
美 [kənˈtroʊl]英 [kənˈtrəʊl]
  • v.控制;操纵;抑制;支配
  • n.管理;管制;控制权;约束
  • 网络控件;控制器;控制项

复数:controls 现在分词:controlling 过去式:controlled

control system,control quality,control speed,process control,lose control
direct control,total control,full control,electrical control,strict control
effectively control,strictly control,rigorously control


n. v.


1.[u]~ (of/over sb/sth)(对国家、地区、机构等的)管理权,控制权,支配权the power to make decisions about how a country, an area, an organization, etc. is run

2.[u]~ (of/over sb/sth)控制(或操纵)能力the ability to make sb/sth do what you want


3.[u][c]~ (of/on sth)限制;限定;约束;管理;管制the act of restricting, limiting or managing sth; a method of doing this

机器in machine

4.[c][usupl](机器或车辆的)操纵装置,开关,按钮the switches and buttons, etc. that you use to operate a machine or a vehicle

实验in experiment

5.[c]对照标准;(检验工作方法的)参照实验a person, thing or group used as a standard of comparison for checking the results of a scientific experiment; an experiment whose result is known, used for checking working methods


6.[sing]指挥(或检查、控制)站;指挥(或检查、控制)人员a place where orders are given or where checks are made; the people who work in this place


be in control (of sth)

掌管,管理,控制,操纵(某机构、地区或局势)to direct or manage an organization, an area or a situation

be/get/run/etc. out of control

无法管理;失去控制to be or become impossible to manage or to control

be under control

被控制住;处于控制之下to be being dealt with successfully

bring/get/keep sth under control

控制得住,抑制得住(从而不造成损害)to succeed in dealing with sth so that it does not cause any damage or hurt anyone


控制controls)面板里,可以对色彩的色调、饱和度、亮度、对比度进行调节;色调偏移(Hue offset)面板里,设置有色轮, …


控件Controls)是用户界面组件,如 Button / TextArea / ComboBox 控件。可以将控件放在为控件和其他容器提供层次结构的 …


游戏模拟器使用教程[转载]_攻略秘籍_POCO游戏 ... NEORAGEX 模拟器使用教程 CONTROLS 控制器 DIRECTORIES 目录 ...




进入设置(Options)之后从上倒下依次是控制选项(Controls): [阅读全文]短语校样设置 Proof Setup 设置图案 Define Pattern ; De…


消防专业词汇英语翻译(A-C) -亿城英语 ... controlling nozzle 可控水枪 controls 控制装置 convection activity 对流活动 ...


  3.对照Controls):在随机化分组、有对照的试验中,对照是指比较组的研究对象。他们被分配为使用安慰剂成不作处理或使用 …


有玩飞机航模的吗? - 色影无忌 ... Textures 贴图 Controls 控制设置 Keyboard 键盘设置 ...

Palestinians have access to only a fifth of the water supply, while Israel, which controls the area, takes the rest, the bank said. 世界银行称,巴勒斯坦人只可以使用五分之一的供水,而控制这个地区的以色列却拿走了五分之四。
However, the solution is only a quick fix; once the controls are lifted, Beijing will most likely return to its smoggy norm. 然而,这样的解决之道只是权宜之计,一旦控制结束,北京很可能又回到烟雾迷蒙的常态。
Although most of its efforts have been aimed at price controls, they've started to turn the screw on interest rates as well. 尽管其大部分的措施旨在控制物价,他们也开始为利率上紧发条。
"We presume (the accident) was caused by a failure in the airplane's controls, " said the official, who asked not to be identified. 该官员表示:“我们估计(事故)是由飞机控制装置故障导致。”
The fund's reconsideration of capital controls suggests that it is trying to adapt its advice to global economic realities. 国际货币基金组织对资本控制的再思考表明它正在力图使其建言同全球经济现状相适应。
As we begin to understand how carbon dioxide controls our climate there's never been a better time to learn lessons from our neighbour. 当我们开始了解二氧化碳如何控制我们的气候,而从来没有如此美好的时光,那就是我们能从我们的邻居那里汲取教训。
Every aspect of the interface must be considered from a stylistic point of view, not simply as individual controls or other visual elements. 界面的每个方面都必须从视图的风格考虑,而不是单个控件或其他视觉元素。
It is ok if you subclass only a few controls but it's going to be a nightmare to subclass a dozen or so controls. 如果你子类化的控件仅有几个,那么这种方法仍可行。但是当你子类化一打(十二个)左右的控件时它将是一个恶梦。
They were all times when the colour, contrast and volume controls of life seemed to have been turned up several notches higher than usual. 旅行中的每一刻,生命的颜色、音量、对比度似乎都较平常调高了几度。
As it developed, controls on it began to reflect the state of the program's data. 随着发展,工具栏控件开始反映程序数据的状态。
Note that this code is careful to check to see if the various controls have been disposed before they are used. 注意,此代码小心地进行检查,看各种控件在使用之前是否已经就绪。
The set of editable values can be presented in a Web page using whatever controls and labels that are suitable for the business environment. 可以使用适合业务环境的任何控件和标签在网页上显示可编辑的一组值。
You know their "black box" behavior, but you are going to have to learn the inner-workings of these controls. 您了解它们的“黑匣子”行为,但是还必须去了解这些控件目的内部工作情况。
Today's system has no tie to gold or any other anchor, and contains a variety of exchange-rate regimes and capital controls. 当下的货币体系包括了五花八门的汇率体制和资本管制,与黄金无关,与其他什么也无关。
The government's controls over what its citizens can see online is often referred to as the "Great Firewall of China. " 中国政府用来控制本国公民网上浏览的手段通常让人联想到“中国国家防火墙”。
Some have also experimented with limited capital controls in a parallel attempt to head off the flow of hot money. 一些国家还试行了有限的资本管制措施,试图阻止热钱流动。
During the 'altered state', the part of each person's brain that controls the nervous system began to beat together. 在这一“变化状态”中,每个人大脑中控制神经系统的那一部分就会开始同步运作。
The object model for HTML server controls maps closely to that of the corresponding elements. HTML服务器控件的对象模型紧密映射到相应元素的对象模型。
SmartEffects is an easy-to-use VCL that enables you to create amazing splash screens, forms, controls and image transition effects. SmartEffects是一个易于使用的VCL,使您能够创造了惊人的启动画面,控制图像过渡效果。
Contact lens, HIV-positive, and immunosuppressive patients have similar bacterial flora to that of normal controls. 配戴接触镜个体、HIV阳性个体和免疫缺陷患者的菌丛与正常人相似。
Gaidar later said that it was like flying in an airplane and going into the cockpit and finding no one at the controls. 盖达后来说当时就像是你在坐飞机时,到驾驶舱一看却发现没有飞行员。
Just as the Great Ocean Conveyor Belt controls weather on Earth, this solar conveyor belt controls weather on the sun. 正如大洋输送带控制地球上的天气,这种太阳能输送带管制太阳天气。
They give you fine-grained control over the layout of the final page by allowing you to control how the placeholder controls are rendered. 通过允许控制占位符控件的呈现方式,母版页使您可以在细节上控制最终页的布局。
What was just a trickle of controls before the current crisis is now a flood. 在当前危机之前曾经只是涓涓细流的资本管制,现在已成了泛滥的洪水。
Asia may not be so reliant on western demand as it used to, while existing price controls will limit some of impact on individuals. 亚洲对西方需求的依赖也许已不像过去那么大,而现行的价格管制将限制一些对个人的影响。
Comply with the controls stated on the permit. Post the permit at the point of entry prior to any person entering the space. 遵守许可证上规定的控制措施。进入密闭空间前将许可证张贴在各个入口处。
However, by using other controls or docking them differently, it is just as easy to create other user interfaces that are equally flexible. 但是,通过使用其他控件或使它们停靠在不同的位置,一样可以轻松创建同样灵活的其他用户界面。
It probably is best not to fiddle with switches or controls when riding in the back seat of an air force plane. 坐在空军飞机的后座椅时最好不要随便拨弄任何开关或操纵装置。
Brazil is a federation of states, much like the United States, and each state controls its own juvenile detention system. 巴西是联邦制国家,这与美国很相似,每个州各自管理其青少年拘禁系统。
She said: 'We used the same routines and controls that would have been used in a crime lab. ' 她说:“我们采用的技术线路和操作控制手段,是属于专门从事罪案研究的实验室才会采用的做法。”