
美 [krɪsp]英 [krɪsp]
  • adj.脆的;酥脆的;鲜脆的;脆嫩的
  • n.炸薯片(有多种风味,袋装);水果酥
  • v.(使)变脆
  • 网络易碎的;活泼青脆的;松脆的

比较级:crisper 最高级:crispest 第三人称单数:crisps 现在分词:crisping 过去式:crisped



1.脆的;酥脆的pleasantly hard and dry

2.鲜脆的;脆嫩的firm and fresh

3.洁净的;挺括的fresh and clean; new and slightly stiff without any folds in it

4.凉爽的;清新的;干燥寒冷让人舒畅的pleasantly dry and cold

5.(踩踏时发出)脆响的firm or dry and making a pleasant noise when crushed

6.清脆悦耳的;清晰分明的pleasantly clear and sharp

7.简短干脆的(表明某人忙或不友好)quick and confident in a way that suggests that the person is busy or is not being friendly


水果英文单词_百度文库 ... cold store 冷藏库 crisp 脆的 cumquat 金桔 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... compulsion n. 强迫, 强制, [心]强迫性冲动 crisp adj. 脆的, 易碎的 clicked v. 发出滴答声n.滴答声 ...


7A英语单词_百度文库 ... last 上一个的 crisp 薯片 bar 块 ...


品酒英语词汇 - 伊万名庄 ... CREAMY( 绵密柔顺) CRISP活泼青脆的) AGE/AGED( 陈年/成熟) ...


医学考博英语1万词汇 - 豆丁网 ... crisis n. 危机 crisp a. 松脆的;清新的,爽快的;干脆的v.使发脆 criterion n. 标准,准 …


《背诵为王全套文本》全文在线阅读及txt下载 ... forest 森林 crisp 油炸马铃薯片 direction 方向 ...


酥_百度百科 ... [crisp] 如:酥脆;香酥鸡 酥脆[ eat short;crisp] 酥麻[ be limp and numb] ...

As he played he sat bolt upright, gaunt and aquiline, unsmiling in his crisp, perfect suit, with his elbows held close to his sides. 在演奏时他的背挺得笔直,瘦削且轮廓分明,穿着一身干净得体的西装而表情严肃,手肘紧靠在身体两侧。
It was a fine day, and crisp sunlight was shining through the first pale leaves on the trees nearby. 那天天气不错,清亮的阳光透过附近树梢上初萌的嫩叶洒下。
Rain, woke up to hear crisp voice against the smooth balcony. 下雨了,醒来的时候听到脆脆声音撞击着光滑的阳台。
Stronger adhesion: Coating of UV craft is too thick. It is crisp, not flexible, and easy to be broken off. 四附着强:光固化工艺采用UV漆,漆面过厚,极脆,韧性不够,容易破裂并脱落;
Want to put it out on the pub table beside you, getting showered with beer splashes and crisp crumbs? 想放在吧台上?被啤酒和面包屑溅到不好吧。
Love season of men feel that this crisp, not dragging its feet, sentimental, pretty good. 恋爱时节觉得这样的男人干脆利落,不拖泥带水、婆婆妈妈、挺不错。
I lay in the sun all day and was burned to a crisp. 我在太阳底下躺了一天,都快烤焦了。
radish salad with a choice of water, also known as white radish radish, tender, crisp and microstrip sweet taste, a bit less spicy. 凉拌用的萝卜选择水萝卜又名白萝卜,肉嫩,口感爽脆微带甜,少了几分辛辣。
Terri Crisp, dog in hand, got out of her car and walked right up to our camera and acted like she was about to answer our questions. 她手里牵着狗,从车上下来径直走向摄像机,像是要接受采访的样子。
After a while, a crisp chime was heard in the distance, followed by the chanting of sutras . The man seemed to wake from his reverie. 过了一会,远远传来一声清脆的磬音,接著梵唱悠扬,那人好像被惊醒了,这才继续往前查看。
We sat down at a table outside; a waiter unfolded crisp white napkins on our knees; we decided to take a little wine with our food. 我们在外面的一张桌子旁坐了下来;一位侍者把崭新的白餐巾打开放在我们膝盖上;我们决定吃饭的时候再来点儿酒。
Well, I read this at home before I left for the office and decided to put on my finest suit, crisp shirt and tie. 噢,我是在上班前在家里读到这个东西的,于是我决定穿上我最好的西装、干练的衬衫,并打上领带。
But for at least one crisp, clear night, the dreams of a beleaguered generation were improbably fulfilled, and that's all that counted. 但至少有那么一个新鲜松脆,清亮的夜晚,一代人“团结一致”的梦想似乎得到满足,也就是这样。
"We do not have a high degree of confidence or visibility that the execution of these changes will be crisp, " he said. “我们没有高度信心和高能见性,这次变革的执行将会很脆弱,”他说到。
Do heart of cloud is cloudless, and there is no limit and no difference, it will feel like the sky is blue and orange make crisp! 做到心中有云却无云,有与无就没有了界限和区别,心情就会像蓝天一样的澄沏和明快了!
Stature is an original, clean and crisp, sans serif compressed font, which can be used for text or as an effective display font. 身高是一个原始,清洁,脆,无衬线字体压缩,可以为文本或作为一种有效的显示字体使用。
You straighten out the collar on your crisp red shirt as you walk down the corridor toward the transporter. 你竖起领子,穿这红衫衣沿着走廊向运输车走去。
Its like asking if Jesus Christ would have been a pervert if hed had a crisp packet stuck on his head? 如果上帝放一包薯片在自己头上他会变成个变态狂吗?
The glass fiber is very thin, belongs to the very crisp textile fiber type, very easy to jab into the skin, must therefore protect well. 玻璃纤维很细,属于很脆的纤维类型,很容易刺进皮肤,所以要好好保护啊。
Half expecting to be arrested himself, Mr. Nimmer gave a crisp and candid account of what had happened and what the jacket had said. Nimmer先生对案件的过程和夹克上的内容作了明确而又公正的陈述,部分原因是他本人也希望以身试法。
If it spreads much further, and no countermeasures can be developed, then the potato crisp itself could become an endangered species. 如果“斑马片”进一步传播,又没有防治手段,马铃薯片就会成为濒危食品。
Stam then hit a stunning shot just over the bar and Inzaghi forced Rost into a full-length, with a crisp volley. 斯塔姆接着也是怒射高出,因扎吉也漂亮的完成了一次射门,迫使罗斯特施展回身解数才力保球门不失。
It was a beautiful, crisp September morning as I looked up from my Wall Street Journal to watch the sunrise over the East River. 九月一个美丽、清爽的早晨,我从手中的《华尔街日报》抬头眺望纽约东河(EastRiver)上的日出。
It has no external microphone and captures vibrations in the user's jawbone converting them to crisp and clear sound. 它没有外接麦克风和捕捉用户的颚骨震动将它们转换为清晰和清晰的声音。
The heady aroma from her cup drifted into the air and mingled with the crisp evening breeze. 她杯中那浓烈的香气拌着夜晚清爽的微风四处飘散。
It's hard to resist the beauty of a fresh spring day. The air is crisp, and the sun feels like warm hug. 春天真是很难叫人抗拒啊。空气很清新,太阳照在身上暖暖得就像有人抱着一样。
However, a voice responded at once, a crisp, decisive voice that sounded as though it were reading a prepared statement. 然而,立刻有个声音做了回答,这个声音清脆、果断,好像在念一篇准备好的发言稿。
Frank stared at the crisp blue five-pound note, longing to tear it into shreds and fling them in Paddy's face. 弗兰克望着那一张折叠有声的5镑的钞票,心里真想把它撕得粉碎,投到帕迪脸上去。
Crisp flavors offer fresh citric fruit over mouth-watering acidity, with an attractive, cleansing lemon-peel tang in the long, clean finish. 脆口,带很酸的新鲜柑橘水果味,以及柠檬皮的味道,余味绵长纯净。
I do not know what name it is called, but it sounds very appealing, very crisp. 我不知道它叫什么名字,但是它的声音很动听,很清脆。