comfort zone

  • n.舒适区;最佳状态
  • 网络舒适圈;舒适地带;舒适区域

复数:comfort zones

comfort zonecomfort zone

comfort zone


1.舒适区,放松区,安乐窝(尤指自我放松、不追求更高成就的状态)a place or situation in which you feel safe or comfortable, especially when you choose to stay in this situation instead of trying to work harder or achieve more

2.最佳状态a state in which you feel confident and are performing at your best


舒适区Comfort zone)指的是一个人所表现的心理状态和习惯性的行为模式,人会在这种状态或模式中感到舒适。编辑本段 …


舒适圈 (comfort Zone),意思是形容所有人都生活在一个无形的圈子里,在圈内有熟悉的环境,与认识的人相处,做自己会做的 …


阻止发挥潜力的劲敌是舒适地带comfort zone),要追求进步,卖出舒适地带,走入“学习地带”(learning zone),学习地带 …


舒适区域Comfort zone)座弓: 铬钼钢 性能: 0分/0次价格: 0分/0次外观: 0分/0次2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 DT S…


不是安於自己的安乐窝(comfort zone),而是一直的开展自己劳碌;信心的增长;更加开展,将福音传到你们以外的地方 c、 指 …


人在安全地带(Comfort Zone)下生活,很容易会出现「温水煮蛙」的情况。安全是另一种危险,将令你失去改变的机会、失去创 …


人的成长需要离开安舒区(Comfort Zone),走过挣扎区(Groan Zone),才能走到成长区(Growth Zone)。『安舒区』是指一个人 …


三、你将如何让自己皆得舒适?舒适带(Comfort Zone)个人生活状态上的一个期望窗口图1-1成长(Growth)成长是在你走出舒适 …

We need to know, and let it be known, that doubt is just a feeling that comes to us when we are about to step out of our comfort zone. 我们需要知道,并且深刻了解的一点就是,当我们准备踏出自己的安乐窝,寻找另一片天地时,那种踌躇犹豫的感觉总是如影随形,如期而至的。
Stretch yourself. Get out of your comfort zone and aggressively seek out the so-called "hidden job" market. 充分的展示自己,那自己离开那些“舒服区域”,积极地去寻找那些所谓的“隐藏着的”工作机会。
Such stretching is exactly what scientists say best keeps a brain in tune: get out of the comfort zone to push and nourish your brain. 这种扩张是精确的。科学家认为这是最好的保持大脑协调的途径。避开使你感到舒适的地带,推动以及养育你自己的大脑。
Realise it can be fun to get out of your comfort zone despite what your mind and feelings might be telling you before you get started. 若你能意识到这点,不管你在此之前有什么想法和感情都可以助你逃离安逸。
You need to get out of your comfort zone and work for one year as volunteer in a village. 你应该走出自己狭小的舒适环境,到一个村庄去一年做义工。
The birds would not be able to find food until they start to take action and fly out of their comfort zone. 只有当鸟儿们真正采取行动并且飞出它们的安乐窝,它们才能找到食物。
Next time you get into a comfort zone with your business just take some time to ask yourself, "Am I there yet? " 下一次,当你的生意进入一个较好的阶段,就花点时间问问自己“我到了吗?”
This means frequently stepping out of your comfort zone to meet his needs, including roughhousing and playing with your son any way you can. 这意味着要经常走出你的安乐区去满足他的需要,包括以你所能的任何方式和你的儿子大吵大闹和玩耍。
If the business requires you to go way outside your comfort zone, it might be better to find something that closely mirrors your skills. 如果你的事业要求你走出安逸的现状,那么就找能够发挥你技能的事业。
We know it is not easy to step out of your comfort zone, for you have allowed others to make you doubt yourself and your abilities. 我知道跨出舒适的安乐窝并非易事,因为你被他人影响,总是怀疑否定自己能力。
The goal of his project, which he plans to write a book about when he's done, is to force himself out of his comfort zone. 他实行这个计划的目的是为了强迫自己从安逸的生活中走出来。他会把自己的经历写成一本书。
Maybe you think it is out of your comfort zone. Maybe it seems too difficult. Or maybe, it is just inconvenient. 或许尝试新事物让你感到不在舒服的区域内,或许它似乎太难了,更或许它只是不太方便而已。
I stepped out of my comfort zone and asked a work colleague if she was interested in going to the theatre with me. 我准备舒服的娱乐一下,并且邀请我的同事如果她有兴趣打算和我一起去剧院。
The editor encouraged him to move out of his comfort zone and try some investigative reporting. 编辑鼓励他大胆走出自己得心应手的领域,尝试做一些调查性报道。
To be honest, I've never been on this side or the fence before and I'm a little out of my comfort zone. 说老实话,在我踏出我胡舒适区之前,我从没有涉及过这个方面。
In other words, ya gotta stretch yourself, get uncomfortable, get out of your comfort zone, and then keep getting out. 从另一种角度来说,你得“拉伸”自己,让自己从舒适的小窝里出来,变得不舒服,然后继续往外走。
So don't avoid new challenges -- seek them out, step out of your comfort zone, don't be afraid to ask for help. 所以不要逃避挑战,跳出你是舒适区,不要害怕求助。
This is one of the best ways to overcome fears and get out of your comfort zone. 这是一个你克服恐并且惧摆脱舒适环境最好的方法。
The goal that makes you stretch just a little bit outside of your comfort zone is the best goal. 最好的目标应该使你实现起来稍微有些困难,而不是太舒适。
Rapport is the establishment of common ground, of a comfort zone where two or more people can mentally join together. 和谐融洽建立于共同的立场之上,而且双方都能够愉悦自在地参与到谈话中来。
Growing up, I wanted to be totally independent, challenged and do things that would take me completely out of my comfort zone. 随着我渐渐长大成人,我越来越希望完全独立、接受挑战、彻底脱离安逸的环境。
Try it out. Play around with a new idea. Do something strange. If you never leave your comfort zone, you won't grow. 不断尝试新想法,做点奇怪的、疯狂的事情。如果你永远不肯脱离自己的舒服的世界,那你永远不会成长。
Make friends with the fear that tells you you're doing something real and important, that you're breaking out of your comfort zone. 和恐惧交朋友,它在告诉你正在做某件重要、真实的事情,你在冲出舒适区。
If you need to get out of here, let me know where your comfort zone is. 如果你要离开这儿只管告诉我你要去哪儿
Some professors are reluctant to teach outside their comfort zone or to share their classrooms for team teaching with other faculty. 一些教授不愿意传授自己擅长领域之外的东西,或者不愿意与其他教师共同授课。
When you are stuck in a bit of fear, when you get stuck in your comfort zone then you are closed up. 当你遇到阻碍并觉得有一点害怕,你便走进你的自我保护区并把自己封闭起来。
It's easy to get stuck. Nestle yourself deeper and deeper into that warm, safe and comforting comfort zone. 人很容易就被困住,人经常将自己深深地放置在那温暖、安全和舒适的区域。
Then learn something new. get out of your comfort zone. 那就去学点新东西,离开你那舒服的小窝。
While it's good to get outside your comfort zone, it's not necessary to explode out of it. 走出你熟悉的圈子是好的,但必要走得太远。
As you start to address these six situations and use the tips, you will find that you are outside of your comfort zone. 当你开始解决这六个情况,使用这些提示,你就会发现你不在自己的”安乐窝“中。