
美 [ˈkɑpi]英 [ˈkɒpi]
  • n.复制品;〔技〕仿形切削;抄袭;(印刷的)原稿
  • v.复制;模写;仿效;〔英俚〕抄袭(别人试卷)
  • 网络拷贝;副本;抄写

复数:copies 过去分词:copied 现在分词:copying

backup copy,exact copy,true copy,good copy,hard copy
make copy,print copy,copy information,enclose copy,copy example


n. v.

1.[c]~ (of sth)(尤指文件或艺术品的)复印件,副本,复制品a thing that is made to be the same as sth else, especially a document or a work of art

2.[c](书、报纸等的)一本,一册,一份a single example of a book, newspaper, etc. of which many have been made

3.[u](报刊等的)稿件;(可用于报纸文章或广告的)消息,信息written material that is to be printed in a newspaper, magazine, etc.; news or information that can be used in a newspaper article or advertisement


复制新闻,或者称COPY新闻,是指从传统媒体上复制(COPY)来的新闻。各个新闻网站把传统媒体的新闻搬上了网络,然后大 …


HTTP深入浅出 http请求 - Chance_yin - 博客园 ... MKCOL, 创建集合(文件夹) COPY, 拷贝 MOVE, 移动 ...


财务英语英汉对照表 (C) - MBA智库百科 ... coproduct 联产品 copy 副本,副联 copyright 版权 ...


医学用语_百度文库 ... attempt vt.&n. 尝试;企图 copy vt. 抄写;仿效 n.副本 robot n. 机器人 ...


模字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 模范〖 anexemplarypersonorthing〗 模仿〖 imitate;copy;modeloneselfon〗 模糊〖 vague;dim〗 ...


箫剑一心 - tjukingandy - 网易博客 ... ■ Cls 清屏. ■ Copy 拷贝文件 ■ Exit 退出命令行窗口. ...


王陆807词汇升级版_百度文库 ... level 水平 copy 复印 Spanish 西班牙的, 西班牙 人 ...


PHP Filesystem 函数 ... clearstatcache 清除文件状态缓存。 copy 复制文件。 fclose 关闭打开的文件。 ...

It is very easy to enter the shop looking for a book on ancient coins and to come out carrying a copy of the latest best-selling novel. 你很可能会走进一家书店,本想寻找一本关于古钱币的书,可出来时却拿着一本最新的畅销小说。
The hardest part of defining the copy-control functions is often simply recognizing that they are necessary. 定义复制控制函数最为困难的部分通常在于认识到它们的必要性。
During the execution of a bulk copy operation, this collection can be accessed, but it cannot be changed. 在执行批量复制操作期间,可以访问此集合,但不能进行更改。
Kellerman flashes his government badge, then tells Giles they know he made a copy of the garage surveillance tape and wants to know why. Kellerman亮了亮他的政府徽章,告诉Tim,他们了解到他复制了一份Lincoln案的监控录像带,他们想知道为什么。
Either party shall be in a position request a hard copy of any previous electronic transmitted document. 任何一方均在一个位置求凭过去任何一批货的硬拷贝的电子传输文件。
It pleased the Lord to create woman to complement man, not to compete with him or be a more rounded copy of him. 上帝创造女人,是为了与男人互补,而不是竞争,也不是作为男人的升级版本。
Using a central repository but providing each developer on a project with a complete copy of the source code for that project. 使用中央存储库,但为项目中的每一名开发人员提供完整的项目源代码副本。
The video was discovered in the singer's personal collection and is thought to be the only copy of the performance, the estate said. 遗产委员会表示,该视频发现于杰克逊的藏品中,可能是此次演出的唯一录像。
Together with a reproducible copy of any material which cannot be reproduced to an equal standard by photo copying. 同时对于不能复制成相同规格的任何资料亦应提交一套可复制的副本。
Young a man, is one of a copy to stick alive legs to play, he saw the man put his hands over his knee joints, roll on the ground a few. 少年的一个哥们,被其中一个混混抄木棍活活的往腿上打去了,只见他哥们用手捂住膝盖关节处,在地上滚了几下。
This process essentially creates a reference to the original item and uses the reference as if it were a copy. 实质上,此过程创建一个对原始项的引用,并将该引用当作副本一样使用。
The fact that this video matches in many ways her memory and description is not an accident or deliberate copy, as this is a real video. 这个视频在很多方面与她的记忆和描述吻合并不是巧合或是故意复制,因为这是个真实的录像。
He said: "Close examination of a high-quality digital copy of the portrait had revealed an L for Leonardo and an S for Salai. " 他说:“通过超近距离检测一份原作高清电子档,发现画作上留有字母L表示莱昂纳多·达·芬奇,以及S表示Salai”。
Upon endorsement of the IOF, the bank will make a copy of these documents available to the local Intertek Office in Malawi. 银行签署IOF后,会把这些文件的副本递交给Intertek驻马拉维办事处。
You may be a victim of software counterfeiting . This copy of windows did not pass genuine windows validation . 你可能是个仿造软件的受害者。这个窗口副本没有通过真正的微软视窗确认。
We got a copy of the Tide Tables, and I sat down and looked through it while the others watched. 找到一本潮汐表,我坐下来一页页地翻,而其他人则在旁边看着。
Bind Package Copy: DB2 command used to create a copy of your package that gets bound to a different collection ID. BindPackageCopy:这个DB2命令用来为包创建一个绑定到不同集合ID的副本。
Then last spring, I received an early copy of the WebSphere Portal V6. 1 beta driver as a virtual image, so I gave it a try. 然后在去年春,我收到了作为虚拟映像的WebSpherePortalV6.1Beta版试用软件的早期副本,于是我尝试了一下。
Hamilton hands me a colour copy of a piece of new work that will hang at the Serpentine. 汉密尔顿递给我一些新作品的彩色拷贝,它们将在蛇厅展出。
Kevin Jackson: So I suppose she's carrying a copy of a book with a flower in it? Not really. Ah, she can be a real dog, man. 凯文-杰克逊:那么我假设她拿着一本书,书里有一朵花?不,真的,她一定很丑,老兄。
Only one person at a time will be allowed to check out a digital copy of an in-copyright book for two weeks. 一人一次只能借阅一本图书的电子版,借阅期为两周。
Other musicians began to copy him, and later, the improvised solo performance became an essential part of every jazz song. 其他乐手开始模仿他,后来,即兴独奏成为每一支爵士乐曲必备的部分。
I had been living in Moscow for a year, working at an English-language weekly called The Russia Journal. I was a copy editor there. 我在莫斯科住了一年,为一家名为《俄罗斯日报》的英文周刊当文字编辑。
However, it was simple for me to create my own EventLogEntryInfo class that I could copy each event log entry into. 但是,我可以简单地创建自己的EventLogEntryInfo类,用于将每个事件日志条目复制到其中。
And when an associate found all of his deal toys broken, everyone assumed it was just a "barbaric" copy center worker. 有位交易员发现他所有的交易玩具都损坏后,每个人都认为这是“野蛮的”复印中心的工作人员干的。
If something doesn't match any rules at all, lex will just copy it to standard output; this behavior is often undesirable. 如果有一些内容根本不匹配任何规则,那么lex将只是把它拷贝到标准输出;这种行为通常是不受欢迎的。
In it was a copy of the bid sheet that the competitor was gonna submit the next day. 里面是他们竞价单的复印件,是我们对手第二天要交的。
It was a simply a blank sheet of paper instead the copy he gave him had been written out in full as usual. 但这回狱卒给他的信没有像往常那样把全文写完。它只是一张白纸。
There are many issues to be debated in determining policy for a digital era but the semantics of what constitutes a copy is not one of them. 在制定数字时代政策的过程中,有许多问题有待讨论,但有关何为拷贝的语义学不在其中。
Marketing copy is often low on the list of priorities, but it can be key to helping users form their goals. 营销拷贝往往是低就优先事项清单,但它可以是关键,以帮助用户形成自己的目标。