
美 [kreɪt]英 [kreɪt]
  • n.大木箱;塑料分格箱;一箱(的量)
  • v.把…装入大木箱(或板条箱、分格箱)
  • 网络柳条箱;篓;条板箱

复数:crates 现在分词:crating 过去式:crated

wooden crate


n. v.

1.大木箱,板条箱(运货用)a large wooden container for transporting goods

2.塑料分格箱,金属分格箱(运送或存放瓶子用)a container made of plastic or metal divided into small sections, for transporting or storing bottles

3.一箱(的量)the amount of sth contained in a crate


英语单词的奥秘 - luozhong10的日志 - 网易博客 ... decoy( 圈套,诱骗); crate( 柳条箱,笼子;板条箱); close( 关闭…


机械专业英语词汇(很全) - Lemon Tree ... packing list 装箱单 crate 柳条箱 purchased material list 原材料进货单 ...

大学英语精读单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... pension n. 养老金; 退休金; 抚恤金 crate n. 篮, , 箱 nun n. 修女; 尼姑 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... crash 粉碎 crate 条板箱 crave 切望 ...


通讯专业词汇库 - MBA智库文档 ... crash-proof 防撞的 crate 木箱 crater 放电凹痕 ...


Chapter 13 ... craftsman 工匠,技工 crate 箱子 crush 镇压 ...


电子翻译词汇下载 ... cracking pattern, 碎裂图型 crate, 机箱 crate controller, 机箱控制器 ...

[推荐]外贸常用英语[旺旺英语论坛] ... crash 碰撞 n.坠毁 crate 一箱,篓, crave 渴望,恳求 ...

When pregnant sows are ready to give birth, they are moved from a gestation crate to a farrowing crate. 当怀孕的种猪准备临产时,她们将从怀孕箱转移到生产箱。
Mr. Takahashi looked up and paused. Then he returned to the crate in front of him, moving from one picture to the next. 高桥义人抬头看了看,停顿了一下,然后又回到他跟前那只装满零散照片的木箱,开始一张一张地寻找。
Place your pet in a pet carrier, cage or crate once you are ready to transport him to the new home. 一旦你准备好把宠物运到新家,就要把它装进宠物运输箱、笼子或柳条箱。
Sewing set is made of industry along the book block out of the seam, the book block set up in a crate. 缝纫订是用工业缝纫机沿书芯的订口用线缝订,将书芯订牢的方法。
There was no desk, no bookcase, not even a table, only the nasty couch, with a typewriter on another milk crate in front of it. 既没有写字台,也没有书柜,甚至连一张桌子都没有。只有一个肮脏的沙发,还有摆在它前面的另一个牛奶箱,以及那上面的一台打字机。
It may become necessary to put the dog in his crate for a few minutes and then get him out and try again. 把狗关在狗笼里几分钟,然后再放它出来重新尝试是必须的。
"And these, " said the chief, as two of his tribesmen dragged an odd-looking crate into the hut. “还有这些,”酋长说道,同时他的两个部族手下拉着一个外形奇特的板条箱进到屋里。
"Tell you what, " he said. "I'll buy a whole crate if you'll answer one question. " “跟你说吧,”他说,“我会买一整箱只要你回答一个问题。”
Retired racing Greyhounds are usually easy to housebreak, as they are already crate-trained prior to becoming a part of the family. 退休的赛道灵缇很容易适应家居生活,因为在这之前他们已经被训练成在室内生活,从而成为家庭的一员。
Only she and you worried that I might hurt them, and I spent most of my time banished to another room, or to a dog crate. 只有你和她担心我会伤害他们,总把我关在另一个房间或航空箱里。
He could make money on it, but if locals did not like the fruit and it rotted, a single crate would not hurt his business. 他可能会因此赚钱,但如果当地人不喜欢那种水果以至于那框水果全部坏掉的话,一框水果不会对他的买卖造成很大的伤害。
During this period I never have the dog off leash-- not even when I walk him from the crate to the door. 在这个时间,我从来不会让狗脱离牵引带的控制,即使是我带它从狗笼散步到门口。
Reaching into my cupboard - an orange crate nailed to the wall - I pulled out all that was there: two cans of sardines. 我打开橱柜--一只钉在墙上的桔黄色板条箱--把里面的东西全部弄了出来:两罐沙丁鱼。
Bringing your dog to a dog daycare may be an option if your dog does not like the crate and if your dog is very active. 如果你的爱犬不喜欢笼子,而且她非常的活泼,那么带你的爱犬去一家狗狗日托店也是种选择。
Your puppy's crate should be large enough for him to stand up, turn around and lie down and should have adequate ventilation. 狗狗的窝必须足够大,可以让狗狗在里面随意地站起来,转身,躺下而且通风良好。
At the start of any game, the player will have three crates; a GLOBAL Health Crate, a GLOBAL Veterency Crate, and a Clone Crate. 在游戏的开始,玩家将会有三个奖励箱子:全场回血,全场老兵,复制。
The instant I let the dog out of the crate I hook a leash to him so he is always under complete control. 一旦我把狗放出狗笼,就会时刻用牵引带控制着狗儿。
I unboxed a new crate of shiny steel nuts from Southern Hex, stood back, and stared at the frame I'd built of rebar. 我开了箱螺帽,向后站一步,出神地盯着我用钢筋做的框架看。
Get him used to being away from you sometimes in another room, or indoor kennel ( "crate" ), and ban him from the nursery. 让它习惯常常跟你在不同的房间,或者室外、笼子。禁止它进入育儿室。
Screaming and hitting the dog do nothing but increase the dog's stress and confirm that being in the crate only brings bad things. 大叫和打击只会增加狗儿的紧张,并且让狗儿觉得呆在笼子里只会带来糟糕的事情。
I try not to put the dog in and then go and get the food bowl and put it into the crate. 我没有试着把狗儿放进笼子里,而是让狗儿自己进入笼子里获得食物。
So either Alex will have an amazing crate of wine to drink when he is 21, or it will turn out to be a great investment. 所以当爱力克斯21岁的时候,他要不是会有一箱好酒可喝,要不就是投资大赚的时候了。
There is a river fishing in the elderly, a child came to see him fishing, skilled people, so not long to catch up on a crate full of fish. 有个老人在河边钓鱼,一个小孩走过去看他钓鱼,老人技巧纯熟,所以没多久就钓上了满篓的鱼。
If the dog is dirty when it comes in from outside, put it in it's crate with a clean cotton towel for about a half an hour. 如果狗是不洁的时候,从外面把它在它的板条箱与清洁棉毛巾大约半小时。
It was a little cocker spaniel dog in a crate that he'd sent all the way from Texas, black and white, spotted. 这是一个小卡犬的狗,他就在一个箱子来自得克萨斯州,黑色和白色,发现所有的方式发送。
Secondly, when she's in her crate, Lola is calm and sleeps almost all day. 第二,当它在窝时,很安静,几乎一睡就是一整天。
Carboy A large glass or plastic bottle, usually encased in a protective basket or crate and often used to hold corrosive liquids. 小口的大瓶:一种大玻璃瓶或大塑料瓶,通常套装在一个保护性的篮子或板条箱内,用于盛装腐蚀性液体。
Polish crate and pail moulder PTS Plast-Box has announced plans of a merger with an unnamed transit packaging group later this year. 波兰箱和塑料桶铸工警校盒已经宣布计划合并与一名过境包装集团今年晚些时候推出。
The investment's specialist was kidnapped, gagged, stuffed into a crate, dumped to a car boot and driven to a lakeside hideaway. 这名投资专家遭遇绑架,塞住嘴巴,装进纸箱,丢尽行李箱,然后开到湖边一个隐匿处。
Putting a sheet over the crate for a while, so the dog cannot see out, also helps. 暂时在箱子上面铺一张床单,这样狗儿将不能看到外面,也不能寻求帮助。