
美 [kənˈdɪʃ(ə)n]英 [kən'dɪʃ(ə)n]
  • n.条件;状态;疾病
  • v.决定;护理(头发,皮肤)
  • 网络状况;情况;环境

复数:conditions 现在分词:conditioning 过去式:conditioned

good condition,critical condition,stable condition,perfect condition,excellent condition
improve condition,examine condition,treat condition,condition help


n. v.

事物的状态state of sth

1.[u][sing]状态;状况the state that sth is in


2.[u][sing]健康状况the state of sb's health or how fit they are

3.[c](因不可能治愈而长期患有的)疾病an illness or a medical problem that you have for a long time because it is not possible to cure it


4.[pl](居住、工作或做事情的)环境,境况,条件the circumstances or situation in which people live, work or do things

5.[pl](影响某事发生的)物质环境,状态,条件the physical situation that affects how sth happens


6.[c]条件;条款;要件a rule or decision that you must agree to, sometimes forming part of a contract or an official agreement

必要的条件necessary situation

7.[c](先决)条件;前提a situation that must exist in order for sth else to happen

群体状况state of group

8.[sing](某群体的)生存状态,处境the state of a particular group of people because of their situation in life, their problems, etc.


on no condition

无论如何都不;决不not in any situation; never


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... anecdote n 短故事;轶事 condition n 条件 tradition n 传统;传说 ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... concert n. 音乐会;演奏会 condition n. 条件,状况 conference n. (正式的)会议;讨论 ...


仁爱英语八年级下册单词_百度文库 ... standard 标准(的) condition 条件状况;状态; comfortable 使人舒服的;舒适的 ...


情字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 〖mood〗 心情;心境 〖condition情况;端绪 〖vigour;spirit〗 劲头 ...


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... conclude v. 结束,作出结论 condition n. 条件,环境 conduct n. 行为 v.引导,管理 ...


制字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 制艺〖 stereotypedwriting〗 制约condition;restrict;govern〗 制造〖 manufacture;make〗 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... require vt. 需要, 要求, 命令 condition n. 条件, 情形, 环境, 社会地位 earpieces n. 听筒 ...


大学英语四级考试大纲 - 豆丁网 ... condense vt. 压缩,使缩短 condition n. 状况,状态;环境 conduct n. 举止,行为;指导 ...

Maybe you wish to leave soon so that you can find out the latest news of her condition? 或许您想要早点走好关心一下她的最新情况?。
Purchasing a house is one of the few investment vehicles available to Chinese people and is often considered a pre-condition for marriage. 购房是中国人为数不多的几种投资手段之一,有无自己的住房也是青年人能否成婚的必要条件。
If put a condition apt come up to say, indeed is greatly negative the stuff of path is no. 若是放到了场面上来说,简直是大逆不道之事。
MBNL prepared by supercritical dioxide method with the best condition had a good magnetic response out of the body. 用超临界法最佳条件制备的盐酸小檗碱磁性脂质体具有良好的体外磁场响应性。
The child's condition to help doctors make a judge, the most important is do not panic, to ensure airway patency on it. 帮助医生对孩子的病情做一个判断,最主要就是不要慌,保证呼吸道通畅就可以了。
He added: "It has some wear and a bit of woodworm but remains in good condition and it is quite small - just as Napoleon was. " 他补充道:“它有一些磨损,有几个木蛀虫,但是状况还不错,它尺寸相当小——就和拿破仑一样。”
As you might have guessed, you also must set a condition for the other transition. 正如您所猜想的,您还必须设置其他迁移的条件。
The condition tends to resolve without intervention unless pregnancy occurs, in which case recovery may be delayed for several weeks. 没有干预也有缓解倾向,除非受孕则需要延长至数周才能康复。
A while loop within bash allows you to execute a statement a given number of times, or until a certain condition is met. bash中的while循环可以重复执行语句一定的次数,或者一直执行到满足某一条件为止。
Many programs intended to be secure have had a vulnerability called a time of check - time of use (TOCTOU) race condition. 有很多确定为安全的程序都存在称为“timeofcheck-timeofuse”(TOCTOU)的竞争条件缺陷。
as for indirect intention , it should be check out on the condition of that some persons pretend an error to escape the penalty. 对于间接故意,有些行为人以过失为借口妄图逃避刑罚,应认真查明。
However, an airline spokesman said poor weather was more likely to have been a factor in the crash than the condition of the plane. 然而,一名航空公司发言人说飞机失事的决定因素更大的可能是因为恶劣的天气而不是飞机的状态。
He said he's fine with the role his father has assigned him under one condition. 他说,他满足于父亲分配给他的这个角色,条件只有一个:
The next day, in clear weather, Crusoe is able to swim out to the wrecked ship which he finds loaded with useful supplies in good condition. 次日天气晴朗,鲁滨逊设法游到失事的船边,他发现满船的有用的物品依然完好无损。
When she was in her twenties, her father arranged for her to have an operation on her brain to improve her mental condition. 当她在她20多岁,她的父亲为她安排她的大脑的运作,以提高她的精神状态。
The doctor was in a dilemma as to whether to tell the patient the truth about his condition or not. 医生进退两难,不知道是否该把病人的真实病情告诉他。
How much experience your doctor has in treating your condition. 你的医生在治疗你的疾病上的经验有多少。
To understand the folic acid condition among the 1~7 years children of Tianjin, and to raise the children health condition. 了解天津市1~7岁儿童叶酸营养状况,动员全社会关注儿童叶酸营养,提高健康水平。
The DAC 100 needs to be able to count up and down and consequently a reset condition should take it to a point near its mid-range. DAC100需要能够递加和递减计数,因此复位条件应当将其带到接近其中间范围的点。
Conclusions Under this condition, AN has no effect on hormones of female rats, but it may directly damage the reproductive system. 结论在此条件下,丙烯腈对雌性大鼠的内分泌激素无影响,但对生殖系统有直接损害作用。
Doctor: Please calm down. As her doctor, I promise I'll do what I can. But. There's still no effective treatment for her condition. 医生:请冷静下来。作为她的医生,我保证我会尽全力,但是。对于她现在的的情况没有任何有效的治疗方法。
The condition of equilibrium of the member requires that the pair of forces coming from the joints must be equal and opposite. 元件的平衡条件要求来自连接点的一对力必须大小相等,方向相反。
S. adhere to its promises made to the Soviet Union in Yalta as a condition of the Soviet Union's entry into the war with Japan. 苏联激烈反对[9],要求美国信守作为苏军对日宣战条件所作的承诺。
They found that the brains of the bilingual people appeared to be in worse physical condition. 他们发现,双语病人的大脑处在更糟糕的物理状态。
The condition, which can be caused by high blood pressure, a virus or other factors, severely weakens the heart and causes it to swell. 由于高血压病毒感染及其他因素引起的状态严重的损害了心脏并导致其增生。
All four appeared to be in good condition as they were brought by chopper to the command post and taken to ambulances. 在被直升机带到搜救指挥部及救护车上时,所有人看起来都不错。
Given the state of Egyptian prisons, and Saad's physical condition and age, it could have been a death sentence. 监狱埃及监狱的状况以及Saad的年龄和身体状况,这无异于等于判了死刑。
Dr Banks Whitley said the blood condition may have been inherited by Elizabeth and Mary and could explain why both died childless. 班克斯·怀利博士说,伊丽莎白和玛丽可能也遗传了这种血疾,这就解释了为何两人均无后嗣。
He was a kindhearted gentleman, and was distressed to see Dick in such a wretched condition at his doorway. 他是个心地善良的绅士,见他家门口的迪克处境如此狼狈,心里很难过。
The flat is under a good condition and I don't have to redecorate it later. But, I've got to discuss it with my husband first. 这单位基本情况很好,我不需要重新装修,不过,我要先与我的丈夫商量。