
美 [kɔrt]英 [kɔː(r)t]
  • n.法院;宫廷;院子;求婚
  • v.追求;求婚;寻求;吸引
  • 网络球场;法庭;庭院

复数:courts 现在分词:courting 过去分词:courted

supreme court,royal court,criminal court,civil court,Indian court
come court


n. v.


1.[c][u]法院;法庭;审判庭the place where legal trials take place and where crimes, etc. are judged

2.[sing]全体出庭人员;(尤指)全体审判人员the people in a court , especially those who make the decisions, such as the judge and jury

体育运动for sport

3.[c](网球等的)球场a place where games such as tennis are played


4.[c][u]王宫;宫殿;宫廷the official place where kings and queens live


7.[c]建筑物的开阔部分(常有玻璃房顶);大厅;馆a large open section of a building, often with a glass roof


hold court (with sb)

(讲趣闻或笑话)使人快乐,逗人乐to entertain people by telling them interesting or funny things

rule/throw sth out of court

(尤指在法庭上)指明完全错误,不予考虑,不予受理to say that sth is completely wrong or not worth considering, especially in a trial


九年级英语单词表 ... towards 向着;朝着 court 球场 Berlin 柏林 ...


法律英语专业词汇汇总 ... 法庭庭长 chief judge of a tribunal 法院 court 反诉 counterclaim ...


法字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 法堂〖 courtoflaw〗 法庭court;tribunal〗 法统〖 constitutionalandlegaltradition〗 ...


一些翻译~(转的~) ... conviction 定罪,证明有罪 court 法院,庭院 court of appeal 上诉法庭 ...


高一必修2英语单词_百度文库 ... saxophone 萨克斯管 court 宫廷 director 指挥 ...


字典中 家 字的解释 ... (21) 家财,财产[ property] (23) 朝廷[ court] (25) 都城[ capital] ...


英语一至六级词汇 - 豆丁网 ... course n. 课程;过程;一道菜 court n. 法院,法庭;庭院 cover vt. 盖,包括 n.盖子 ...


排球专业术语的英语表达_百度知道 ... continue to serve 连续发球 court 场地 cross smash 斜线扣球 ...

Information from brain scans has already been used in court in India to help judge whether defendants are telling the truth or not. 在印度,法庭已经把大脑扫描的结果作为证据,借此判断被告是否说了真话。
In Georgia, where court funds have fallen by 25% in the last two years, criminal cases now routinely take more than a year to come to trial. 佐治亚州的法院经费在过去两年中减少了25%,因而目前刑事案件的日常审理通常会花费一年多的时间。
But Peter followed him afar off, unto the court of the high priest, and entered in, and sat with the officers, to see the end. 彼得远远的跟着耶稣,直到大祭司的院子,进到里面,就和差役同坐,要看这事到底怎样。
Following the court verdict, Geely's registration will be revoked if it or the Trademark Appeal Board does not appeal to a higher court. 根据法院判决,如果吉利和商标申诉局没有向更高级的法院提出申诉,吉利注册的这个商标将被回收。
Asked why she was demonstrating at the Court, she said, "This is the scene of the crime. " 当被问及问什么选择在法院进行抗议,她说:“那里是犯罪现场!”
A People's Court of second instance shall form a collegial panel and open a court session to hear a case of appeal. 第一百八十七条第二审人民法院对上诉案件,应当组成合议庭,开庭审理。
Where the amount of damages cannot be established with a sufficient degree of certainty, the assessment is at the discretion of the court. 凡不能以充分确定性程度来确定损害赔偿的金额,赔偿金额的确定取决于法院的自由裁量权。
Vladimir Buyanov, BP's first secretary in Russia, said the court's decision "had no legal basis" and that BP would vigorously contest it. BP俄罗斯第一秘书弗拉基米尔•布亚诺夫(VladimirBuyanov)称,法院的决定“没有法律依据”,BP将积极抗辩。
But despite the fact that this one line should be sufficient, the legal guys tell us that it wouldn't be enforceable in a court of low. 尽管事实上这一行字已经足够了,但这懂法律的小子(律师)告诉我们这并不具备法律效用。
How DID it happen that such a man had not been brought before a provost's court, on the return of the legitimate princes? 正统的王爷们回国后,怎么会没有人把他告到特别法庭里去呢?
Before the Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United v. FEC, I thought these changes alone would be enough at least to get reform started. 在联邦最高法院作出联合公民起诉联邦选举委员的判决前,我想光这些改变就足以拉开改革的序幕。
Then they all turned on Sosthenes the synagogue ruler and beat him in front of the court. But Gallio showed no concern whatever. 众人便揪住管会堂的所提尼,在堂前打他。这些事迦流都不管。
In 2005, a court judged the young man a danger to himself and ordered him to get treatment. But he was not ordered into a hospital. 2005年,一法院曾判定该青年男子有自我伤害的倾向,并要求他接受治疗,便并没要求他前往医院进行诊治。
Facing a potentially embarrassing paternity suit in the court, President Lugo decided to own up to his secret past. 面对这起可能难堪的生父确认诉讼,总统卢戈决定坦白自己过去的隐私。
Where the court orders a party to perform, it may also direct that this party pay a penalty if it does not comply with the order. 当法院判决一方当事人履行义务时,若该方当事人不执行该判决,法院还可责令其支付罚金。
The aim of the game is to bounce the ball up the court and shoot the ball into the net. 比赛的目标将弹起法院的球和射击球入网。
Because this Foreign Instructor wants to claim what he deserves for, he took the employer to court through the Korean Labor Board and won. 因为这个外籍教师想要求得到他所要求的,他通过朝鲜劳动局把他的雇主告上法院并且胜诉。
My primary job is to publish all of the legal opinions that the Court hands down in a set of law books called the United States Reports. 我的主要工作是以一套《美国判例汇编》(UnitedStatesReports)的形式发布最高法院公布的所有司法意见书。
It's been a frenetic few days for the U. S. Supreme Court as its session winds down. 这一直是美国最高法院作为一个狂热的会议大风天数下降。
The court will not issue a writ of certiorari unless at least four of the nine justices approve of it. 除非是九位大法官中的至少四位同一,否则一般不会发布调案复审令。
Capital punishments have been used more frequently since the U. S. Supreme Court lifted a death penalty ban in 1976. 在1976年,美国最高法院取缔了禁止死刑的规定,此后,死刑的使用更加频繁。
He said the court provided no guidelines guidance about when precursor recusal will be constitutionally required. 他说最高法院没有提供指导,以表明什么时候回避是宪法要求的。
Jesus wears the appearance of a slain Lamb as his court dress in which he wooed our souls, and redeemed them by his complete atonement. 那稣出现的形像如同被杀羔羊,他来寻找我们的灵魂,并以他的完全救赎来拯救我们。
He is now free to put a one-sided story to the court of Libyan public opinion, instead of having his case tested in a Scottish court. 现在他可以自由地在利比亚舆论界向公众讲述自己的一面之词,而不是在苏格兰法庭上与人对质。
As you let the hitting hand and racquet go towards the net post it will feel as though you're going to hit the ball onto the adjacent court. 以你的网拍在背后预备好的状态中转身向旁边击出正手拍。你的打击手现在是在内侧位置。
The defendant was finally acquitted after a 10-day trial as the Court accepted that he did not act with wilful intent to evade tax. 案件经过10日聆讯,法官最后接纳被告的行为并非出于蓄意意图逃税,裁定被告罪名不成立。
An appeals court said the doll was an "offence against the personal dignity" of Mr Sarkozy, but it would be disproportionate to ban it. 上诉法院说这个娃娃其实是对萨科奇先生尊严上一种污蔑的罪行,但不至于禁止。
But it was not as if James and Wade just ran down the court, told everyone else to get out of the way and launched off-balance jumpers. 但这不是说詹姆斯和韦德就控制着球权,叫所有人都闪到一边去,然后在失去平衡的情况下强行投球。
Nebraska used to use the electric chair until its Supreme Court ruled in February that this was unconstitutional. (在二月份最高法院裁定电椅行刑方式违宪之前,内布拉斯加州一直采用这种方式)。
From his perch in Angel Court, in the heart of the City, he watched the rapid expansion all around him. 在天使家园,他的位于伦敦市中心的家中,他见证了周围的金融企业的快速扩张。