
美 [kɔrd]英 [kɔː(r)d]
  • n.软线;细绳;一根粗线(或细绳);花线
  • v.用索子捆[绑,扎];堆积(柴薪)
  • 网络绳索;绳子;束缚


vocal cord,electrical cord
pull cord



1.[u][c](结实的)粗线,细绳;一根粗线(或细绳)strong thick string or thin rope; a piece of this

2.[c][u]软线;花线;皮线a piece of wire that is covered with plastic, used for carrying electricity to a piece of equipment

3.[u]灯芯绒裤子trousers/pants made of corduroy


英语四级词汇(整理版,16页,可直接打印) - 豆丁网 ... copy n. 抄件 cord n. 细绳,粗线,索 cordial a. 真诚的,诚恳的 ...


外贸包装英语 - 豆丁网 ... container material 容器材料 12 cord 绳子,绳索 cushioning material 衬垫材料 ...


外贸包装英语 - 豆丁网 ... container material 容器材料 12 cord 绳子,绳索 cushioning material 衬垫材料 ...


记忆英语单词方法 ... calamity n 大灾祸;灾难 cord n. 绳索, 束缚 chord n 和弦;和音 ...


TOEFL词频表 - 豆丁网 ... coral 珊瑚 cord 绳子,线,带 corona 日冕 ...


超全的英语短句汇集 - ξσ Dicky σξ - 博客园 ... copyright n. 版权 cord n. 绳子,电线 correction n. 校正,修正 ...

The only time he seemed alive at all was with a long extension cord plugged into the wall. 只有长长的延长线插在墙上时他是活的。
Conclusion The experimental spinal cord impact injury with air track, being easy to manufacture, is worth popularizing. 结论:气垫导轨式脊髓撞击损伤试验模型制作简单经济,容易实现,便于推广,具有一定的应用价值。
When it was dark, Rahab lowered a rope from her window. Before he climbed down, one of the spies gave Rahab a red cord. 当天黑下来以后,喇合从她的窗口放下一根绳子。其中一个间谍在爬下去之前给了喇合一根红色的绳子。
Your flight may be delayed so don't pack your computer cord, as you may need it as you sit there in the terminal and wait for your flight. 你的航班可能会延误所以不要打包你笔记本的电源线等,因为当你坐在那里等航班的时候你可能会用到它们的。
He took a number of cords of different lengths and hung them from the ceiling. To the free end of each cord he fastened a weight. 他找出一些长度不等的绳子,从天花板上垂吊下来,并在每根绳子的末稍挂了一个砝码。
An easily ignited cord or wick, formerly used to detonate powder charges or to fire cannons and muzzleloading firearms. 导火线一种过去用于引爆雷管或点燃火炮和火器的易燃绳索
Complete recovery may occur in a few days to weeks, or there may be permanent damage to a portion of the spinal cord. 恢复需要数天至数周,也可能导致部分脊髓的永久性损伤。
On account of it, we have to purchase another new cord whose weaving is required to have the same density as previous cord. 我们马上要订购新的绳,需要你们提供编织紧度与原来相同状况的绳。
If your life is beginning to feel like a runaway train, grab a hold of the emergency cord and jump off. 假如你的生活开始变得像一列失控的火车,抓住急救绳,赶紧跳下去。
When he gets home, he said, "I take my briefcase out, I put the extension cord in and I feel very patriotic. " 当他到家时,他会说“我把公文包拿出来,把延长线放进去。我觉得很自豪。”
With sturdy hands and a strong cord, she sewed them together into a quilt, a thing of beauty and power and culture. 祖母勤劳的手拿起针线把它们缝在一起,做成一条被子,美感、力量和文化的象征。
Right now that thing in the middle looks like she chewed off her umbilical cord and that's still covered by a little bit of afterbirth. 现在,在中间的事情看起来像她把她的咀嚼和脐带仍然由胞一点保障。
The judge has asked at least two hospitals for a medical opinion on whether surgeons could render the attacker's spinal cord non-functional. 负责本案的法官已向至少两家医院询问,就技术手段而言是否能够损伤那名罪犯的脊髓,使他陷入瘫痪。
As you might guess, just one decade of the brain was not enough to solve all of the problems that plague the lump atop our spinal cord. 你可能已经猜到了,仅仅是一个大脑的十年不足以解决脊椎上方这一块所制造的所有的麻烦。
Neural electrodes may eventually move up the spinal cord to what is often characterized as the body's primary erogenous zone. 未来神经电极的使用,很可能从脊椎扩展到「主要性欲区」。
The acupuncture is one of the effective methods that cures Spinal Cord Injury , having played a very important role with it's peculiarity. 针刺作为治疗脊髓损伤的有效方法之一,以其独特性发挥了重要作用。
Plug one end of a phone cord or cable into the wide area network (WAN) port of the device , and then plug the other end into the wall jack . 将电话线或电缆的一端插入设备的广域网(WAN)端口,然后将另一端插入墙壁插孔。
Studs Studs for laying the oscilliscope on its back to operate it in the upward posture. Also used to take up the power cord. 用于将示波器放置在其后背上的螺柱,用于使示波器可以以向上的姿态工作。也可用于收纳电力软线。
If it were unique a gem I could breach it into a hundred sections and cord them into a alternation to put on your neck. 如果它是一块宝石,我就能把它碎成千百颗粒,穿成项链挂在你的颈上。
One day gave her a wonderful box tied with a golden cord and made her promise not to open it. 一天给了她美好的框捆绑与黄金线,使她的承诺,不要打开它。
The book opens with an account of a man who rips his own testicles off with a cord after a tantrum involving allegations of infidelity. 该书的开篇就描述了一个人在被指控不忠后愤怒的用细绳扯断了自己的睾丸。
We both look at him. He has one pair of glasses on the top of his head. And another pair on a piece of cord around his neck. 我们都盯着他看。一副眼镜支在他的脑门上,还有一副用绳子挂在他的脖子上。
He had tied the package with a cord before he took it to the post office. 在去邮局之前,他就用细绳把包裹系好。
and just as I gave the last impulsion, my hands came across a light cord that was trailing overboard across the stern bulwarks. 正当我划下最后一桨时,我的手碰到了一根从大船后舷桔上挂下来的细绳子。
Well, now he doesn't have that cord in the back of his head. And he goes out a lot. There's nothing to keep him here anymore. 那个,他现在脑袋后面没有那个电缆了,他还总往外面去。我们没法把他留在这里了。
Then she let them down by a cord through the window: for her house was upon the town wall, and she dwelt upon the wall. 于是女人用绳子将二人从窗户里缒下去。因她的房子是在城墙边上,她也住在城墙上。
What if there was a product that made it easy to charge all your household mobile devices and it used just a single cord to do it? 如果有一种产品可以方便地为所有家用移动设备充电,而且只需一根电线,那将会是怎样的一番前景呢?
And when you go to Ireland, with all that distance between us, I'm afraid this cord will be snapped, and i shall bleed inwardly. 当你去爱尔兰,由于我们之间巨大的距离,我恐怕这根情感交流的弦会折断,我的内心将会流血。
The simple feel of it, like a simple necklace made from a leather cord threaded through a ring, is good. 它非常简洁,就像由一个简洁的皮绳穿过一个环组成的项链,非常棒!
Many observations were made concerning a cord that seems to connect the two bodies, one of them being that communication travels both ways. 门罗对似乎连接两个身体的带子作了许多观察,其中之一是,双向交流经由它进行。