
美 [kənˈklud]英 [kənˈkluːd]
  • v.达成;断定;得出结论;终止
  • 网络结束;推断出;终结

第三人称单数:concludes 现在分词:concluding 过去式:concluded

conclude transaction,conclude deal,conclude agreement,conclude treaty,conclude negotiation



1.[t]断定;推断出;得出结论to decide or believe sth as a result of what you have heard or seen

2.[i][t](使)结束,终止to come to an end; to bring sth to an end

3.[t]~ sth (with sb)达成,订立,缔结(协定)to arrange and settle an agreement with sb formally and finally


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... contemporary 同时代的 conclude 结束;总结 confirm 坚定;证实 ...


定_百度百科 ... (16) 止;停止[ stop] (17) 判定,断定[ conclude] (1) 一定[ certainly] ...


人教版高中英语必修5单词_百度文库 ... scientific 科学的 adj. conclude 结束;推断出 vt.&vi. conclusion 结论;结束 ...


英语学习基本词汇 - 豆丁网 ... concert 音乐会 conclude 得出结论(动) condition 条件 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... enclosure n 包围,围绕 conclude v 结论;终结 conclusive a 决定性的;结论性的 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... contemporary 同时代的 conclude 结束;总结 confirm 坚定;证实 ...

Yet it would be wrong for companies to conclude that they can forget about trying to be good. 然而,如果公司认为可以忘记努力行善的事情就大错特错了。
She once promises me, at a time found out the blue heart soul of You solves to conclude a disease for her, would wed me. 她答应过我,只要找到了幽蓝心魄替她解了结症,才会嫁给我。
When you conclude this step, the SOAP for CICS message adapter for the existing program WBCSCUST is now ready to process service requests. 当结束该步骤后,用于CICS的SOAP消息适配器(用于现有的WBCSCUST程序)可处理服务请求。
Allow me to conclude by once more thanking the judges for their kind cooperation and by wishing each of the speakers the very best of luck. 容我再一次感谢裁判的合作,以及祝每一位演讲者事事如意,来作为结束。
"Global imbalances" have been seen as a threat for so long that it's tempting to conclude that the world economy is, in fact, in harmony. “全球失衡”被视为一种威胁的时间已经太久,因此,得出全球经济事实上处于和谐状态的结论,是件颇为诱人的事情。
Any balanced view of American history will conclude that this sense of appreciation is well warranted. 任何对美国历史的中立观点都将得出结论,即这个意义上的感激非常必要。
These have been very pleasant days in Peking, and I'm happy that this phase of my visit should conclude in such a congenial atmosphere. 在北京的这些日子是令人十分愉快的,而且我感到高兴的是,我在这一阶段的访问能够在这样意气相投的气氛中结束。
And I'll just conclude by noting that the Prime Minister is going to Addis Ababa to attend the meeting of the African Union. 在结束我的讲话时,我想提请大家注意,土耳其总理即将到亚的斯亚贝巴参加非洲联盟会议。
To conclude, it means that She uses various appearances as a means of spreading the Truth. 总括来说,她的打扮是传播真理的一种方式而已。
It would have been easy to conclude that the tide of history was simply resuming its usual flow towards greater inequality. 这样看来,我们似乎很容易认定,历史的浪潮不过是沿着其惯常的轨迹,朝着不平等继续发展。
However, the two clubs seem to be agreed on the desire to conclude the operation and even the player wants to come to us. 尽管如此,但是两家俱乐部看起来都有完成这笔交易的愿望,而且球员本身也希望加盟尤文图斯。
UNSCIENTIFIC studies conclude that if you were to ask ten Koreans, "What is the one thing you cannot live without? " 一项民间的研究显示,如果你问10个韩国人:“你生活中最不可或缺的一样东西是什么?”
The authors conclude by sketching the core principles of the new communications policy paradigm that currently seems to be emerging. 作者在文章结尾处勾画了正在显现的新传播政策范式的核心原则。
It seems safe to conclude that couples with relatively normal semen parameters should have sex daily for up to a week before ovulation date. 断定相对正常精液参数夫妇排卵期之前,应该每天有性jiaozhi一个星期,似乎是安全的。
We trust that through our close cooperation we shall be able to conclude some transactions with you in the near future. 我们深信,通过双方密切合作,我们能在不久的将来做成几笔生意。
Loesser could only conclude that she'd finally decided to stop him and was waiting for an opportune time. Loesser只能得出这样的结论:她终于决定要等待一个有利时机结束他。
From which, one can conclude that this subject is already perfect in this regard, and is the fundamental hypothesis of this whole process. 从那里,我们可以盖棺论定说,主体在这方面的完美无缺,以及主体在这整个过程,居于基本的假设位置。
"For anyone to conclude that the U. S. market is reaching a level of saturation for us, I think would be a wrong conclusion, " he said. “任何说我们的市场在美国停滞的结论,我想都是错误的。”斯库兹说。
qualitative description is often used to understand , analyze and conclude about spatial environment in large scale space and everyday life. 在大比例尺空间及日常生活中,人们普遍使用定性描述理解、分析和对空间环境下结论。
It would be easy to conclude that the juiciest gains have thus been made, but emerging market specialists will have none of it. 我们很容易得出以下的结论:由此产生了最为丰厚的利润,但新兴市场专家们不会同意这种观点。
It might be more apposite to conclude that promoting efficiency in the domestic service sector is one of the best ways of boosting exports. 做出下列结论可能更为恰当:提高国内服务业的效率,是促进出口的最佳方式之一。
When investors see that, they will mistakenly conclude that he is such a good boss that his old company can no longer thrive without him. 当投资者注意到这一情况时,他们会错误地认为,这个CEO实在了不得,老东家没有他就兴旺不起来了。
"It's too early to conclude that this has been solved, but I think China has been moving in the right direction, " he said. “现在认为通货膨胀已经解决为时过早,但是我认为中国已经向正确的方向行动了。”他说。
To hear lots of comics of your own age talking can lead you to conclude that there is one view of the world, that of your generation. 听那些与你同龄的喜剧演员说笑,可以让你觉得有一种属于你们那一代的相同世界观。
He said that the climate talks due to conclude in Copenhagen in December were fundamental to whether the world moved away from fossil fuels. 他指出即将于12月在哥本哈根达成协议的气候大会对于是否在世界范围内离开化石能源至关重要。
And from those pills we were able to conclude that it was an ammonium nitrate based explosive. 根据这些颗粒,我们就能推断出凶手用硝酸胺制作的炸弹。
a: i'm glad to hear that. as i've just said, i hope to conclude some substantial business with you. 那太好了。正如我刚才所说的,我希望与你们做成一些大买卖。
He said: "The state of the reactor core can not confirm, however, can not conclude that there is no dissolution of nuclear fuel rods. " 他说:“炉心的状态还无法确认,但是,无法断定核燃料棒没有溶解”。
They were forced to conclude that he had no pleasing intelligence to send, but even of that they would have been glad to be certain. 既是没有信来,她们只得以为他没有什么愉快的消息可以报道,即使如此,她们也希看把事情弄个清楚明白。
We would be ready to conclude a deal very quickly, as we need these products to be made available to our client by the end of the year. 我们将准备成交非常快,因为我们需要这些产品将提供给我们的客户在今年年底。