[i]来to move to or towards a person or place

2.[i]~ (to…)来到;到达,抵达(某地)to arrive at or reach a place

3.[i]来做;来取;来拿to arrive somewhere in order to do sth or get sth

4.[i]来(尤指相聚、往某地或出席活动)to move or travel, especially with sb else, to a particular place or in order to be present at an event

奔跑、匆忙等running/hurrying etc.

5.[i]~ doing sth (+ adv.prep.)(以某种方式)来;边…边来to move in a particular way or while doing sth else


6.[i]+ noun行进(某段距离)to travel a particular distance


7.[i]发生to happen

8.[t]~ to do sth(用于疑问句,表示怎么或为什么)used in questions to talk about how or why sth happened

位置;状态to a position/state

9.[i]+ adv./prep.位于,处于(某位置)to have a particular position

10.[i]~ to/into sth(用于许多词组)达到,进入(某种状态)used in many expressions to show that sth has reached a particular state

11.[i]可提供;有(货)to be available or to exist in a particular way

12.[i][t]成为;变成;变得to become

13.[t]~ to do sth达到(认识、理解或相信的程度)to reach a point where you realize, understand or believe sth


大多数含 come 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词或形容词相关词条找到,如 come a cropper 在词条 cropper 下。Most idioms containingcome are at the entries for the nouns or adjectives in the idioms, for examplecome a cropper is atcropper .

be as clever, stupid, etc. as they come

非常聪明(或愚蠢等)to be very clever, stupid, etc.

come again?

(要求重复)再说一遍,你说什么来着used to ask sb to repeat sth

come and go

来去;来往;自由走动to arrive and leave; to move freely

come easily, naturally, etc. to sb

(对某人而言)轻而易举(或生来就会等)to be easy, natural, etc. for sb to do

come over (all) faint, dizzy, giddy, etc.

突然感到昏眩(或眩晕、头晕等)to suddenly feel ill/sick or faint

come to nothing|not come to anything

不成功;失败;毫无成果to be unsuccessful; to have no successful result

come to that|if it comes to that

(引出与刚提及的事物相关的事)说起…来,既然如此,假如那样的话used to introduce sth extra that is connected with what has just been said

come what may

不管出现什么问题;无论有什么困难;不管怎样despite any problems or difficulties you may have

how come (…)?

(用以表示不理解情况是如何发生的,希望得到解释)怎么回事,怎么发生的,怎样解释used to say you do not understand how sth can happen and would like an explanation

not come to much

不重要;无关紧要;不成功to not be important or successful

to come

将来;未来的in the future

when it comes to sth/to doing sth

当涉及某事(或做某事)时when it is a question of sth

where sb is coming from

(决定某人言论的)某人的全部背景somebody's ideas, beliefs, personality, etc. that makes them say what they have said

写出下列动词的中文和过去式_百度知道 ... 5.看 sees 6. comes 7.学习 studys ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... floyd n. 佛洛伊德 comes [天]伴星;[动]伴引血管 comedian n. 喜剧演员 ...


用所给词的适当形式填空_百度知道 ... 2.ourselves enjoy oneself 过得快乐,过得快活 3.comes 到来 4.difference 区别 ...


寂静岭5开头唱歌的那个女的是谁... ... To haunt you... 对你纠缠不休! For silence,comes 无止无休……在寂静中,又来


Read and fill in the bianks.(填空)_百度知道 ... watch 看 复数 comes 来自 第三人称单数 like 喜欢 复数 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... floyd n. 佛洛伊德 comes [天]伴星;[动]伴引血管 comedian n. 喜剧演员 ...


求中远 航海英语三副二副题库 -... ... Contains-- 包含,容纳 Comes-- 来,来临,到达,出现 The pilotage form-- 引航签证单 ...

That's true. And as you know, the majority of our export sales revenue comes from the U. K. 对。你知道,我们的出口销售主要来源于英国。
And when it comes to pushing them out of the nest, he definitely helps out with that. 把小鸟们踢离巢穴时,他当然也会帮它们一把。
The cycle of good and bad fortune is like the rise and fall of a roller coaster: What goes up inevitably comes down. 好运-坏运的周而复始就好像过山车的上升和跌落。上去的必然要下来。
So the owner of the shop goes in back and comes out with an absolutely gorgeous full-length coat. 于是,店主到后面找出一件富丽堂皇的落地貂皮大衣。
Don't get caught up in the game and worry so much about being popular during your teen years, because most of life comes after. 不要沉溺于攀比的游戏中,不要为在青少年时代走红而大伤脑筋,人的一生还长着呢!
Soon the bear comes up to the fat man, and even puts its nose to his mouth and ears. 不久,熊出没最多的胖子,甚至提出了他的嘴巴鼻子和耳朵。
In 1945 the retrocession of Taiwan made it a reality "Taiwan comes back to consolidate Chinese nation" which Dr. Sun championed. 1945年,台湾光复,实现了中山先生倡导的“恢复台湾,巩固中华”,然只有短短的4年。
We've already talked about it a little but I feel it really comes into its own with ships. 我们已经初步的讨论过了,但我感觉应该深入舰船来具体的讨论一下。
Whenever I'm in a relationship with anyone, regardless of their position, I'm trying to remember that what comes out of them is from them. 无论什么时候,我都处在与人的关系之中,无论他的职位如何。我试图牢记一点,那就是出自他们的即源自他们。
They will likely continue to lag for at least a year, until the next phone comes out, and possibly further. 他们很可能会继续落后至少1年,等到下一款电话或者更久才会注意到这个问题。
If you're a college student applying for jobs or summer internships , you're at something of a disadvantage when it comes to negotiation. 如果你是一个大学生,准备开始找份工作或是一个夏季的实习机会,你有时会发现你在面试谈判中处在弱势。
If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house, and do not say to him, Rejoice! 若有人到你们那里,不是传讲这教训,不要接他到家里,也不要对他说,愿你喜乐;
"When it comes to energy security, our policy is not directed against any single country. It's just a matter of being cautious, " he said. 巴罗佐表示:“说到能源安全,我们的政策是不针对任何一个国家。这只是保持谨慎而已。”
We might as well make hay while the sun shines. Let us finish the task before the boss comes back from his business trip. 我们不妨利用大好时机。让我们在老板出差回来前,把任务完成了。
Everything here, media-wise at least, comes with a bit of hype-and-deflectionism. 中国的一切,至少是媒体的报道,都有点失真或者说有失偏颇。
'The interaction that comes in with the Web browser is going to be phenomenal, ' she said. 刘易斯说,微软网络浏览器产生的影响将会十分巨大。
When a good player comes out you know you are not on your own, so even if ideally you would wait one or two more years, you cannot any more. 当一个好球员出现时,你很清楚不止你一个在窥觑,因此即使你觉得最好可以等多一两年再动手,但你却无法再等。
Wars shall cease and unity through understanding shall be born in human regions around the globe as this comes to be so. 当这变得如此之时,战争将会停止,而通过理解出现的统一将会诞生在全世界的人类居住地区。
Walking eastward along Nanjing Road, one finally comes to a very beautiful area bordering the bank of the Huangpu River. 沿着南京路向东走,走到尽头,是靠黄浦江江岸的一个很美的地区。
Her third husband seems to be a stand-up guy: A man with his own business who doesn't drink, not into porn, and comes home every night. 她第三任丈夫看上去很可靠:一个不酗酒,不好色,每晚按时回家的好男人。
This milestone comes at a time when both governments recognise that relations between the two countries have never been better, nor closer. 这是一个里程碑式的伟大时刻,两国政府一致认为英中两国之间的联系日益密切,达到了前所未有的良好局面。
When your husband or boyfriend comes home ask him for his passport and credit card. Check him in. 当你的丈夫或者男朋友回家时,请他出示护照和信用卡,帮他办理入住手续。
Well Melchizedek comes up in the text of Genesis without us knowing anything else about him. 麦基洗德在《创世纪》里出现时,没有任何关于他的其他描写。
but something or other comes up and i just don't seem to have the time to find the time. 可是总有这样那样的事,似乎就是抽不出空
But if he comes from the West, do not get up on your housetops to see because he will have no mercy. 但是如果他从西方来,不能起床看见你的屋顶因为他没有了慈悲。
And when the soul comes tapping at the door, it's time to let him in. 当潜意识来敲门时就该让它进来
And, since the information comes directly from Express, it is always up-to-date. 而且,由于信息直接从Express发出,所以始终是最新的。
Similarly, says Fisk , it "doesn't make sense" to turn off Ulysses just as the Sun comes to the end of a 22-year magnetic cycle. 与此相似,此时关闭尤利西斯也“毫无意义”,因为太阳正迎来其22年磁周期的终结。
His mother kept encouraging him to get a "real" job, the kind that comes with an office and a boss. 他的妈妈不断地鼓励他找一份“真正的”工作,就是那种有一间办公室、有一个老板的工作。
And you will see after a while that you get permanent deformation, then it no longer comes back to its original length. 你会看到不久后,它会发生永久变形,它不会再回到,原长。