
美 [ˈkritʃər]英 [ˈkriːtʃə(r)]
  • n.生物;东西;创造物;〈美〉牛马
  • 网络造物计划;动物;人


strange creature,tiny creature,grotesque creature,fantastic creature



鹏洛客并不是生物Creatures)或牌手(Player),所以大部分的咒语和异能都不能指定鹏洛客为目标。但依然有两种方法能 …


arena中文 ... Mech Platoon 机械化军队 Creatures 造物计划... amyasthenia 肌无力 ...


冰与火之歌单词 - 豆丁网 ... prev 1-10 of 68 next creature 生物, 动物, 人 creatures 人,生物,动物 creek 小湾, 小溪 ...


他们没有从类人长相的生物(human-looking)发展成“创造物creatures)”,齐塔人和小灰人现在处于漫漫长夜里,就算他们 …

冰与火之歌单词 - 豆丁网 ... prev 1-10 of 68 next creature 生物, 动物, 人 creatures ,生物,动物 creek 小湾, 小溪 ...


新托福考前必背词汇题总_随心天成_新浪博客 ... 发生, 出现 = emerge 生命,存在= creatures 大批,大多数= major part ...

Watching me share my own food with my fellow creatures, the villagers became curious, smiled strangely and whispered to one another. 村民看到我的举动以后,都露出好奇的表情及诡异的笑容,并互相窃窃私语。
His career began when he took over his parents' zoo in Queensland to help breed endangered creatures, such as the Sumatran tiger. 史蒂夫·欧文的职业生涯开始于他接管自己父母位于昆士兰的一家动物园,他在该动物园内一直致力于诸如苏门答腊虎等濒危野生动物的繁育工作。
Creatures that lack motivation, that find it easy to slip into oblivious rapture, are likely to lead short (if happy) lives. 生物没有动机的很容易滑进不易察觉的极度欢喜中,这有可能导致短暂的生命。
the helpless creatures who had not asked to be born at all, much less to be part of the irresponsible someone's family. 无助的小生命他们自己并没有要求降临到这个世界上,更没有想要成为某个不负责人家里的成员。
'It's always exciting to see polar bears in nature. I will never tire of it as they are fascinating creatures. It is always special. ' 在自然的环境里看到北极熊是令人兴奋地。我永远不会厌倦他们,他们太有趣也太特别了。
Because we primates are primarily visual creatures, perhaps the best way for us to make sense of the brain is to see it clearly. 作为灵长类的我们,很大程度上是视觉生物。因此,想要了解我们大脑最好的办法,就是能清晰地看到它的样子。
And was this one of God's creatures, fashioned in His own likeness, to have no better fate? 这是上帝依照自己的形象创造出来的千万生命的其中之一,,难道就没有一个更好的命运?
He made his living catching and selling crabs, so he killed many living creatures, but at least he was a very good son. 他靠捉螃蟹来卖为生,因此杀生很多,但是他是一个孝子。
We humans appear to be meaning-seeking creatures that have the misfortune to be thrown into a world devoid of intrinsic meaning. 我们人类似乎是寻求意义的生物,而很不幸,我们却进入了一个本质上缺乏意义的世界。
We see them as the domain of supernatural creatures like the djinn, who are made of smokeless fire and are the symbol of elusiveness. 我们把它们看作是超自然生物的领域,比如:精灵。它们由无烟的火焰组成并且是难以捉摸的事物的象征。
For there creatures to become oil, it was necessary that they should be imprisoned between layers of rock for an enormous length of time. 这些生物要变成石油,必须被密封在岩石之中很长时间。
Intelligent creatures in any part of the universe would be able to understand a simple arithmetical sequence. 宇宙中任何其他地方的有智力的人都能理解一个简单的数学序列。
He brought us forth by the word of truth, purposing that we might be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures. 他照自己的定意,用真理的话生了我们,叫我们在他所造的万物中,成为初熟的果子。
These creatures stand alone -or not- always into a blank claustrophobic place, in the dead-end of their own randy souls. 他们或是各自站立或者不是,永远朝着高发幽闭恐怖症的空白处,落向那只有死路一条的尘世灵魂。
As I rushed toward my seat , passengers looked up at me with the nervous expression of creatures who know they are about to die. 当我冲向座位时,乘客们惊骇万状的仰头望着我,那是意识到自己行将逝世去的表情。
This expedition has brought us the "Jumbo Dumbo" , the largest so far found up to 2 meters long, and one of the biggest deep sea creatures. 这次探险给我们带来了长达2米的“巨型小飞象”,是迄今发现最大的深海动物之一。
Bryan's wife, Stephanie, claims that she was forced to crush the poor creatures for his sexual pleasure. 小布他老婆,史蒂芬妮说她是被逼的,为满足老公的欲望,她不得不开车压过这些可怜的生物。
He was one of those creatures that are just simmering all the time with a silly sort of wickedness. 他是那种整天盘算着干愚蠢的坏事的家伙。
Such creatures are best faced only with a great deal of will, and only with an eye to piercing their many disguises. 对付这样的生物一定要拥有强大且坚定的意志,并且要拥有一双能够看穿它的各种伪装的眼睛。
Death Beetle Contagion hurts the victim's adjacent allies as well, so a savvy opponent will want to keep his creatures spread out a bit. 死亡甲虫感染也会伤害与受害者邻接的盟友们,所以有理智的对手会希望将他的生物们分散开一点。
Example: The controller of a player's turn can see that player's hand and the identity of any face-down creatures he or she controls. 例:某玩家之回合的操控者可以看到该玩家的手牌,以及由该玩家所操控之牌面朝下的生物是什么。
He thought that this way he was not guilty of any crime against living creatures. 他想这样他就以为他就没有冒犯任何生物。
Every so often one of the creatures scurried out to pick up a bit of discarded string or clean up after a passing lizard mount. 偶尔会有一个狗头人急匆匆窜出,捡起一小段线绳或跟在刚刚经过的骑乘蜥蜴后面清理。
With so many land creatures to wonder at, it's easy to forget that some of the weirdest activities take place deep in the ocean. 当我们看到许多陆地上的猛禽时,很容易便忽视了有许多怪异的活动是发生在海洋深处的。
Their lovely faces and forms vanished in a flash, revealing monstrous creatures of wood and vine, swinging arms like mighty cudgels at him. 她们那可爱的面孔和形体一下就消失了,变成了由树木和蔓藤混合的恐怖怪物,挥舞着手臂似乎要抽打他。
In the folklore of the British Isles, fairies are not the innocuous Tinkerbell creatures they are usually thought to be today. 在不列颠群岛的民间传说中,仙灵并不是我们今天认为的没有危害的小仙女。
He says he'd have to row a good two miles to see trees lit up with the magical creatures of his younger days. 所以,P才不得不划了2里多地的船,去看那些被这种神奇的生物点亮了的树林。
Also out of the midst thereof came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance; they had the likeness of a man. 又从其中显出四个活物的形像来。他们的形状是这样:有人的形像。
In contrast to other creatures, hibernating bears do not appear as though they are dead, but seem as though they are very sleepy. 与其他动物,冬眠熊不像它们都死了,但他们似乎是非常困。
So when fossils with these jaw structures have turned up, it had been assumed that the creatures were eating tough foods too. 因此,当有这些(强壮)颌骨的化石出土时,人们便认为这些生物也是吃较硬的食物。