
美 [ˈkɑmpɪtənt]英 [ˈkɒmpɪtənt]
  • adj.足以胜任的;有能力的;称职的;合格的
  • 网络能胜任的;能干的

competent manager,competent government,competent person,competent work,competent lawyer


1.足以胜任的;有能力的;称职的having enough skill or knowledge to do sth well or to the necessary standard

3.有决定权的having the power to decide sth


形容人性格的词汇 ... candid 正直的 competent 能胜任的; constructive 建设性的 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... izer 东西) competent 有能力的) petulant a (脾气)暴躁的 ...


新编大学英语单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... caliber n. 能力, 才干 competent a. 能干的 covet v. 觊觎 ...


常用前缀 - 豆丁网 ... absent (不在场的), competent (称职的), confident (有信心的), ...


690个英语四级高频词汇 ... compete vi. 竞争,比赛 244. competent a. 有能力的,能胜任的 245. competition n. 竞争,比赛 246…

Indeed, the report goes on to say that some of the attacks could have amounted to a genocide, "if proved before a competent court. " 甚至,报告继续指出,“如果被放在一个有能力的法庭上”,这样的一些攻击已经达到了种族屠杀的规模。
as you know, every assistant is expected to be competent and industrious! 正如你所知,每个助手都被期待着是胜任的和勤勉的!
I see you as very responsible, competent and mature enough to assist me to direct my life to a positive direction in life. 我看见您如非常负责任,能干和足够成熟协助我指挥我的生活到正向在生活中。
In fact, the causality is often reversed, as temperamentally-easy children enable their parents to feel competent. 事实上,因果关系常常颠倒,性格好的孩子使他们的父母感到能干。
For asset stories, we want at least to see competent management that won't mess up the value of the assets we've identified. 关于资产的故事,我们至少想看到不会把我们认可的资产价值搞糟的、胜任的管理团队。
Through the wind power plant operation experience in recent years, the competent departments changed on the understanding of the wind power. 通过近几年风电厂运行经验,主管部门改变了对风电的认识。
It occurred to me that young people must be capable of functioning as competent adults, or the human race quite probably would not exist. 这让我想起年轻人必须得成为合格的成人,否则人类无法存在。
'The important thing now is Australia has stable and competent government for the next three years, ' he said. 他说,如今重要的是澳大利亚在今后三年内拥有一个稳定、有能力的政府。
Better to start with the presidency, since no fundamental economic reform is possible without a competent head of state. 从总统开始进行比较好,因为没有重大的经济改革,就不会是一个称职的国家元首。
Chapter 4 proves Xiao Qian is competent enough to be a good writer-cum-translator and has his own understanding of translation. 第四章首先证实萧乾具备作为一名合格变译译者的条件,并分析其翻译原则和态度。
You can expect a competent vendor to understand your environment and be able to work with you to size each infrastructure layer. 有能力的运营商可以理解您的环境,能够更好地评估每个基础结构层的规模。
If your car is due for plug replacement and you're not up to the task, a competent shop should be able to do the work for a reasonable fee. 如果你的车到了该换火花塞了,而你又不能胜任,一个高水平的维修商铺将能以合适的价位帮你完成。
This makes it a fine addition to the electrode conductivity, but also competent in the work of special circumstances. 这使得它作为电极具有除优良的导电性外,还可以胜任在特殊环境下的工作。
Yang Yong said, he gave more than 10 competent security, the anti-drug agencies of the anonymous letter report, but did not reply. 杨勇说,他给10多个主管治安、缉毒的机构发过匿名举报信,但都没有回音。
How did you get along with your colleagues? B: They were all nice guys and I was always regarded as a competent driver in the company. 你和同事们关系怎么样啊?他们人都很好,大家也认为我在公司是称职的司机。
It used to be the case that a competent journalist could cover any story that was put before of him or her. 过去有一种情况是这样的,一名能干的记者能够报道任何摆在他(她)面前的故事。
If the competent authority makes no response within the specified time, the contract shall be deemed to have been approved. 审批机关逾期未予答复的,视为合同获得批准。
Even if the top management is competent, it is often pressured into expanding staff for political reasons. 即使上层管理人员胜任工作,他们也往往迫于政治原因而扩充人员。
Competent key managers and gaming experts help you to overcome any problem you might have. 胜任的管理人员和游戏专家能够帮你解决你可能遇到的所有问题。
Observe whether the travel agency staff to promote their products well-trained, competent and can infer the case of travel agency or two. 观察旅行社推销产品的员工是否训练有素,精明强干,即可对旅行社的情形推知一二。
In his inauguration speech, he said ministers in his administration must be "competent and just" . 在他的就职演讲中,卡尔扎伊表示政府部门官员必须“能力卓越且公正正义”。
Chapter II analyzed Zhu Xi's "up and down link up" in philosophical system and his "Competent and Factoring" philosophy of courses. 第二章分析了朱熹“上下贯通”的哲学体系与其“合和融通”的课程哲学。
Article 6 The right to inheritance or legacy of a competent person shall be exercised on his behalf by his statutory agent. 第六条无行为能力人的继承权、受遗赠权,由他的法定代理人代为行使。
He was such a competent governor that every time when he wanted to leave that place, people there would cry and beg him to stay. 他是如此地兢兢业业,以至于每次想要离开南柯的时候,南柯老百姓都哭求他留下。
With my excellent vocational technical ability, I am capable of this work and I think I am competent at it. 凭借我良好的职业技能,我可以胜任自己的工作,而且我认为自己很有竞争力。
When he was asked how he chose members of his team, Mr Jobs said he always looked for bright and competent people. 当别人请教乔布斯如何选择团队成员时,他说他总是寻找聪慧而有能力的人。
He was valorous and competent, there was never any doubt of that -- but he lacked confidence in his abilities, and he lacked experience. 他英勇无畏且富有能力,人们从不怀疑这一点。但是他对他自己的能力缺少自信,并且他缺乏经验。
You are insecure It is not possible to say whether you are unreasonable or not; but it is clear that you are not a competent manager. 我们无法说你合理还是不合理;但有一点很明确,你不是一名称职的管理者。
She was competent, she did her job, but the thing about her that stood out was her legs and those shorts. 她工作认真负责,干劲儿十足,但最突出的仍是她短裙下的那双美腿。
Mather once was a competent head of a kindergarten, she stressed to cultivate me with every respect when I was young. 妈妈曾是一位优秀的幼儿园园长,在我小时候就重视培养我全面发展。