
美 [krɪb]英 [krɪb]
  • n.(有围栏的)幼儿床;(马、牛的)饲料槽
  • v.剽窃
  • 网络婴儿床;抄袭;小儿床

复数:cribs 现在分词:cribbing 过去式:cribbed



n. v.

4.(informal)(考试作弊用的)夹带written information such as answers to questions, often used dishonestly by students in tests


《Friends》词汇表A ... rim n. 边, 轮缘, 蓝框 crib n. 婴儿床, 食槽, 栅栏 facing n. 衣服等的贴边, 饰面 ...


SJ‘s Dream Valley ... 长短句 lyrics 抄袭 to plagiarize;crib 抄袭作风 pla... ...


Flashcards about 婴儿 ... cradle 摇篮 crib (有栏杆的)小儿床 stroller 手推童车 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... rim n. 边, 轮缘, 蓝框 crib n. 婴儿床, 食槽, 栅栏 facing n. 衣服等的贴边, 饰面 ...


大纲六级后词汇 - 豆丁网 ... crest n. 冠,饰毛,顶部; crib n. 婴儿小床,食槽; cricket n. 板球,蟋蟀 246 ...


家具词汇 _ 上海疯狂英语 ... cradle 摇篮 crib;;baby’s crib 儿童床 cupboard 碗柜;橱柜;壁柜 ...

Clinical Risk Index for Babies

...f illness, including the Clinical Risk Index for Babies (CRIB)15 and Score for Neonatal Acute Physiology (SNAP-PE).16,17...

She said he would go right to the crib, pick up the baby and bring him to the bed to cuddle with them. 她说,他一般径直走到婴儿床,抱起孩子,放到床上和他们一起搂抱着睡。
Yeah , it's about a three minute walk . Why not come to my crib for a cup of coffee ! We've got a lot of catching-up to do . 对啊,走路大概三分钟。干脆到我住的小窝喝杯咖啡吧!咱们得好好聊一聊近况。
As I was running toward his crib 6, I saw a beam coming down and I placed myself over him trying to protect him. 当我跑,对他的小床里,我看到了一束6被拆掉,我把自己他试图保护他。
In her crib , Bonnie whimpered at the sight of her mother being seized . 在她的小床里,邦尼看见妈妈被抓住就呜呜地哭了。
I ran across the hall to find a terrified little girl who had vomited quite a bit of pizza all over herself and her crib. 我冲过走廊,发现一个惊慌失措的小女孩,她身上和床上到处都是自己呕吐的披萨。
But just think how much faster the fat straws will fill up our crib. 但想想,粗壮的稻草使我们能更快地给婴儿床添满稻草。
When my 3-year-old is having a tantrum, I pick him up and bring him into another room -- even if it's to put him in his crib for a time-out. 当我3岁的孩子发脾气时,我就把他抱起来,带他到另外一间房间或他的床上。
She was crying hysterically saying that her baby daughter, Lindsay (who was slightly less than 10 months old) was found dead in her crib. 她歇斯底里地哭着说她的小女儿Lindsay死在婴儿床上(Lindsay还不到十个月)。
I haven't yet met a newborn who could stretch her fingers into a socket from her crib. 我还没有见过一个新生儿可以把她的手指伸进婴儿床的托座里。
"That's not the issue, Dad. " I felt as if I were 12 years old, trying to explain why I'd used a crib sheet on a spelling test. “那无关紧要,爸爸。”我觉得自己像12岁的孩子,在竭力为自己在拼写测验中传纸条作弊找开脱的理由。
When that's not an option, remember that it's OK to let your baby cry in the crib for a little bit while you collect yourself. 如果没有选择,把它放在摇篮里哭一小会也没关系,抓紧时间休息。
If the boy feels sleepy, first trades the diaper, then hugs him and gently pats his back. When he rests, must put him on the crib. 如果男孩想睡,首先换尿布,然后抱起他并轻柔地拍他的背。当他睡著,必须放他在小儿床。
She failed to notice that her child was no longer in his crib. 她没有注意到,她的孩子已经不在婴儿床上了。
He would be watching baseball, and his son would yell from his bed, "Daddy, get me out of the crib. I want to watch the Yankees. " 有时他在看棒球,儿子会在床上叫嚷,“爸爸,抱我出来,我也想看扬基队。”
In the room were a couple of armchairs, a child's crib, a table and a child's table and a little chair, on which Prince Andrey was sitting. 房间里摆着一张儿童床、两只箱笼、两把安乐椅、桌子、儿童茶几,还有一把安德烈公爵正坐着的小椅子。
Why am I sitting in a baby crib? 'Cause my parents are trying to re-create my baby pictures. 为什么我坐在婴儿床里?因为我的父母在尝试再现我小时候的照片。
I explained clearly that this was our opportunity to, so to speak, kill the baby in the crib. 我清楚地解释了这是我们把问题“扼杀在摇篮里”的机会。
She was kneeling beside the crib, making funny faces at the little one, who was smiling back at her. 莉莉问道。她跪在婴儿床旁边,对小生命扮著鬼脸,小盖布也冲著她微笑。
and then he lowered his hand. The shape in the crib was a teddy bear. There was no child. 然后,他把手放了下来。躺在婴儿床中的是个玩具泰迪熊。没有孩子。
I'll spoil Christmas for everybody just when we're ready to put Baby Jesus in the crib. 大家都准备好把小耶稣放进摇篮,我却会毁了大家的圣诞。
Jean: Oh, let me guess. You were cramming for the test or busy with the crib sheet? 我猜猜。你昨天是为考试熬夜还是忙着做小抄?
One night, my sister wanted to sleep in the room to see why he woke up screaming every time we put him in his crib fast asleep. 一天,我姐姐打算睡在那个房间,想弄清楚为什么每次我们把我已睡熟的儿子放在婴儿床上,他都会尖叫着醒来。
He remembered that a bird of prey came down to his crib, inserted its tail feathers in his mouth, and moved them about. 莱奥纳多曾回忆有一只捕食的鸟飞临他的小床,用尾巴上的羽毛在他的嘴里扫来扫去。
Beyond were a great tree of strawberry apples, the traditional privy, a modest barn, a hen house, a corn crib, and a pigpen. 再外面有一颗草莓苹果树,一个老式的厕所,一个不大的谷仓,一个鸡舍,一个谷物饲料槽,和一个猪圈。
Prince Andrey got up and went on tiptoe to the crib with the glass in his hand. 安德烈公爵站起来,拿着高脚杯,踮起脚尖走到小床前。
The only changes Charlie had ever made were switching the crib for a bed and adding a desk as I grew. 唯一的变化是随着我慢慢长大查理把摇篮换成了床铺还添了一个写字台。
Her father had not called her Amy since the crib death. 自从婴儿死去以来,她父亲还从没叫过他艾米。
The only changes Charlie h marketing ever mmarketinge were switching the crib for a bed and imparting a desk as I grew. 独一的变化是随着我逐步长大查理把摇篮换成了床铺还添了一个写字台。
The man wished that he could have made a crib for the baby, but this manger would have to do. 男的想他本来能够为孩子做个摇篮的,但做了这个料槽。
When they got back home , as soon as he lowered her into the crib , she began to shout and wave her arms . 当他们回到家里,他刚把她放进小床里她就大声地喊,还挥动双臂。