
美 [koʊn]英 [kəʊn]
  • n.(实心或空心的)圆锥体;(实心或空心的)圆锥形物;锥形桶
  • v.使成锥形;把…卷于锥状体上;(探照灯)集中探照(敌机)
  • 网络松果




n. v.

2.(实心或空心的)圆锥形物a solid or hollow object that is shaped like a cone

5.(松树或冷杉的)球果the hard dry fruit of a pine or fir tree


PDMS_百度百科 ... Cylinder 圆柱体 Cone 圆锥体 Dish 椭圆封头 ...


建筑学常见英语词汇 ... 抛物面 paraboloid 圆锥形 cone 椭圆形 ellipse,oblong ...


有关树木类的英文单词_词汇_中国英语网 ... juniper 杜松 cone 松果 cypress 柏树 ...


职称英语A级词汇 - 豆丁网 ... conductivity n. 传导性,传导率 cone n. 锥体,锥形物 confer vi. 商谈,商议 ...

Ah-you--maybe-uh-Alex and I can buy you a-ice cream cone, one of these days, you know, when you. . . when you have time. 啊,你,也许,嗯,阿里克斯和我可以给你买个蛋筒冰淇淋,有一天,你知道,当你…当你有时间。
S after making the flat spiral, the next task was to pull it up from the small diameter windings and create a cone-shape spiral. 这样在制做平面螺旋后,接下来的任务是把它从小直径的线圈上拉成锥形螺旋。
The growth cone senses these cues on a fine scale, using extensible filopodia that range from a few to tens of mum in length. 生长锥感官这些线索的,可处罚款规模,使用可扩展丝状伪足,从几个到几十妈妈长。
The sliver is pulled through a cone -shaped outlet and doffed OR delivered to cans OR to a conveyOR belt. 棉条从喇叭口输出,被送到条筒内或传送带上。
TS: The first one I did was in the late 70's, and I just had a simple cone with a spigot at the bottom of it. TS:我做的第一个是在70年代后期,我只有一个简单的圆锥,圆锥底部有一个栓。
Reis used an animal membrane stretched over a small cone inserted into a bung hole of a barrel. To the membrane was fixed a platinum wire. 莱斯将一种动物薄膜覆盖在一个锥状物上,薄膜上固定了一根铂丝,再将锥状物插入一个木桶的桶孔。
However, a cool cone may be one of the most enjoyable parts of summer, and it's not necessary to give up the habit totally. 6然而,一个冰激凌可能是夏天里最令人享受的部分了,而且我们完全没有必要抛弃整合各习惯。
Cut a suitably sized hole at the point of the cone to let the liquid chocolate flow out . 并在圆锥体的最尖处剪一个大小适当的洞,以便巧克力融液流出。
One scoop of ice cream on a plain biscuit cone would be a very rare and adequate reward for me if I did well for my examination when young. 儿时考试成绩优越,普通的一个圆锥饼干上加一勺冰淇淋,对我而言就已经是难得不过的丰厚奖赏了。
When you finish eating your Hollywood ice cream cone, you immediately put it out of your mind, but that lollipop isn't so easily forgotten. 只是好莱坞冰淇淋吃多了,吃完会马上忘在脑后,这支棒棒糖却不这么简单?
This package may be one of many types, a cone, a tube, a dye tube or a spool, depending upon the next operation the yarn must encounter. 卷装使用的筒子形式包括:圆锥形、筒形、染纱管形或有边筒子,究竟采用哪种形式取决于下一个工序的要求。
I had the question popped into my head, what does cone that connects the sun and the Earth look like if you could connect the two spheres? 我突然想起有个问题,如果能把太阳和地球两个球体连起来,那么中间那个圆锥体会是怎么样的呢?
One of four basic components of the assembled bearing. Also referred to as the outer race; the cone assembly fits into the cup. 轴承组件的四个基本组件之一,也称作外滚道;内圈装配在外圈里。
Let's say instead that you are walking on the inside of a cone following the boundary. Well, then the surface is to your left. 如果你在圆锥的内侧走的话,那么这样这个曲面就在你的左边了。
The girls lined up behind the starting line, ready to dribble the ball to the cone at the other end of the court, and back again. 女孩子们在起跑线后站成一排,准备将篮球运到场地另一边的锥形标志,再运回来。
It had no fins and no tail. Along the underside of the cone ran a flexible, fleshy tube. 它没有鳍和尾巴,沿着它的下腹部有一根柔韧的圆锥型的肉质管子。
So far the Cone Beam scanner has detected every tumor seen on a mammogram, she said. 这种圆锥状的仪器没有漏掉任何在乳房摄片上显示的肿瘤。
The cone shape has always been a natural one for sound enhancement and projection. 圆锥体的形状一直被当成增强和发送声音的自然形状。
The next day when we passed that corner, I said, "Dad, how about an ice cream cone today? My treat! " 第二天,我们再次经过拐角时,我说,“爸爸,来份冰淇淋怎么样?今天我请客”
First, stamp the snow down as you build it up into a cone shape. 首先,把雪堆成圆稚形,同时踩实。
By the bottom of these giant pages, the cone forms had metamorphosed into ornate pyramids and art-deco mounds . 在这些巨大的页面底部,圆锥体形变形成华丽的金字塔形和艺术装饰过的丘形。
So what if we somehow flatten our cone, push it a bit up so that it becomes completely flat? 但是什么都不会变,所以,如果我们把圆锥压扁?
Besides the element parts of a fan, it specially has a cone filtering net, a dust collecting cover and a dust collecting bag. 它的外型类似于离心风机,除了主要的风机部件外,还有其独特的锥形滤网、集灰罩和集尘袋。
Caldera: A broad, crater -like basin of a volcano , formed by an explosion or by collapse of the cone of the volcano . 火山口:火山上类似弹坑的宽阔盆地,它是由火山爆发或火山尖顶塌陷而形成的。
One of Rizzolatti's graduate students decided to have an ice cream cone for dessert, which he ate in full view of the wired-up monkey. 一名Rizzolatti的研究生打算要一个冰淇淋蛋筒当甜点,且完全在猴子的注视下吃了下去。
These findings confirmed that this algorithm reduces cone-beam artifacts and generates high-quality reconstruction images. 这些研究结果证实,该算法降低了锥束文物并生成高质量的重建图像。
As a laser cone light interferogram is used, the contrast is good, and itis easy to be observed and read. 当采用激光锥光干涉图时,对比度好、观察和读数方便。
Count me out for the banana split. I think I'll go for a triple scoop of chocolate surprise in a waffle cone. 别把香蕉船算我那份里,我想我还是想点份三克巧克力华夫饼蛋卷冰激凌吧。
A strong magnet combined with the light cone ensures high efficiency and a good transient response. 强磁体和轻质锥盆的结合保证了高效率和良好的瞬时响应性能。
For conifers which do not form an abscission layer at the base of the cone, shakers have been partially or completely unsuccessful. 对于球果基部不能形成脱离层的针叶树,摇树机的作用不大,或者完全不起作用。