
美 [krʌʃ]英 [krʌʃ]
  • v.压碎;压坏;压伤;挤压变形
  • n.迷恋;(狭小空间中)拥挤的人群;果汁饮料
  • 网络碾碎;粉碎;压破

第三人称单数:crushes 现在分词:crushing 过去式:crushed

crush opposition,crush resistance,army crush,crush enemy,crush revolt


v. n.

1.[t]~ sb/sth压坏;压伤;挤压变形to press or squeeze sth so hard that it is damaged or injured, or loses its shape

2.[t]~ sb/sth + adv./prep.把…挤入,将…塞进(狭小的空间内)to push or press sb/sth into a small space

3.[t]~ sth压碎;捣碎;碾成粉末to break sth into small pieces or into a powder by pressing hard

5.[t]~ sb镇压;(用暴力)制伏to use violent methods to defeat people who are opposing you

6.~ sb破坏,毁坏(某人的信心或幸福)to destroy sb's confidence or happiness


普利米尔_百度百科 ... 格雷伯爵茶( EARL GREY) ( Crush 压碎, 尼尔吉利( NILGIRI) ...


英语中读音相近的词_百度文库 ... clash (金属 幢击声 crush 压坏 collar 领子 ...


SPIDERMAN_在线英语听力室 ... ) infamous 声名狼藉的 ) crush 迷恋,迷恋的对象 ) beep 哔哔响 ...


在经过萎凋、揉捻后,碾碎Crush)、撕裂(Tear)、卷起(Curl),使成极小的颗粒状。CTC ( Crush 压碎,Tear撕碎,Cur…


《Friends》词... ... factor n. 因素, 要素, 因数, 代理人 crush vt. 压碎, 碾碎, 压服, 压垮, 粉碎, (使)变形 wine n. 葡萄酒, 酒 ...


(C-D)英语四级词汇表下载 ... cruel a. 残忍的,残酷的 crush vt. 压碎,碾碎;镇压 crust n. 面包皮;硬外皮 ...


英语 名词 动词 时态_百度文库 ... crime 犯罪 crush 压破,压坏 cry 哭 ...


. . . 《压缩空间CRUSH)》是世嘉即将推出的一款PSP独占解谜益智类游戏,这款游戏由Kuju Brighton公司开发。bbs.emu61…

And grant me with strength for the battle, that I can crush your enemy, as dust before before the wind. 赐予我战斗的力量,这样我就能击溃你的敌人,如同风前的尘埃。
It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone . and a day to love someone -but it takes a lifetime to forget someone. 迷上某人只需要一分钟,喜欢上某人需要一小时;爱是某人需要一天;然而忘记某人需要一辈子。
It was clear to me that her husband was vivid in her heart, a memory even Alzheimer's could not crush. 我清楚地知道,她丈夫活在她心中,这是一种即使是老年痴呆症也无法摧毁的记忆。
If enemies you wish to be, then I shall simply have to crush you all a third time before exacting justice on the halfling. 如果你们想要成为敌人,那么我只得在半身人的公平裁决到来之前,将你们第三次击溃了。
Today, I finally decided to tell my best friend that I had a crush on him for five years. 今天我下定决心要对好朋友表白说我暗恋他五年了。
If you sat on her lap at night, the statue would come to life and crush you to death in her dark embrace. 如果您坐她的膝部在晚上,雕象将来到生活并且击碎您对在她黑暗的容忍的死亡。
You know, you probably didn't know this, but back in high school, I had a major crush on you. 好吧,你可能不知道,在高中,我曾暗恋过你。
Rachel couldn't concentrate in class as she had a crush on her "dreamy" history professor. 瑞秋眼中只有她的“梦中情人”历史教授,根本没法专心上课嘛。
The utility model has the characteristics of a low cost, a light weight, is not easy to crush in mailing, and can be used once. 不但造价低且具有观察、邮寄不易破碎、重量轻、可一次性使用的特点。
The girl on whom he took a crush turned around and walked away from him. 你暗恋的女孩转过身子,从此离开了他。
Her face is red rise. At this time she also had a crush on him. She did not think he will blush. 她的脸不由红了起来。此时的她对他也有了好感。她没有想到会为他脸红。
Syrian activists say security forces have killed at least six people as they continue to try to crush protests against President Assad. 叙利亚活动积极分子表示,安全力量继续镇压反对阿萨德总统的抗议活动,造成至少6人死亡。
Box-office riches, like so much of the female population of this planet, follow him from continent to continent, nursing a raging crush. 票房大胜,世界上这么多女性对他的青睐,从一个洲蔓延到另一个洲,对他的热情还在渐渐增长。
When she found that i had a crush on her, she told me she had someone to go out with already. 当她发现我对她有意思的时候,她告诉我她已经在谈恋爱了。
There was quite a crush of people at the polling station, as if it was the premier of some movie. 投票站那里是拥挤不堪的人群,仿佛是某部电影的首次公演。
In books and films, it is often the machinery used by governments to crush individuality. 在书中或电影里,它常常被刻画成政府用来镇压个性的机器。
An extensive muscle-crush injury culminating in a crush syndrome is often lethal unless treated actively and promptly. 广泛的肌肉挤压损伤达到顶峰出现挤压综合征,若不积极及正确的治疗经常导致死亡。
Dong was caught by a group of young Uighur men as she fled the bus with other passengers, losing sight of her husband in the crush. 董媛媛在和其他乘客一起逃离公交车时,被一伙年轻的维族男人抓住,在混乱中看不到丈夫的踪迹。
The streets were bedded with it -- six inches of cold, soft carpet, churned to a dirty brown by the crush of teams and the feet of men. 街上铺满了雪,像是铺上了六英寸厚的冰冷、柔软的地毯,它被车碾、人踩,弄成了褐色的泥浆。
What's the matter with him? It seems that he has a crush on a girl every term. 他是怎么回事儿?好像他每学期都爱上一个女孩子。
I spent the majority of the date flirting with my crush, and when he dropped us off at home, I told him I had fun on our date. 我大部分时间和他调笑。最后当他送我们回家时,我说,和他约会很高兴。
There was such a crush on the train that I could hardly breathe. 在火车上有如此的压碎以致我几乎不能呼吸。
to have a crush on someone = to only be able to think about one person: "When I was at school, I had a crush on a film star. " 迷恋某人(脑子里只能想着一个人):“我上学的时候对一个影星极其迷恋。”
It had been so long since she last held court that the crush of cases was almost overwhelming. 距离她上次开庭已经很久,于是挤压如山的案件顷刻间涌来。
I have already has a crush on him for a long time, if I don't go in front of him, he never saw me. 我已经暗恋他很久了,如果我不走到他的前面,他永远不会看见我。
"She told me her boyfriend introduced her to the crush fetish as he loves licking her feet, " he said. “她告诉我她男朋友因为爱舔她的脚介绍她进了碾物群,”他说。
One of my classmates saw me handing in the draft, got a crush on me and I fell hard for her. 我的一位同学看到我交出在草案中,得到迷恋我,我就下跌她难以。
For a while he was known for saying things like that he wanted to crush all others' music and be the most extreme, over-the-top band. 有一段时间他因为他说要摧毁一切其他的音乐而做最极端的,最过激的乐队而知名。
I'm crush on a boy but he doesn't know about that. I'm afraid we are not friends anymore if I tell him about this. 我很喜欢一个男孩,他不知道,我怕我若是说出口,连朋友都做不成。
I don't usually tell people about this. It's a bit embarrassing. I've got a secret crush on the office cleaner. 我不经常跟别人说这些。这有点让人难为情,我秘密爱恋着办公室清洁工。