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  • na.捐助;给…投稿;捐(款)给;投寄(一篇论文)给(某杂志)
  • 网络有助于;促成;贡献

contribute tocontribute to

contribute to


大学英语四级常用词组 ... to the contrary 意思相反的(地) contribute to 有助于…,促成 beyond control 无法控制 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... to the contrary 意思相反的(地) contribute to 有助于…,促成 beyond control 无法控制 ...


雅思写作常用单词_﹡激情环球雅思﹡_教育_西祠胡同 ... contaminate 污染 contribute to 贡献 crack down on 打击 ...


北京2010年11月成人英语三级考试真题及解析 ... 30.D。 account( 陈述) 31.C。 contribute to( 导致) 35.D。 stand out( 脱颖而 …


求 to doing sb的短语_百度知道 ... according to 根据 contribute to 为…作贡献 be / get / become used to 习惯于 ...


北京高中英语会考词组_百度文库 ... consist to 由…构成 contribute to 为…做贡献 cool off 冷静 ...


英语培训-搭配和短语_ ... consent to 同意,赞成 contribute to 捐助;促成 happen to 发生于 ...


职称英语(综合类)辅导讲议-词汇学习 ... take part in 同义,又如: contribute to 对……做出贡献, take pleasure in 乐于做 …

We believe in an informal work environment with good development opportunities for employees that contribute to the success of the company. 我们秉承的理念是在一个无拘束的工作环境里给那些为公司做出贡献的员工提供好的发展机会。
How much sleep do you get? Find out about your sleep habits and contribute to what could be the biggest scientific sleep survey ever! 你睡眠有多久?找出你的睡眠习惯,为可能是迄今为止最大的科学睡眠调查做点贡献!
Those are more likely to contribute to the revenue growth the bank needs if it's ever to wriggle free of U. K. -government ownership. 如果苏格兰皇家银行有朝一日能够摆脱英国政府的所有,这些业务更有可能为该行所需的收入增长出一份力。
How much did fiscal tightening contribute to Japan's steep recession of 1998? 财政紧缩对1998年日本经济急剧衰退的影响有多大?
He added that he has not seen clear evidence of how much glaciers contribute to river flow in comparison with groundwater. 他还说,他没有看到明显的证据表明相对于地下水而言,多少冰川对河流量有贡献。
Au Lac was hit by floods, and two million people were affected. How much did You contribute to their aid? 再来是悠乐,因为有水灾,两百万人受难,您用多少的费用去赈济他们呢?
No one knows quite how much private companies contribute to China's fast-growing economy. 没人确切的知道中国的这些私营企业对中国快速发展的经济到底起到了多大的作用。
Some understanding of the biochemistry of exercise is fundamental to any study of the factors that contribute to sports performance. 一些理解练习的生物化学是任何有助于赛场表现的原素的研究的根本。
While rules can contribute to those objectives, only rules that are easy to understand and monitor will work. 尽管规定可以帮助达到这些目标,但只有清晰易懂、容易监控的规定才会奏效。
Needless to say, if you do not attend a class it is impossible for you to contribute to it. 当然,如果你不出席课程,你不可能对本堂课有任何贡献。
I feel that I could contribute to your company by working in the marketing department and acting as the liaison with your Chinese partners. 我觉得如果我能在你们公司的市场营销部门工作的话,我肯定会为公司发展作出贡献,并且成为你们公司和中国客户间的联络人。
You could also ask about time commitments and resources or expertise a person might be able to contribute to a project. 你也可以提出一些要求,关于时间承诺或者对于项目可能贡献的一些专门的技能或者经验。
Must be prepared to work unsupervised and contribute to and provide opinions that add to the design input freely. 必须准备好在无人管理的情况下也能全心投入地工作,并坦诚提出意见增加设计意见的输入。
In theory the presence of a little bit of pixel structure should also contribute to a slightly sharper picture. 在理论上存在一点点的像素结构也应该有助于稍微清晰的图片。
The team will build software to help the public contribute to the work of this charity, which works among the poor in Bolivia. 该团队将构建软件以帮助公众向这个慈善团体贡献自己的力量,该团体工作于贫穷的玻利维亚。
And even corporate aspirations in the rich world lag far behind how much the public expects business to contribute to society. 甚至富裕国家企业的渴望也远远落后于公众对企业社会贡献的期盼。
I believe China has plenty of reasons to be such a host and what China can contribute to the Olympics is not merely a ticket design . 我相信中国有着充足的理由来举办奥运会,中国对奥运会做出的贡献将不仅仅是一张票的设计。
Don't argue with Frank any longer. You are only wasting your breath trying to get him to contribute to the Red Cross. 不要与弗兰克再争下去了,你要他给红十字会捐款只不过是白费口舌而已。
Only the top Chinese leaders seem to understand that sustainable development will require that China not contribute to global warming. 似乎只有最高层领袖明白,可持续发展要求中国不要助长全球暖化。
'The computer virus has been a nightmare for me. Now I'm happy to contribute to a clean on-line environment, ' Xinhua quoted Li as saying. 新华社援引李俊的话说,熊猫烧香病毒是我的一场噩梦;我很高兴现在能为干净的网络环境做贡献。
In contrast, American workers have no choice but to "contribute" to Social Security, whether they like the deal or not. 与之相比,美国的工人没有选择,不管他们愿意不愿意,他们只能“持续地”把钱投入社会保险。
Results: Vascular smooth muscle cells did not contribute to any stage of heterotopic ossification in either mouse model. 结果:在所有的鼠模型中血管平滑肌细胞都没有促进任何时相的异位骨化。
The designer host will still be able to create an instance of your designer, but it will not contribute to the public object model. 设计器宿主仍然能够创建设计器的实例,但它不会构成公共对象模型。
The company has just established, aims at promoting the characteristics of his hometown, home to contribute to the economy and employment. 公司刚刚成立不久,旨在推广家乡的特色,为家乡的经济和就业作出贡献。
So he who would not exploit or contribute to the cause of war must cease to follow tradition, cease to be greedy, ambitious, self-seeking. 因此不愿意剥削或促使战争的人必须停止追随传统,不再追随贪婪、野心、自我追逐。
As important as people are, and I'll talk more about this soon, there are other factors that greatly contribute to the quality of your life. 然而,虽然人这一因素很重要,关于这一点我将会展开更多的讨论,但影响你的生活质量的还有其他因素。
"Bhutan did not contribute to global warming, and yet we have to suffer the consequences today" , he says. 他说:“不丹对全球变暖没有贡献,然而今天我们不得不忍受它的后果。”
It's almost as if the higher the rating of a financial institution, the more likely it was to contribute to financial catastrophe. 几乎可以说评级越高的金融机构对这次金融本盘的贡献越大。
I continue to contribute to it each payday and within a few months it will be fairly healthy and I can begin to save for other things. 我继续在每次领工资时往里面添钱,相信几个月后,这份资金就是相当可观,我就可以开始为其他事情省钱了。
The jury is still out on how much the spicules contribute to the coronal heat, but scientists agree it's an important step forward. 人们在这些针状体对日冕层温度的贡献多寡这个问题上依旧众说纷纭,但科学家们认为这是(对谜团作出解释的)重要的一步。