
美 [kənˈdem]英 [kən'dem]
  • v.指责;宣判;判处(某人某种刑罚);迫使…接受困境(或不愉快的状况)
  • 网络谴责;判刑;声讨

第三人称单数:condemns 现在分词:condemning 过去式:condemned

condemn violence,condemn action
strongly condemn



表示不赞成express disapproval

1.~ sb/sth (for/as sth)(通常因道义上的原因而)谴责,指责to express very strong disapproval of sb/sth, usually for moral reasons

处以刑罚sb to punishment

2.[usupass]宣判;判处(某人某种刑罚)to say what sb's punishment will be

把某人置于困境sb to difficult situation

3.[usupass]~ sb to sth迫使…接受困境(或不愉快的状况)to force sb to accept a difficult or unpleasant situation

危险的事物sth dangerous

4.[usupass]~ sth (as sth)宣告使用…不安全to say officially that sth is not safe enough to be used

表明有罪show guilt

5.~ sb证明(或表明)有罪to show or suggest that sb is guilty of sth


雅思词汇表_百度文库 ... concession 让步;承认 condemn 谴责; 宣告…有罪 confess 坦白 ...


新编大学英语单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... committee n. 委员会 condemn v. 谴责;判刑 confines n. 边界 ...


sallyzhao520_新浪博客 ... 13. cap 共同 农业 政策 14. condemn 谴责 定罪 声讨 15. diligence 勤奋 ...


LSAT红宝书1 - 豆丁网 ... concussion 激动,冲击,[医]震荡 condemn 判刑,处刑,声讨,谴责 condemnatory 非难的,处罚的 ...


大学英语四级考试大纲 - 豆丁网 ... concrete n. 混凝土;具体物 condemn vt. 谴责,指责;判刑 condense vt. 压缩,使缩短 ...


quaint的翻译 查词 例句 词组 大耳朵英语 ... levity 轻率, 轻浮, 不稳定... condemn 判刑, 责备, 谴责 ... trass 火山灰... ...


美国明尼苏达州八强牌表 2010年11月24日 ... 3 Jace,the Mind Sculptor 大杰斯 3 Condemn 判罪 2 Elspeth Tirel 小艾提督 ...


雅思词汇表_百度文库 ... concession 让步;承认 condemn 谴责; 宣告…有罪 confess 坦白 ...

But it was too terrible for that When I tried to understand it, I had the feeling I was failing to condemn it as it must be condemned. 但这种心情太可怖了。当我试图去了解其原委时,我就有种感觉,我没法像别人那样去谴责。
Unless Asia has any exclusive "killer apps" of its own, it is hard to see how such a triumph could alone condemn the West to disaster. 除非亚洲拥有自己的独门“杀手锏”,否则很难说这样的胜利就宣告了西方世界将走向毁灭。
Such a deal would be difficult for Mr. Abdullah, experts said, given the temptation for him to condemn the vote as a fraud. 专家们说:鉴于阿卜杜拉的激烈言辞谴责选举舞弊,对他来说,这样的一个妥协会让他很难为情。
He said that he did not condemn the teachers when they took a piece of the strike action themselves, like everybody. 他说如果教师象别人一样举行一次罢教,他不会责备他们。
In London, to say someone has no sense of humour is to condemn them utterly. 在伦敦,说一个人缺乏幽默感,等于是说他一无是处。
There are those who condemn you for that which you KNOW in your heart to be of Truth. 在那里有那么一些人,谴责诽谤你们心中所相信并认知为真理的。
Losing your job is unlikely to condemn you to starvation and death; losing a relationship won't condemn you to a life of unrelenting misery. 一次失业不会让你挨饿受冻,一次失恋也不会让你终生孤苦无依。
I wonder how anyone can have the face to condemn others when he reflects upon his own thoughts. 我真奇怪一个人在对自己的思想进行检讨后怎么还能有脸去谴责别人。
He did not condemn the inability of police to halt the violence, saying officers had been stretched "very thin. " 他没有谴责警方无力制止暴力,而是说官员们已变得“非常脆弱。”
He was one of my earliest supporters and had every right to condemn me. 他是我最早的支持者之一,因而完全有资格批评我。
Yet he continued to condemn overly militarised policies for the rest of his life. 而乔治•凯南终其余生都在谴责过度军事化的政策。
May 20Judge not, and neither condemn, for you know not why a thing occurs, nor to what end. 不要随意断言,也不要随意责罚,你不知道一切如何发生,也不知道怎样收场。
Although the firms condemn the rumour-mongering, stories that Morgan Stanley was looking for a partner continued to swirl. 尽管两家公司对有关摩根斯坦利正为其经营寻找伙伴的流言加以谴责,但这不能阻止其继续传播。
It also led to his falling-out with Sartre, who at the time was still defending the Soviet Union and refusing to condemn the gulags. 此举引发了他和萨特的争执,当时萨特依然一直捍卫苏联,拒绝谴责古拉格集中营。
wonder how anyone can have the face to condemn others when he reflects upon his own thought. 奇怪,有人既然反省了自己的思想,怎么还能有脸去指责别人。
Those Pharisees could not respond, but they were not ready to give up in their efforts to criticize and condemn Jesus. 那些法利赛人不能回应,但是他们没有准备放弃批评和指责耶稣。
As for Cosette, she had not been initiated into any of these secrets; but it would be harsh to condemn her also. 至于珂赛特,她对这些秘密一无所知;要责备她,也未免太苛刻了。
He said the IAEA's board of governors should condemn Tehran and that the Security Council should take up the matter. 他说,国际原子能机构的理事会应该谴责德黑兰,联合国安理会应该处理这件事。
Although many people will condemn his hanging as "victors' justice" , this was no miscarriage of justice in the normal sense of the phrase. 尽管很多人会谴责说这不过是场“胜利者进行的审判”,但是从正常意义上讲这并不能说明审判有什么不公正的地方。
I do not say this to condemn you; I have said before that you have such a place in our hearts that we would live or die with you. 我说这话,不是要定你们的罪。我已经说过,你们常在我们心里,情愿与你们同生同死。
And watching TV coverage for a week, this writer has yet to hear one cop anywhere condemn Crowley's handling of the incident. 笔者看了一周来的电视新闻报道,还没听到哪一个警察对克罗利处理这次事件表示谴责。
Levchenko never condemned him for being what he naturally was, any more than he would condemn a dog for barking. 列夫钦科从来不因他这种本性而怪罪于他,因为那跟怪罪狗为什么要狂吠没什么两样。
The LORD will not leave him in his hand, nor condemn him when he is judged. 耶和华必不撇他在恶人手中,当审判的时候,也不定他的罪。
But it is harsh, to put it mildly, for Prof Easterly to condemn the report when he offers what appears to be even emptier advice. 他在对这份报告横加指责的同时,提供的却是似乎更加空泛的建议。
He kept roaring from the beginning of the morning and everytime the nurse call other patients he would condemn the nurse breaking rules. 从早晨开始他就在门外咆哮个不停,每次护士叫别的病人进来他就说护士违规插队。
response of Russia, and that we strongly condemn bombing outside of South Ossetia, " he said. " 布什说:“我对俄罗斯的过度反应表示了严重关切。我们强烈谴责轰炸南奥塞梯以外地区。”
For he shall stand at the right hand of the poor, to save him from those that condemn his soul. 因为他必站在穷乏人的右边,要救他脱离审判他灵魂的人。
Does it not condemn her to the block, does it not degrade and shame her if she refuses to buy her right to motherhood by selling herself? 它难道没有谴责她到街头,如果她拒绝通过出卖自己来买她的母性的权力,它难道没有贬低和羞侮她吗?
I want you to believe that I will keep my promise, or I should feel that you and everybody else had a right to condemn me. 我要你相信,我是愿意遵守我的诺言的,要不,我就会觉得你和任何人都有权力来谴责我了。
I did not condemn him for what he had done. 我并没有因他的所作所为而指责他。