
英 [kən'tɪnjʊəlɪ]
  • adv.不断地
  • 网络不停地;连续地;频繁地




新视野大学英语 单词表 第一册 - 新月空中英语 ... continual 不断的,频繁的 continually 不断地,频繁地 finally 最后,最终 ...


纳威语_百度百科 ... Enough 足够的 Continually 不停地 Much 更多的 ...


英语词汇的奥秘 ... systematically 系统地 continually 连续地 naturally 自然地 ...


新视野大学英语 单词表 第一册 - 新月空中英语 ... continual 不断的,频繁的 continually 不断地,频繁地 finally 最后,最终 ...


新浪教育_新浪网 ... throughout prep. 遍及 continually adv. 持续地 interest n. 利益 ...


张红岩TOEFL ... contingent adj. 可能发生的 continually adv. 不断的 contour n. 轮廓,海岸线` ...


新视野大学英语1-4册单词 -... ... continual a. 不断的,频繁的 27 continually ad. 不断地,频繁地 28 finally ad. 最后,最终 29 ...

It seems basic, but when I spell it out to myself like this, it forces me to continually try to add new points to the discussion. 这看起来很初级,但当我亲口对自己这样说,就能迫使我自己不断地尝试为当前的讨论加点料。
Dickinson was afforded opportunities to be social and yet continually chose seclusion. 狄金森也曾有过各种进行社交活动的机会,但她还是选择了继续独处。
The thought that her best time, that might have been spent in loving him, was being wasted like this for no object, continually fretted her. 她原想把她那美好的时光用来和他谈情说爱,可是如今她却不为任何人将韶光虚度,这种思绪无止无休地使她难受。
Increasing utilization of our Atomic Age's automation is expected to produce a continually rising standard of living and individual worth. 原子时代的来临和自动化的发展提高了我们的生活标准和个人价值。
In recent years of the web page teaching, the author explored continually, and had summed up some experience and skills for your reference. 在几年的网页教学中,笔者不断摸索,总结了一些经验和技巧供大家借鉴。
Command the children of Israel, that they bring unto thee pure oil olive beaten for the light, to cause the lamps to burn continually. 要吩咐以色列人,把那为点灯捣成的清橄榄油拿来给你,使灯常常点着。
It is a land the LORD your God cares for; the eyes of the LORD your God are continually on it from the beginning of the year to its end. 是耶和华你神所眷顾的。从岁首到年终,耶和华你神的眼目时常看顾那地。
he has many friends , and he is at a time of life when friends and engagements are continually increasing . 他有很多朋友,象他这样年的人,交际应酬当然一天比一天多。
Likewise, people trying not to think of a specific word continually blurt it out during rapid-fire word-association tests. 与之类似的,虽然试着不去想起某个特定的单词,但在快速的单词联想测试中,人们却不断的将其脱口而出。
After my initial training in painting, I arrived at my own way of doing things by continually working from life. 在我结束了初学时,我决定以自己的方式继续描绘日常生活的对象。
The earth is continually experiencing movements on and near the surface and in the interior that are not known by the general public. 地球表面和表面附近以及地球内部都在持续不断地进行着一般人所觉察不到的活动。
Behind all that is happening the Law of Attraction is at work, and why you are now well past the time of continually attracting them. 因为在所有事情的背后一直存在着【吸引力法则】在工作着,以及为何你们现在在很好的渡过这时期,而不再持续的吸引它们。
Because we continually experience desire, we are oblivious to its presence in us. It is like the noise made by the fan of a computer. 由于我们不断体验欲望,反而对它的存在视而不见,就像对计算机的风扇噪音听而不闻一样。
But she took advantage of every opportunity, and continually attempted to portray more complex characters and roles. 但是她努力抓住每一次机会,并且不断尝试和体验更加复杂的人物性格。
Just as you drank on my holy hill, so all the nations will drink continually; they will drink and drink and be as if they had never been. 你们犹大人在我圣山怎样喝了苦杯,万国也必照样常常地喝;且喝且咽,他们就归于无有。
and then being repulsed continually hardened her, and she laughed if I told her to say she was sorry for her faults, and beg to be forgiven. 起初,她会为这些话哭,后来被拒绝慢慢的让她更加倔强。如果我让她为犯下的错误道歉,请求原谅,她则会大笑。
Everything around him was full of her presence, continually reopening the wound. wound. So he decided to emigrate. 他周围的一切都充斥着她过去的存在,不时地刺痛伤口。因此,他决定移居国外。
Every sabbath he shall set it in order before the LORD continually, being taken from the children of Israel by an everlasting covenant. 每安息日要常摆在耶和华面前,这为以色列人作永远的约。
You learned to walk as a child by continually falling on your face trying to take your first steps. Life is the same way. 就像你小的时候学走路一样,不断跌跌撞撞脸朝地摔倒,还是要努力迈出脚步,生活也是一样。
She would continually drill him on his studies until he got it right. Afterwards, she would take him to go get ice cream as a reward. 凯文有学习障碍,于是凯蒂总是辅导他,需要的时候帮助他完成家庭作业,她会不停地给他进行学业训练直到他做对,然后带他去买冰激凌作为奖励。
Being continually outshone was an occupational hazard of being his friend and cannot have been any more pleasurable as a brother. 作为阿不思的朋友,他身上所不断闪现的光辉都不是一件很舒服的事;
he continually recalled the image of the balsamic eucalyptus trees and the great rose-colored house which had once been crimson. 他经常回忆的是那些香桉树和那幢已经泛白的红色大房子的模样。
Marginal governments, involved in local expansionism , continually scuffle with one another and with major global powers. 边际政府,参与当地的扩张,不断扭打彼此间以及同全球主要的权力。
In such a world, reading provides the best tool we have for keeping up and for avoiding future shock in a world continually being remade . 在这样一个世界里,阅读是我们手头拥有的最佳工具,它让我们跟上时代,以及避免自己被这样一个不断更新的世界所震吓。
They should have captured Bin Laden alive and made him continually go through airport security for the rest of his life. 应该活捉本拉登,然后让他在余生不停地在机场安检口接受安检。
and which, like the phenix, is continually regenerating out of her own ashes. 她象不死鸟一样不断地在自身的骨灰中重生。
Since the fishing crew and its captain were arrested, China has continually ratcheted up the pressure to have them returned. 自从捕鱼船船员及其船长被逮捕,中国就不断提升(对日本的)压力要求让他们回来。
Do not continually look at the print in the Selenium as it is being toned as you may not identify changes in either colour or contrast. 不要一直看着正在调色的照片,否则你很难察觉到颜色和对比度的细微变化。
He saw Evers thrashing her way along a line that was tethered to the boat. She clung to it, but was continually swamped by the water. 他看见伊芙兹沿着拴在小船上的绳子猛烈地扑腾。伊芙兹紧紧抓住绳子,但是却不断地被水浸没。
If you fire continually with a fast bow, you may find, however that this is enough to keep a monster from moving very far. 但是,如果有一把发射速度很快的弓,你足可限制怪物快速推进。