
美 [kru]英 [kruː]
  • n.(轮船、飞机等上面的)全体工作人员
  • v.当(尤指船上的)工作人员
  • 网络全体船员;全体人员;队

第三人称单数:crews 现在分词:crewing 过去式:crewed

submarine crew,motley crew,experienced crew,skeleton crew
call crew,crew work,crew take,rescue crew


n. v.

1.[cspv](轮船、飞机等上面的)全体工作人员all the people working on a ship, plane, etc.

2.[cspv](轮船、飞机等上面不包括高级职员的)全体船员,全体乘务员all the people working on a ship, plane etc. except the officers who are in charge

3.[cspv]技术人员团队;专业团队a group of people with special skills working together

4.[sing]一群(或一帮、一伙)人a group of people

5.[cspv](赛船的)划船队员,划船队a team of people who row boats in races

6.[u]赛艇运动the sport of rowing with other people in a boat


人教版高中英语单词表(第三册上必修) - 豆丁网 ... disaster n. 灾难,祸患 crew n. 全体船员 raise vt. 使升高;饲养 ...


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... credit n. 信用,声望 crew n. 全体人员 crime n. 犯罪,罪行 ...

石油钻井作业现场词汇 - 译员进阶-翻译论坛 ... 1.钻井队: drilling crew,drilling team ,组: crew 2.技术员: technician ...


魔术英语词汇_词汇_中国英语网 ... magician 魔术师 crew 组员 acrobatic 杂技 ...


【pdf完整版】薄冰大学英语语法_百度文库 ... cabinet 内阁 crew 机组人员 company 公司 名词的格 1. ' ...


电视节目词汇集-英语点津 ... 情景喜剧 sitcom 工作人员 crew 执行制片人 executive producer ...


新版新概念第二册 单词表--koflfy ... factor n.因素 crew n.全体工作人员 balloon n.气球 ...

And I think you'll enjoy this building, it's never been seen, it's been still photographed, but never photographed by a film crew. 我相信你们会喜欢这个建筑的,它从未被曝光过。它一直以来只出现在照片中,从未有摄像团队对它进行过拍摄。
Our crew chief was trying to hold the door on and my boss was flying the aircraft, but the left side of the cockpit was split open. 机工长试图把门关紧,我的上司操纵着飞机,但是驾驶舱的左侧裂开了。
One of them was a member of the crew, with two or three of his mates just standing there watching. 其中一位是渡轮上的船员,他的两三个同事则站在一旁观望。
There were two very short crew clones and one very tall, hooded Templar with him in the windowless ovoid of a room. 这是个卵形房间,没有窗户,有两个矮小的克隆人船员站在一边,还有一个高大的圣徒,戴着兜帽。
He said, "Some of these crew members may be subjected to the physical and mental torture. " 他说,“这些船员中有些人可能经受了身体和精神上的折磨。”
The information can be displayed to the crew on the yacht or transmitted to coaches on a chase boat, or to a support team on shore. 这些信息可以显示给帆船上的全体组员,或传送给旁边护航快艇上的教练团,或传送给在岸上的后勤单位。
Any one of them would have placed the ship and its crew in harm's way; together, they were a death sentence. 每一个小失误都会危及到这艘鳕鱼船和船员们安全;而综合到一起,就等于直接宣判了渔夫们的死刑。
A Taiwanese television crew wrote poems to Jarrett, gave him a ceremonial Indian hatchet, and said that he'd changed their lives. 一个台湾电视小组写了一首诗给Jarrett,给了他一把仪式上用的印第安斧子并说他可能改变了他们所有人的生活。
when changing of crew is often , it helps new crew identifying pipe systems to avoid mistake. 帮助新到船员迅速熟悉船上的管路系统,避免误操作。
On November 7, 1872 the ship departed New York with Captain Briggs, his wife, young daughter and a crew of eight. 在1872年9月7日,该船只载着船长Briggs、他的妻子、女儿和8名船员从纽约驶离。
He said the 24 crew members were released "in good health, " the owner will pay back the Philippines. 他透露,获释的24名船员“健康状态良好”,将由船东出钱送回菲律宾。
"The worst-case scenario would be a Mars crew that steps off the vehicle and their bones are too brittle to hold their weight, " Kring says. “最坏的情况是一个火星工作人员走下汽车,他们的骨头脆弱到不能支撑自身体重,”克林说到。
To sail on the sea on a stormy night like this was a great risk but the crew was determined to take the bull by the horns . 在这样的大风大雨的夜晚出海航行是很冒险的,但船员们决心顶着风浪上。
If I had to leave Grotto, that would've meant selling my crew just for passage money. 如果我被迫离开葛洛托,那就意味着我得卖掉僵尸工人换盘缠。
The island was familiar to the crew of The Young Amelia, --it was one of her regular haunts. 少女阿梅丽号的船员都很熟悉这个小岛,这是他们常常歇脚的地方。
It could also raise more than a $1tn over the next decade to help the country recover from the damage inflicted by the Wall Street crew. 税收还能在下个十年内筹集到一万亿多美元来帮助受华尔街牵连的国家从灾难中恢复。
It took just a few hours this month for a government-dispatched demolition crew to turn the place into a jagged pile of bricks. 然而,本月,政府派来的一个拆迁队仅用了几个小时就把这个学校变成了一堆废墟。
The boat crew spoke no English and after an hour of bouncing around in a speedboat we ended up on an unknown island. 船员们不会讲英语,在一个小时的晃动乘快艇我们结束了在一个未知的岛屿。
It was too large to dock at Mombasa, Kenya, but could anchor in deep waters to allow the crew to come ashore in a smaller boat, he said. 因为船太大了,没法进入肯尼亚的蒙巴萨码头停靠,只能锚泊在深水,让全体船员乘小船上岸。
McInnes said the experience over time of booking flight, the crew will ask someone to leave the aircraft, it is normal policy. 麦克因尼斯说,遇到航班超额预订时,机组人员会要求有人自愿离开飞机,这是正常的政策。
Alarmingly, at least for a container-ship neophyte like myself, the world's biggest ship seems to have a crew of only 19. 令人担忧的是,至少像我这样的集装箱船的新手,全球最大的船似乎只有19个船员。
He has this shrimp boat and a small skiff -- his wife and he the only crew. 他有这个虾船和一小小艇-他的妻子和他唯一的船员。
Two miles and an hour later, we pass the problem: a road crew trying to plug a hole that is the size of a small building. 我们一个钟头才走了两英里,终于通过了出问题的路段:一群修路工人正试图填平一个有一幢小屋子大小的坑。
More of a proposal to put thee. I've a venture underway, and I find myself in need of a ship and a crew. 应该说是个提议,尊敬的船长。我又要开始冒险了,却发觉自己还缺艘船和船员。
The Soyuz, by comparison, you can think of as a sports car, three crew members jammed into a small section of a module, " he said. " 相比之下,联盟号就好像一辆跑车,三名宇航员挤在太空舱狭小的空间中。
As he tries to get his lines just right, a production crew tries desperately to shape him into a star by advising him over a loudspeaker. 当他试图让他行得恰到好处,生产人员试图拼命塑造成明星,告诉他对他的扬声器。
Not to be excluded are at least two other private equity firms that have requested J Crew's financial records. 不排除还有至少两家私人股权公司要求得到JCrew公司的财务记录。
An attempt was made by Robert to do all the things that the sailor members of the crew usually did while serving as a cabin boy on the ship. 作为船上的侍者,罗伯特尝试做所有通常由水手做得事情。
Well, sir , I thought I had only found a cook, but it was a crew I had discovered! 先生,我以为只找到了一个厨师,可谁想到我因此又找到了好些水手!
Paul picked out a crew of men who could stand the heat better than others. 保罗挑选了一批最能忍受高温的汉子。