
美 [kɔst]英 [kɒst]
  • n.成本;费用;代价;花费
  • v.估价;需付费;价钱为;使丧失
  • 网络诉讼费;投资成本

复数:costs 现在分词:costing

low cost,high cost,average cost,extra cost,rising cost
reduce cost,pay cost,cover cost,bear cost,calculate cost


n. v.

1.[c][u]费用;花费;价钱the amount of money that you need in order to buy, make or do sth

2.[pl]成本the total amount of money that needs to be spent by a business

3.[u][sing](为做某事涉及的)努力,代价,损失the effort, loss or damage that is involved in order to do or achieve sth

4.[pl]诉讼费用the sum of money that sb is ordered to pay for lawyers, etc. in a legal case


at all cost/costs

不惜任何代价whatever is needed to achieve sth

at any cost

在任何情况下;无论如何under any circumstances

at cost

按成本;按成本价格for only the amount of money that is needed to make or get sth, without any profit being added on

know/learn/find sth to your cost

付出过代价(或吃了苦头)才知道to know sth because of sth unpleasant that has happened to you


成本costs) 隐成本(Implicit costs)即由厂商自己所拥有的且 被用于该企业生产过程的那些生产要素的总价格。会 被用 …


土地词典_翻译家( ... cosmetic treatment 美化工程 costs 费用 cottage area 寮屋区;平房区 ...


外教社柯林斯商务英语词汇手册-博库网 ... 8.1 Payment 支付 8.2 Costs 花费 8.3 Accounting 会计 ...


...、诉讼(Litigation)(20 句) 四十、诉讼费Costs)(10 句) 四十一、所有权(Ownership)(10 句) 2 四十二、委托 …


,背后是环境的代价(Costs),是对人生命的漠视(Disregard),是员工无法从领域增长中得益,最后,是中原内需无法启动又同 …


... 参观者:14005808 Visitors:14005808 投资成本Costs: 地点:韩国大田 Place: Taejon Korea ...

I want a control panel that I can control how much a contract costs. 我希望有一个控制面板,我可以控制多少合同成本。
But addiction can also inflict misery on the families and especially the children of any addict, and involves wider social costs. 但是上瘾也会给家庭尤其是有任何毒瘾的孩子们造成悲剧,并且造成了极大的社会成本。
"The costs of a complete switch to renewables are a lot less than the costs to future generations that climate change will cause, " he said. “完全切换为可再生能源的成本将大大少于将来因气候变化所导致的成本”。他说。
Ford Motor Co. is considering ramping up exports if it can bring labor costs down, people familiar with the matter said. 据知情人士称,福特汽车(FordMotorCo。)也在考虑增加出口,但前提是该公司能降低劳动力成本。
In fact, the experts don't even agree on how much solar electricity costs today. 事实上,专家们甚至都还无法确定目前太阳能发电的成本有多大。
A smile costs nothing, but gives much. It enriches those who give it. It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. 微笑不费分文,受者得益良多,施者更加富有。弹指瞬间事,它有时令人终身难忘坏。
Fillon warned that European governments will not be able to cover social costs or reduce public debt without a change of course. Fillon警告不改变做法欧洲各国政府将负担不起社会开销也不能减少公债。
However, the reunification of Germany drove home just how much it costs a rich capitalist country to absorb a poor Communist one. 然而,德国统一的代价,仅仅只是一个富足的资本主义国家吸收一个贫穷的共产主义国家的花费。
"As many staff are eligible for government funding under the Train to Gain scheme, the costs to the company are minimal, " he said. “由于许多工作人员有资格获得政府的资助下乘火车到增益计划,该公司的成本是最低限度的,”他说。
The map of the MRT lines shows you how much it costs to get to your destination. 妳可以从捷运路线图上,找到目的地的票价。
The requirement that most food aid must be sent on American ships raises costs, and benefits just a few shippers. 多数食品援助都必须用美国船只运送,这一规定提高了成本,只有少数承运人受益。
It is not at all clear that it costs half as much to create a game of half the size, since these start-up costs are so significant. 人们完全不清楚,开发一半大小的游戏的费用是否仅会便宜一半,因为这些初始成本非常高昂。
Finally, holding costs include the cost of funds that could be used for other purposes if they were not tied up in inventory. 最后,储备成本还必须算上为库存投入资金而付出的代价。
"We cannot continue with costs that are out of control because reform is a necessity that cannot wait, " he said. “我们不能让成本失控继续下去,因为改革是一项不能等待的必然之举,”奥巴马说。
I am thinking here of energy costs that do not seem to have gone down with the price of oil. 我这里所说的是能源成本并没有随着石油价格下跌而走低。
Everything that the game designer wants to do with her game costs memory, and memory is always in short supply with microcomputers. 游戏设计人员对游戏的所有处理,都要占用电脑内存,而微机的内存又通常不够用。
Every time I think about buying a car, I consider how much it costs to keep one up. 每次当我想买一辆车时,我会考虑到要花多少钱来维修和保养它。
We get so wrapped up in deadlines, clients, costs and all the rest that it's easy to forget to search for creative solutions. 我们平日中被截止日期、客户、成本以及其他各种因素重重包裹,以至于轻易便忘记了去寻找富有创造力的新解决方法。
The earthquake and its associated rebuilding costs might have left Japan more vulnerable to a fiscal crisis. 这次地震以及地震相关的重建费用更有可能让日本陷入财政危机。
How much money would that need given software development costs today? 那么,今天需要付出的软件开发成本会是多少呢?
This may be a bit more expensive in the short run, but in the long run could help your organization save money on implementation costs. 在短期的运行中,费用可能会多一些,但是长期的运行将有助于您的企业节约实现成本。
And if it asked a supplier to pay for every click on its webpage, the company's rivals might click maliciously to raise its marketing costs. 而如果按每登录一次网站收一次费的方式,阿里巴巴的竞争对手则会恶意登录其网站,从而导致其的经营成本提升。
Today she sounds like a lobbyist for German business, listing the industries that must be shielded from the full costs of her package. 今天看来,她就是一个为发展德国商业的游说家,她列举出了许多产业,而这些产业是必须绕开她的方案所导致的完全成本。
Trying to go head-to-head with Google costs Microsoft upward of $5 billion a year, industry executives and analysts estimate. 产业高管们和分析家估计,与Google展开网络世界的争夺战每年要花费微软50多亿美元。
If we are in love with our Lord, obedience does not cost us anything, it is a delight, but it costs those who do not love Him a good deal. 如果我们爱上帝,顺服祂会给我们带来喜悦,而不是损失,但对那些不爱祂的人来说损失就大了。
I'm sorry. I don't know. You should ask the salesman. He can tell you how much this TV costs. 对不起,我不知道。你应该问售货员。他可以告诉你这台电视要多少钱。
Analysts say BP may not be able to cover such costs, and pay its dividend, out of cashflow alone, forcing additional borrowing. 分析师称,BP可能无法单靠现金流支付所有费用,以及派发红利,将被迫另行举债。
We know exactly, to the cent, how much it costs to generate a trading ticket. 我们对生成一张交易单需要多少成本一清二楚。
Still, Liddell said he was encouraged by the company's ability to cut costs. 然而,Liddell说他还是被公司巨大的缩减开支的能力所鼓舞了。
Analysts said safety fears and rising costs are creating the risk of a domino effect, in which companies pull out of the complex en masse. 分析人士认为,安全担忧和不断上升的各种成本正在产生连锁反应的风险,导致大量韩国企业撤离开城。