
美 [ˈkɑˌment]英 [ˈkɒment]
  • n.评论;评语;注解
  • v.评论

复数:comments 现在分词:commenting 过去式:commented

brief comment,fair comment,sarcastic comment,rude comment
make comment,spokesman comment,offer comment


Mr. He's comments represent the highest-level response so far to Google's statement last week that it might have to leave the market. 何亚非这番话是中国方面迄今为止对谷歌上周有关可能不得不离开中国市场这一声明的最高级别回应。
Anyway, this is only my opinion. I'd like to listen to what you think. Please feel free to leave your opinions in the comments . 不过,这仅仅是我的观点。我很想听听大家的想法。请在留言中畅所欲言。
No doubt Davey Birdsong's comments would be featured in reports next day because the P&Ifp leader was, as usual, making colorful copy. 毫无疑问,戴维·伯德桑的话一定会刊载在明天的报道里,因为电力为人民服务会的头头象通常一样又制造了吸引人的材料。
The council said the comments and sketches breached regulations, adding they went "too far in terms of Canadian broadcast standards. " 委员会称,该节目的内容和形式触犯了条例,并称他们“严重违反了加拿大广播行业标准”。
The book uses Visual C++ programming, program examples of rich, thorough explanation, source code comments clear, easy to understand. 全书使用VisualC++编程,程序实例丰富,讲解透彻,源代码注释清晰,容易理解。
He read my spec! He probably just wants to ask me a few questions about the comments in the margins! 他读了我的说明,他的问题可能正记在说明的空白处。
The comments from local people showed how much it is needed. 从当地人的评论就知道他们的表现是多么的必要啊。
As for your comments, if you care to make, or discussions and experiences that you wish to share as well, will be highly appreciated. 欢迎各位访客就此发表评论,或者讨论以及分享自己的经历。
In the light of her mother's comments, her love had no limit. 根据她母亲的评论,她的爱是没有限度的。
Mr Yoon's comments seem to be aimed at affecting market sentiment and real action will be taken after he sees the outcome of the summit. 尹增铉的讲话似乎旨在影响市场情绪,他会在看到峰会结果后才真正采取行动。
In his comments at the White House he made clear once again that he believes Hamas is using the people of Gaza to achieve militant ends. 布什在白宫的讲话再次明确表示,他认为哈马斯在利用加沙人民达到军事目的。
Her comments come a day after the Cuban leader said he was prepared to enter wide-ranging discussions with Washington. 该评论是在古巴领导人表示将与美国进行广泛对话后作出的。
In case of any comments on my reply to your questions, please let me know. 对于我以上对你所提出的问题的回复,如你有新的意见,请告诉我。
Analysts said the already nervous mood among eurozone investors had not been helped by comments from various European policymakers. 分析师表示,欧洲政策制定者们发表的言论,也加剧了欧元区投资者的紧张情绪。
The president said he made his comments because new information pointed to a serious breach of national security. 奥巴马说,他之所以发表上述言论,是因为新信息显示美国国家安全出现了一个严重的漏洞。
He is often ridiculed in the UK for his embarrassing comments he makes when talking to people. 在英国,他经常会因跟别人说话的时的那些令人难堪的话语被嘲笑。
Please sign in and add your comments below and tell us what you think about the WCF PRO concept. 请登录并添加您的评论如下,请告诉我们您想周转基金专业概念。
Astor attracted a great deal of attention, much of it for her caustic and witty comments. 阿斯特吸引了大量的注意力,很大一部分都是因为她那些刻薄而诙谐的各种评论。
Part Two suggested a few good resources to help you get more comments on your blog and use them to build a sense of online community. 第二部分我们介绍了一些帮助你获得更多评论的方式以及用他们建立起一种在线社区的感觉。
The Vatican said it considered the case closed and added there was no point dredging up the "deplorable" comments in a legal battle. 梵蒂冈表示,它认为该事件已经结束,没有必要为这种“可悲”的言论闹上法庭。
It's time to vamp it up or wolf it out in the comments. . . whatever you prefer. 好了,无论你怎么选择,在评论上写下变成吸血鬼或狼人的时间到了
As you have observations about these sites be sure to leave feedback in the comments for the rest of us. 看完这些站点后,别忘了在评论栏里留下你的反馈,以便大家共享。
The evaluation team agrees that this question should not be scored. Enter NA into the Score box and explain reasons on COMMENTS page. 评估团队同意不记分的这些问题,记分箱内输进NA,并在注释页解释原因。
Thank you for your interest in Committ System Pte Ltd products and services. We would like to hear any comments or requests you may have. 感谢您对康密的产品和服务有兴趣,我们很乐意的想知道您的意见和需要。
It's identical to what I've shown in the article, but every line is explained through comments. 它与文章中介绍的代码完全相同,但是每一行都包含详细的注释。
Now, let me close my comments by telling you that whenever I feel something very deeply, it usually takes the form of verse. 现在,让我再告诉一件事来结束我的讲话,无论何时我感触很深的时候,它通常带着诗歌的形式。
Be sure to let us know what you think by sending your comments and suggestions to spe@us. ibm. com. 请将您的评论和建议发送到,让我们了解您的想法。
During his visit to the Children's National Medical Center, President Obama referred to those comments. 奥巴马总统在造访全国儿童医疗中心时谈到了上述言论。
Wang Wen likes to speak out his opinions at home. In the same manner, he likes to express his comments at school as well. 王文喜欢在家里发表意见,同样的,他也喜欢在学校里发表意见。
If you want to leave a message of support for a true club legend, then you can do so in the comments box on this story. 如果你愿意,请在评论框留言给我们的传奇人物(下附网址)。