
美 [kʌz]英 [kʌz]
  • conj.〈非正式〉因为
  • n.cousin的非正式写法
  • 网络造成或因为;哥斯;游离二氧化碳



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CFR: cost and freight_英文缩写大全_911查询 ... SRCC 罢工、暴动、政变险 coz 造成或因为 CSI 通道状态指示器 ...


2 ... 哥桑( Cosam) 哥斯Coz) 哪哒( Nard) ...


(3)游离二氧化碳(COZ)与碳酸化合物。水中碳酸化合物存在的形态有溶解于水中的二氧化碳(游离二氧化碳)、分子于碳酸(HZ C0…


coz qr engineer是什么意思_百度知道 ... engineer 工程师 coz 是堂或表兄弟姐妹 qr 是四分之一 ...

怀疑我的 - Members diary ... anywayz 啦.. coz 怀疑我的.. eason 有新野做啦... ...

coz after all thats how you repay me with what I have done for you! 怎么毕竟多数民众赞成你如何报答我,我替您完成了!
Why a month? Coz' a month is long enough to be meaningful, short enough to stay out of trouble. 为什麽是一个月?因为一个月的时间长得足以令它变得有意义,也短得让我有足够时间可以抽身。
I really like to talk with him like this coz I can benefit so much from it. 我真的喜欢和他像这样谈话,因为我可以受益很多。
Just go on coz when you think you're all alone, look back and you'll find me walking along. 噢,当你感到孤独时,向你的身后看看,你会看到我正在与你同行!
I love u guys coz I mean u've been watching my vedieos for a while now, like over a year, but it's not about me, it's about the jumbafund. 我爱你们我的意思是你们已经看了我的短片一段时间了比如超过一年这并不是关于我而是关于
I may not be able to fly high, I may also fall, but at least I can feel this world so closely, coz at least I once tried. 我可能飞不高,也可能跌倒,不过我至少能真正感觉这世界,至少我曾尝试过。
I was depressed all day. Coz I had never considered the salary rise at the turning point from trial period as a real rise. 一整天我都很沮丧,因为我从来不会把转正工资的增加看作是一次加薪。
I would perfer study at home coz I got six exam. But I got to go. I have to give a speech at the church. 我情愿在家里复习因为我有六门考试。但似乎必须去。我要在教堂给见证。
"I love being alone. Feels safe coz I can only trust myself . . . ya, sad, " she wrote on Twitter on Wednesday. "But I'm cool with it. " “我喜欢独处。感到安全,因为我只能相信自己…,悲伤,”她写道。“但是我很冷静”
I'm trying to live better and better for you, whom i'm loving. Aslo for myself, coz we are one. 我正在努力为你活得越来越好,我爱着的人。也是为着自己,因为我们是一体的。
I wrote and produced a song for Yanzi for her new album, I'm very happy with it, coz for once, it's not something ballady tragic. 很高兴能为燕姿的新专辑创作和制作一首歌,但是这次不是一首抒情的悲伤的流行歌曲
I tell mom stories about you and me, coz she has the right to know who changed her daughter to a woman. 告诉妈妈和你的故事,她有权了解谁把女儿变成一个女人。
In fact, I totally understand why some of you even cried coz we hardly see each other and have to be apart in such a short stay! 但是很难过的是当我们要离开的时候……事实上我完全理解为什么你们有些人甚至会哭,因为我们很难见到彼此,而在短暂的重聚之后又要分开!
I always like the last track I've worked on coz I generally just keep going on a recording until I really like it then give up. 我不会先给它们起名字,我更愿意在填词以及混音都完成之后再想个名字。
Children are supposed to read more books coz that can help them learn a great deal of knowledge. are more likely to . . . 孩子们应该多读书,因为可以帮助他们学到很多的知识。
But through all this time, Remember one thing. I "ll love you forever, " coz to my life, Love and. 在往后的岁月里,请你记住一件事,那就是,我将永远爱你,因为你为我的生活,带来了。
Then women relax to be free for a few years then be bored, coz none listener, would rather go too. 然后女人过了几年轻闲日子,又因为没有听众而厌倦了,也宁肯离世了。
But I have to admit that I'm terrified, 'coz I got to know you that late and I want more. 但是我也不得不承认我害怕了,因为我和你相知太晚,还想要更多地享受。
But actually, I still had certain control of myself, coz I always think probably there should be a movie player behind the little window. 但事实上,我仍然能在某种程度上控制我自己,因为我总是认为或许应该有个电影球员在背后的小窗口里。
I'm sorry. . . It was a private tour, there isn't much scientific to say coz I didn't make it myself. 对不起,这是一个私人的旅程,没有什么科学的内容值得说的,因为我也不知道我是怎么做到的。
Whenever there's a possible conflict, all you need is the word 2005, coz I paid my stupid lesson with your love. 如果我们之间出现任何冲突,你需要对我说的只是一个简单的2005。因为我的愚蠢在这一年我失去了你的爱情。
Well, I think the researchers have also been camped outside my house for the last couple of weeks coz' that's meat down to a tee. 喔,我想研究者们前两周可能就驻扎在我房子外面对我进行研究了,因为总结的非常正确。
Coz the comment that we get so often about this class ? is why would Harvard students possibly be unhappy ? 因为我们得到的关于这门课的评价常常是,为什么哈佛的学生会不幸福?。
Did they? So I might have the same problem when I go back to China, coz my nose is much bigger than yours. 是吗?看来我回中国要和你有一样的遭遇了,因为我的鼻子比你的鼻子还大。
I usually went in the early afternoon. sometimes it was bit scary, coz it was only me in the entire screen, feels good through. 我通常会在中午去看电影。有时候这有点可怕,整个屏幕前只有我一人,虽然这也会感觉很好。
My cat does not want to see ur movies with me coz she knows that u don't like her . . . I'm thinking how to fix it . . . trust in me . . . 我的猫咪不喜欢陪我看你的电影,因为它知道你不喜欢她…我在想怎么解决这个问题…这是真的
Oh, think twice, Coz It's another day for you and me in paradise. 哦,仔细想想吧,因为这是你和我在天堂里的另一天!
When you think you have less money in your pocket, don't say "I don't want to be poor" coz you'll become poor eventually. 当你想到口袋里没几个钱,别抱怨说“我不想当个穷人”,因为那样的话,你最终真的会变穷的。
Coz there's no one wanna spend the most beautiful four years of their life to make this deal. 因为没有多少个人愿意用自己一生中最活力的四年时间去作这样的一个赌注。
and it made me confused for a mmt. and i got my confidence back coz i met with soo ooo many desperate housewives. 这种意见曾让我迷茫了一小会儿,但现在我找回了我的自信因为我遇到了太多绝望的主妇们。