
美 [krɔl]英 [krɔːl]
  • v.爬;爬行;(车辆,病人等)慢吞吞地行进;(时间)慢慢过去
  • n.爬行;(圈养鱼类的)鱼围;自由式游泳;〈罕〉=kraal
  • 网络徐徐行进;向前慢慢爬;抓取

第三人称单数:crawls 现在分词:crawling 过去式:crawled



克林伊斯威特的 170 段电影名言 -... ... banged 撞 crawled fairy 小精灵,仙女(a.)幻想的 ...


跪求英语高手帮忙!!!(1)_百度知道 ... a、deadly deadly 指能致命或实际已致命的事物 b、crawled 爬行 a、agreement 协定,协 …


行进-的英语翻译-bab.la词典 ... 颠簸地行进 to jerk 徐徐行进 crawled (使)列队行进 paraded ...


词义辨析的一道英语选择题_百度知道 ... A.climbed 攀登, 爬, 上坡 B.crawled 向前慢慢爬 D.crept 爬(动);悄悄地走动 ...


Free Chinese/English Vocabulary Builder... ... continued 持续 crawled 抓取 dainty 美味 ...

The night of her return, he said, he crawled into his mother's bed. 他说,母亲回家的那天夜里,他爬上母亲的床,“整整一夜我睡在她身边。”
Swanson crawled out of the van, took a few steps and collapsed, feeling their hands grab him before he hit the ground. 斯旺森爬出了驾驶室,没走几步,就一下子瘫倒了,他感到在他倒地之前几只手扶住了他。
It was only when he crawled to bed at night, or to breakfast in the morning, that she asserted herself to him in fleeting memories. 只有在晚上钻进被窝或是早上去吃早饭时露丝才在他短暂的回忆中确认了自己的地位。
He walked toward the ship until his weakness overcame him. Then he crawled on all fours like an animal. 他朝那只船走过去,直到身体支持不住了,便又像动物一样用四肢爬过去。
As he crawled a few feet left to unearth another plant, he felt the moist dirt seeping its way through the knees of his blue jeans. 他向左爬了几码去挖下一株。他感到潮湿的泥土从蓝色牛仔裤的缝隙里渗进去。
Kristen, his youngest daughter, had crawled in bed with her mother and wet the bed on MacDonald's side. 他的小女儿克里斯汀和妈妈一起睡的,并尿在了麦克唐纳那边。
Pooh crawled from the bush, brushed the prickles from his nose and began to think again. 维尼从矮树丛中爬出来,轻轻擦一下鼻子上的刺,又开始思考了。
That little bunny rabbit had crawled through the cage, preferring a featherbed, no doubt to snuggling up with its litter mates! 那只小兔宝宝已经爬过笼子,选择了羽毛床,毫无疑问它到同窝伙伴处取暖!
When one American soldier could stand is no longer, he got out of the American trenches and crawled on his stomach to that German soldier. 当一位美国战士可能站立不再是,他在他的胃离开了美国沟槽并且爬行了到那位德国战士。
Bryan crawled under the car looking for a place to put the jack, skinning his knuckles a time or two. 布莱恩在车底爬动寻找放千斤顶的位置,摸索中手指关节擦破了一两次。
She crawled about the floor, peering at it with a candle for marks of a strange foot. 她在地板上爬来爬去,用一支蜡烛在地上照,想看看有没有生人的脚印。
The convoy was hit by a NATO missile, he said, and the passengers crawled into a drainage pipe. 他说,车队受到北约导弹的袭击,人们都爬进了一个排水管。
Someone fell out of the passenger side and scrambled under the bridge and crawled into a ball . . . just hoping for survival, I suppose. 有些人从桥上掉下来之后爬到桥下缩成一团,我想他们只是想活下去。
Right as a trivet now, said the mechanic as he crawled out from under the CAR. I've replaced your silencer. 修好了,那修理工从车底下爬出来说道,我已经更换了你的消声器。
She did not understand that either, so he shoved her legs apart, crawled between them, and took her once more. 她也听不懂这个,所以他再次打开她的双腿,爬上去又操了她一次。
"God forsaken roaches! " he yelled, while slowing his heartbeat, just as another cockroach crawled between his feet. 他大叫着,心怦怦的跳。还没有平静下来,这时另外一只蟑螂又从他两腿之间爬过去。
Most students dropped to the floor after hearing the first shot and then crawled out of the classroom on their bellies , his mother said. 他的母亲说,大多数学生在听到第一声枪响后趴在地板上,然后匍匐在地上爬出了教室。
The wagon turned and crawled out the entrance road and back the way it had come, along the river. 马车调了头,慢慢地从来的入口徐徐出去,上了来时沿河的那条路。
'The car's never going to run again, ' he said as he crawled through. 'I just want to get what's inside. ' 他边爬边说,这车以后再也用不了了,我只是想拿走里面的东西。
Google's strategy, he adds, seems to be to "wall off content so that it cannot be crawled and searched by competing companies. " 他又说,谷歌的战略就是隔离其掌握的内容,这样其它的竞争对手就不能搜索到了。
My heart went out to him. So, I jogged over to him as he crawled around looking for his glasses, and I saw a tear in his eye. 我的心为之震颤。我跑过去,看到他在地上四处找他的眼镜,也看到他眼中含着一滴泪水。
He crawled out through the gunfire and put his own life at risk because he said he knew he had to save the woman or die trying. 他在枪声中爬出去并把自己的生命置于危险境地是因为他说自己知道必须拯救妇女或将死之人。
He did not look back again but bear-crawled through the ginseng patch and up the ridge, his breaths loud pants. 他没有再回头,爬过人参地,朝山脊爬去。他大口喘气。
Then he crawled completely out of the ditch and , with his dagger drawn and limping badly , went straight at the enemy . 然后他完全脱离爬行的壕沟,以尖刀拔举步维艰不好,径直在敌人。他交错而下跌。
He pulled off his clothes and crawled into bed, where he was asleep the moment after his head touched the pillow. 他脱掉衣服钻进被窝,脑袋一挨枕头便昏睡过去。
The sun shone down on them through the living branches, and worms and flies which had somehow survived the autumn storms crawled over them. 阳光透过树枝晖映着它们,落叶上爬动着在秋日的狂风雨中不知怎么存活下来的虫子、苍蝇。
When he crawled on the rug, he crawled backward, as if he were in reverse and couldn't change gears. 当他在小地毯上爬时,他倒着爬,好像他被弄反了,又转不过来。
Finally he got down on his hands and knees and crawled to the front door thoroughly satisfied with his day's work. 最后他干脆用手和膝盖爬到家门口,对自己一天的工作感到十分满意。
Nidal, with his cheeky smile, had crawled around on all fours pretending to be a cat, miaowing daringly round the legs of the girls. 尼达曾经四肢趴在地上,装作一只猫到处乱爬,厚着脸皮微笑着,大胆地绕着女孩们的大腿喵喵叫。
He instantly crawled into my lap and I thought my own heart would burst with the love I felt for this sweet little boy. 他立即跳到我的腿上。此刻,就是这个可爱男孩,使我感觉心里已经充满了爱。