
美 [ˈkoʊzi]英 [ˈkəʊzi]
  • adj.(尤指因地方小或封闭而)温暖舒适的;亲密无间的;密切的
  • 网络温馨的;惬意的;安逸的

复数:cozies 比较级:cozier 最高级:coziest

cozy room,cozy relationship


1.(尤指因地方小或封闭而)温暖舒适的warm, comfortable and safe, especially because of being small or confined

2.亲密无间的;密切的friendly and private

3.轻易得到的,轻松的(但不一定是诚实或正当的)easy and convenient, but not always honest or right


《趣味背单词》(免费) - 豆丁网 ... lazy( 懒惰的) 生活就爱 cozy( 舒适的) 上街血拼 crazy( 疯狂的) 体胖心感 ...


客厅,阳台用英文怎么说?-翻译-英语-天涯问答 ... bedroom: 卧室 cozy 温馨的 pardon me: 原谅我 ...


老托Part C原文及生词 ... upscale:adj. 高消费阶层的,质优价高的 cozy:adj. 舒适的,安逸的,惬意的 sturdy:adj. 坚固的,耐用 …


老托Part C原文及生词 ... upscale:adj. 高消费阶层的,质优价高的 cozy:adj. 舒适的,安逸的,惬意的 sturdy:adj. 坚固的,耐用 …


六级听力高频词汇_尘埃落定_百度空间 ... corpse n. 尸体 cozy a. 温暖舒适的 credible a. 可信的,可靠的 ...


大学英语精读单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... contented a. 满足的 cozy a. 暖和舒适的 ill-tempered a. 脾气坏的;易怒的 ...


GRE逆序_馆档网 ... cosy 温暖而舒适的 cozy 温暖而舒适的 woozy 糊里糊涂的,头昏的 ...

the manager of the bank was credulous individual named mr. fish. mr. fish invited the crab and his daughter into his cozy office. 银行经理称“鱼先生,”是个轻信的人。鱼先生把蟹和他女儿请进他舒适的办公室。
Some of Mr. Madoff's fellow inmates suspect he has money hidden somewhere and try to cozy up to him in hopes of learning its location. 马多夫的一些狱友猜他还有藏起来的钱,于是竭力讨好他,希望他说出藏宝地点。
A simple beanbag chair or other cozy chair, a small table with a reading lamp and a small bookcase are all that is needed. 一个简单的懒骨头沙发,或者舒适惬意的椅子,一张放着台灯的小桌子和一个小书架。
After nine years at Bell labs, I decided to leave that warm, cozy ivory tower for what I considered to be the "real world, " a university. 在贝尔实验室待了9年后,我决定离开这个温暖舒适的象牙塔,走进我眼中的“真实世界”——大学。
One of the charms of the food-market scene is an Old World sense of cozy community: everyone seems to know one another. 食品市场里景象的迷人之处,有一点是在于古老世界的舒适感觉:每个人看起来都互相认识。
Likewise, a pair of cozy coevolutionary symbionts embracing each other can only seem to lead to stagnant solipsism. 同样地,一对温馨相处的共同进化的共生生物看来只能演变为停滞的唯我主义[9]。
His room was small but quite cozy, with a fireplace, a soft chair and a sofa. He seemed contented with it. 他阿谁房间有壁炉、软椅以及沙发,虽然小些,但挺恬静。看来他很满意。
Press in idea Yu knit to seem to be likewise over a long duration of time because of this joyful cozy of air yet exhaustion numerous. 长期压在心中的郁结似乎也因为这欢快轻松的气氛而消散了不少。
In the corner bright yellow floor lamp sends out a light lambency, indoor was full of warm meaning breath and cozy feeling. 角落里明黄的落地灯散发出淡淡的柔光,室内布满了暖意气息和舒服的感觉。
With the ocean outside our window and a fireplace in the room, my holiday was just as cozy as I dreamed it would be. 有了窗外的海洋和屋内的火炉相伴,我的假期和我想象中的一样温馨惬意。
A new pair of running tights or a cozy fleece will help motivate you to get out for a run. 一套新的运动紧身衣或者舒适的羊毛会帮助激发你出去跑步。
One way to cozy up to the leader of the free world is to give him and his wife opulent gifts. 自由世界的领袖搞好关系的方式之一是给他和他妻子多多送礼。
After erasing her parents' memories of her, she walks out of a cozy living room and onto a coldly lit street. 在删除父母对她的记忆后,她走出温馨的卧室,来到冷飕飕、亮着路灯的大街上。
Michael Kors found a fine balance between the utilitarian side of sportswear and a cozy sensuality. MichaelKors在运动休闲装的实用性和轻松性感间找到一个很好的平衡点。
It may not seem logical, but the cozy indoors is often worse for your allergies than the raw outdoors. 这听起来似乎不合乎逻辑,但舒适的室内对于你过敏症状的影响往往比室外更糟糕。
Nevertheless, the time when one quietens down and thinks back, one would miss the cozy racket that used to be so annoying. 可是,一个人安静下来时会觉得,曾经厌烦的那些嘈杂回想起来很温情很怀念。
Colin Jackson endeavors to serve its drinks in a cozy environment with a strong focus on its product heritage. 科林杰克逊的努力,为在舒适的环境,在其产品及其饮料文物的强烈关注。
After nine years at Bell la , I decided to leave that warm, cozy ivory tower for what I co idered to be the "real world, " a university. 在贝尔实验室高效率开关电源设计待了9年后,我决定离开这个温暖舒高效率适的象牙塔,走进我眼中的“真高效率学习实世界”——大学。
After nine seasons at Bell labs, I decided to leave which hot, cozy ivory tower to what I considered to be the "ture state, " a university. 在贝尔实验室待了9年后,我决定离开这个温暖舒适的象牙塔,走进我眼中的“真事全地球”——大学。
It is the only event of its kind not connected to a larger screening component, which helps contribute to its cozy atmosphere. 这是唯一的此类事件没有连接到大检查的组成部分,有助于促进其舒适的氛围。
The Cozy Inn looked inexpensive, and was. He carried his gear into a room containing two table lamps, one of which had a burned-out bulb. “惬意旅舍”看上去不贵,也的确不贵,他把他的装备带进一间房间,有两座台灯,其中一座灯泡烧坏了。
I liked to row around the great cozy couch, now almost submerged, and pretend it was an island in a lake. 我喜欢划到那张舒适的长沙发椅的四周转悠,如今它差不多浸在了水下,我把它设想成一座湖心岛。
During the few weeks at a time when he was at home, he would shuffle around the house making it nice and cozy for Sophie and her mother. 在家的那几个星期,他会倒饬一下房子周围,使苏菲和母亲觉得好看舒适一些。
It may not seemlogical, but the cozy indoors is often worse for your allergies thanthe raw outdoors. 看起来这个建议并不符合逻辑,但舒适的室内往往比户外更容易使你的过敏症恶化。
The hotel's well-trained staff provide all guests with its first-class service they need for a pleasant and cozy stay at the hotel. 宾馆服务人员训练有素,为每位宾客提供一流服务,使他们在宾馆期间愉快舒适。
He was thinking of his little cozy room. He didn't know he might be facing his doom. 他在想着自己舒适的家。他不知道自己可能面对厄运。
The website is so cozy and beautiful that I simply do not want to leave its pages. 这个网站是如此亲切、美丽,我都不想离开半步。
Morn had struggled to raise three daughters while holding a full-time job, yet worked hard to maintain a cozy home for her family. 我母亲艰难地一边干着全职的工作,一边抚养着3个女儿,还努力为家人营造一个温馨的家。
Most children are helped in going to bed by having a cozy toy animal or doll for company in bed. 大部分孩子,如果床上有一只温暖舒适的玩具动物陪同,会比较容易入睡。
The hotel manager: A room with a nice and cozy feel, a pleasant environment and a desirable facility for privacy. 酒店经理说“一个浪漫温馨的、环境优美的、充满情爱的私人空间。”