
美 [kənˈsɜrnd]英 [kənˈsɜː(r)nd]
  • adj.担心的;忧虑的;感兴趣的;关切的
  • v.“concern”的过去分词和过去式

people concerned,government concerned,party concerned,person concerned,concerned official
deeply concerned,especially concerned,extremely concerned,particularly concerned,greatly concerned


1.担心的;忧虑的worried and feeling concern about sth

2.~ (about/with sth)感兴趣的;关切的;关注的interested in sth

As far as he was concerned he was a real lady killer. And if he had the money to back up his imagined charm, he was a hotshot with women. 只要他明白他自己是一个真正的女士杀手,并且他有金钱去打造自己的迷人形象,他会迷倒许多女性。
He gazed fixedly at nothing in particular, as if he were thinking of something which concerned her not at all. 他的目光久久凝视着前方,并不特别看什么东西,好像他在想一些完全和她无关的事。
He said he was concerned that the added sanctions will harm people in Iran. 他说,他担心更多的制裁将伤害伊朗的民众。
Mr Peelo said Mr Ahern had during the period concerned sought tax advice "from time to time" but did not give the name of any adviser used. Peelo先生说,埃亨先生在有关期间“不时”寻求税务咨询,但他没有给出税务顾问的名字。
It has now been a year since the leak was plugged, though, and investors are concerned the company isn't moving forward. 但是漏油已经防堵一年了,投资者担忧这家公司并没有向前发展。
The agency said it had become concerned at the weak recovery and an insufficient improvement in the public finances. 标普表示,英国经济复苏疲弱和公共财政状况改善乏力确实令人担忧。
What I mean is people are just concerned with who you buy, but at the moment when a guy asks me 'will the transfer market be very busy? 我的意思是人们只关心你买谁,但是当一个人问我‘转会窗将会很忙碌吗?’
You may be a bit concerned about how much you'll need to spend to attend this event, but it seems special and well worth the expense. 你可能会有些在意参与这一事会花费自己多少,但是这却是值得花费的。
As far as language implementation is concerned, the current C language standard allows the "long long" data type to be at least 64 bits. 在语言实现方面,目前的C语言标准要求“longlong”数据类型至少是64位的。
Some were concerned that this would be a diversion for more pressing issues, but really- on quick executive decision and it's dealt with! 有些人认为这会转移大家对更重要议题的注意力,但说真的–为了他们快速的决断与处理方式而喝采吧!
China is ready to strengthen consultations and cooperation with all parties concerned on the issue. 中方愿就朝核问题同有关各方加强磋商和合作。
though, as far as she was herself concerned, it was no remedy for the absence of Mrs. 不过就她自己而言,这怎么也补偿不了韦斯顿太太离去造成的损失。
He said the United States had long been concerned about whether the September agreement could be implemented. 他说,美国长期以来一直关注津巴布韦9月份达成的权力分享协议是否能得到落实。
Haha, I'll say, the reason must be concerned about him, or you won't be so anxious. 呵呵,我就说嘛,肯定是跟他有关,不然你不会这么急。
Yes, it was. As far as I'm concerned, I'm never going to see another movie like that again. 真的。对我而言,我再也不想看那种电影了。
The writer-director often invests his scripts with the sort of advice a concerned clergyman might give the wandering faithful. 作家,导演往往与投资有关的咨询意见一牧师可能会给他的流浪忠实排序脚本。
Regulators are concerned because some of those other drugs have been showing up in the slaughterhouse testing. 监管者们之所以担忧是因为那些药物在屠宰场的检测中已经被发现。
However, the guarantor, like the issuer of a documentary credit, is concerned not with the fact of default, but only with documents. 但是,如同跟单信用证的开证人一样,担保人仅仅处理单据,而不考察事实上是否发生了违约。
By the noon of the next day, even the branch chief was concerned over her disappearance. 到了第二天中午的时候,这件事连站长也惊动了。
As you were pregnant, so far as your hormonal balance is concerned, an abortion is physiologically just one ofthe ways it may end. 由于怀孕,在一定程度上关系到你的荷尔蒙平衡,流产只是生理上的终止方法之一。
China has provided more applause, more honor and, of course, more profit where this scientist is concerned than any other countries. 比起其他的国家就这位科学家而言,中国给予了他更多的掌声,更多的荣誉,当然更多的收益。
The government department that deals with the matter concerned does not keep statistics. 处理有关事务的政府部门没有做统计。
Any regime as palpably concerned about the free flow of information, knows well that ideas about freedom might be very popular. 任何顾虑信息的自由流通的政权都很清楚地知道自由思想将有可能很受欢迎。
WHO also understands that there is ongoing dialogue among the parties concerned to resolve the matter. 世卫组织还了解到,有关各方正为解决这一问题进行对话。
'Mary and I were both concerned about it -- I think she a bit more than I, ' Bill Sr. says. 盖茨的父亲说,我和玛丽都对他的决定很担心,我想她比我还要更加担心一点儿;
Alanis, 33, received the certificate in the state, said he do not care about honor, only concerned about those five-year-old child. 33岁的阿拉尼斯在州政府接受证书后表示,自己不在乎荣誉称号,只关心那些五六岁的孩子。
Cummings said that she had not been overly concerned about flying, but that her 15-year-old son had worried the plane might explode. Cummings夫人说她并没有因此对飞行感到过度担心,但是她15岁的儿子却担心飞机会发生爆炸。
She was not concerned that she was dying. The breaking of the heart was that her son did not want her. 她并不在意自己正在死去,而使她心碎的是他儿子抛弃了她。
The question that she continued to come up against, however, concerned internal radiation. 但是,她遇到的问题是关于体内辐射的。
"I remain very concerned about the direction of our trade policies at a time of economic peril, " he said. “在这个经济困难的关头,我仍对我们贸易政策的方向表示担心。”他说。