copy that

  • 网络收到;知道了;明白

copy thatcopy that

copy that


二进制领域语音控制说明_乐游网 ... Affirmative 同意 Copy that 收到 Yeah 好啊 ...


泰坦尼克号 ... 好 Sure . 知道了 Copy that . A层 A deck . ...


最地道英语口语 - 考试学习 - 99度社区 ... Bless your heart! 天啊!哎呀! Copy that明白! Get real! 别傻了(醒醒吧)! ...

When one of my students asked to copy that Mondrian, I said it might not be very rewarding, because it was so simple. 当一个学生要求临摹蒙德里安的时候,我回应说那对他不一定有什么好处,因为这画太简单了。
14 "Copy that, " she said, looking steadily at me. "Copy it, Christy . " “照那个样子画,”她说,沉着地看着我,“照那个样子画,克里斯蒂。”
Maybe. But it entirely depends how much of the book you copy, and what you do with that copy, that would determine if it was illegal. 也许是的,但是它完全取决于你复制了多少、你复制来做什么,这些问题决定着你的行为是不是非法的。
Obviously, if you know which file has changed you could only copy that, but you won't always know this information. 显然,如果知道哪些文件修改过了,就可以只复制这些文件,但是不总是能够知道这一信息。
When you modify one of the style sheets or templates shipped with HATS, copy that file into a new file specifically for your own use. 当您修改一个由HATS提供的样式表或模板时,请复制该文件,创建一个专门供您使用的新文件。
Be careful though; the OS usually writes its own metadata to the beginning of a raw device, and you don't want to copy that. 不过要注意,OS通常将自己的元数据写在原始设备的开头,这些内容是不需要复制的。
Only one of them is human: the other is an exact digital copy that has become conscious in its own right. 其中一个是人类的,另外一个则是一个完全有自主意识的数字拷贝。
however, to make use of any information stored on a mass storage device, the computer must first load(copy) that information into ram. 然而,要利用储存于大容量设备的任何信息,电脑首先必须把信息加载到随机存储器。
If you wish to configure a new virtual host or site, copy that file into the same directory with a name you choose. 如果您想设定一个新的虚拟主机或站点,请复制该文件到以您选择名称的同一目录下。
The negative in a set of color separations that represents photographically the portions of the copy that will print as black. 中义一组分色片中将来是印黑色部份的那一张阴片。
If you don't agree with its terms, you must not download the software and you must delete any copy that may be in your possession. 如果您不同意其条款,则不能下载该软件,你必须删除任何副本可能会在你的身上。
One limitation of this process is that the copy that you create will not be encrypted. 这个过程的一个限制是,创建的拷贝是未加密的。
The copy that you open is identical to the original report definition that was initially published to the report server. 您打开的副本与最初发布到报表服务器的原始报表定义相同。
If the query returned only one record with zeros and commas only then copy that record to the clipboard. 如果查询仅返回一条包含零和逗号的记录,则将该记录复制到剪贴板。
my dear. i have live a life that everyone will like to hear ok. some like to copy that too. 亲爱的朋友。我过去的生活任何人听着都会喜欢。有些人也想效仿。
It will also display the color value for the pixel that is exactly under the cursor and allow you to copy that color value to the clipboard. 它根据光标显示的颜色值的像素,您可以将复制的颜色值到剪贴板。
Just copy that file to somewhere safe such as a USB stick, a re- writable CD disk or even just another location on your PC. 把这文件拷贝到其他安全的地方,比如说U盘,一张可重写的CD光盘,或者就存在你电脑的其他什么地方。
A copy that is not "Transparent" is called "Opaque" . 不“透明”的拷贝称为“不透明”(Opaque)。
We're going where no one has gone before. There's no model to follow, nothing to copy. That is what makes this so exciting. 我们要去别人从没去过的地方。没有模式可以模仿,没有东西可以复制。这就是魅力所在。
Roger, Atlantis, we copy that, it's great news, thanks. 收到了,亚特兰提斯号。我们知道了,这是个重大消息,谢谢。
There's another limitation. If you need to get around a copy protection to burn a copy, that's banned also. 还有一个限制,如果你用一个有版权的软件制作一个复本,这同样是被禁止的。
If you want to work on a document copy that is independent from the Document Workspace, click Don't Ask Again, and then click Disconnect. 如果希望处理独立于文档工作区的文档副本,请单击“不再询问”,再单击“断开”。
Copy that file to a local directory and make the necessary database changes that I described earlier (user name, password, and host). 将该文件复制到一个本地目录并进行我之前所描述的必要的数据库更改(用户名、密码和主机)。
Once completed, you can then copy that collector file to another system, extract it, and then run the appropriate collection script. 一旦完成,您可以将该收集器文件复制到其他系统中,进行提取,然后再运行相应的收集脚本。
A newspaper that wants to follow the Journal must produce copy that is both narrow in its appeal and useful. 想要仿效《华尔街日报》的报纸,必须在吸引力和有用性上缩小范围才可以。
James said "Copy that, we're going in, " Jeff whispered. 詹姆斯说。“收到我们这就冲进去”杰夫低声说。
Please only take the copy that has your name printed on the cover. 由于一家仅有一份﹐请拿取印有您名字的那一本。
Yes, this photo is really very memorable to me and it is the only copy that I have. . . 是的,这张照片的确非常有纪念性,而且是我唯一的一张…
Creates a new copy that is a copy of the current node, optionally cloning all parent and ancestor nodes of the current node. 创建作为当前节点的副本的新副本,并根据需要克隆当前节点的所有父节点和祖先节点。
Otherwise, we need to check out the document to get a private working copy that we can update. 否则,我们需要签出文档来获取我们能够升级的私人工作拷贝。