
美 [krʌʃ]英 [krʌʃ]
  • v.压碎;弄碎;压倒;压坏(帽子等)
  • n.压碎;拥挤;〈口〉扰嚷的集会;(给牲畜打火印设置的)漏斗状围栏
  • 网络压碎的;粉碎;爱出狂魔

第三人称单数:crushes 现在分词:crushing 过去式:crushed

crush opposition,crush resistance,army crush,crush enemy,crush revolt



商务英语(科学出版社) - MBA智库文档 ... stained 玷污的 crushed 压碎 dented 碰凹 ...


纸业专业英语词汇翻译(C6) ... crush test 压溃试验 crushed 压碎的,压溃的 crushed core 压溃纸管芯 ...


英语 摔碎 打碎 撞碎 粉碎 打破 的单词_百度知道 ... 撞碎: Crashing 粉碎Crushed 打破: Break ...


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听力单词 - 豆丁网 ... wicker 松开的,松散的 crushed 破碎的 bird cage 提升吊笼, 海上平台用吊篮 ...


译言网 | vincent ... thorn 刺 荆棘 crushed 压碎的 粉碎的 Starry starry nights 洒满星星的夜晚 ...


纸业专业英语词汇翻译(C6) ... crush test 压溃试验 crushed 压碎的,压溃的 crushed core 压溃纸管芯 ...


... ¾ cup uncooked wild rice 杯生的野生米] ½ tsp dried rosemary,crushed 茶匙干迷迭香,碾碎] ½ cup butter,cubed 杯黄油] ...

Is there some semantic problem, or do I understand you to mean that you do not care that the pitiful Sentinels will be crushed like vermin? 是语义上出了问题,还是我理解的那样,你是说你并不介意那些可怜的哨兵们像虫豸一样被碾得粉碎吗?
I felt as if I had been sat on by someone heavy for a long time and emerged crushed in spirit and, oddly, in body too. 我觉得自己仿佛被某个很沉重的家伙压在身下很长时间,精神几近崩溃,而且奇怪的是,身体也近乎崩溃。
Having set it to draw, he took off the kettle and crushed the pan flat on the live coals and watched the lump of butter slide and melt. 沏好了,他就把开水壶挪开,将锅平放在煤火上,望着那团黄油滑溜并融化。
Paul, more than anyone else, was an example of how much a child of God can suffer without being crushed or broken in spirit. 保罗的经历告诉我们:一个上帝的孩子,无论受多少苦,仍能不在灵里受压。
Not that I have money; but I would do anything reasonable, sane, because my needs are very few, and I have no fear of being crushed out. 不是说我有钱,而是我做事都是清醒理智的,因为我的需要真的很少,我没有被排挤出去的恐惧。
Affliction transforms a man in his own eyes 'from the human condition into that of a half-crushed worm writhing on the ground'. 痛苦的事情守曰个人看到自己从一个有尊严的人转变成“一条被碾段的虫子那样在地上挣扎”。
Were it up to women, Mr Lokke Rasmussen would be crushed and Denmark would get its first female prime minister, with a handsome majority. 如果是女候选人获得多数选票脱颖而出,那么勒克·拉斯穆森将被击败,而丹麦则会迎来第一位女首相。
Some of the rest of them even thought aboutjumping off the boat to spare them from getting their bodies crushed by theboards of the ship. 有些人甚至想要跳到海里,以免自己的身体被船上的甲板挤坏。
His unnamed pal was one of the 96 Liverpool supporters who were crushed to death on packed terraces at the Sheffield stadium. 他那位姓名未被公开的朋友是在位于谢菲尔德的球场中,于挤满了人的看台被压死的96位利物浦球迷之一。
Mayo came here on impulse without a single thought about what would happen. She felt as if her chest was being crushed by helplessness. 真夜是在一时冲动之下来到这里,根本没细想过接下来会发生什么。她觉得自己的胸膛好象就快被绝望给碾碎了。
Only a small log directly ahead of him, about as big around as his waist, had kept him from being crushed. 多亏在他前面不远处的一个小小的木块,就像他的腰部那么宽,才使他幸免于被压碎。
The children trampled over the fallen petals, and where it had been crushed that tender silk turned darker, like a human bruise. 孩子们踏过坠落的花瓣,如绸缎般柔软的花瓣变得黯淡,像人类的瘀伤。
I could have crushed the pretzels better. But I made this at 1am. My husband tried to stay up to taste it. 我本来可以把椒盐脆饼粒磨得更细,但我在凌晨1点做的。
Worse still, the fallen mast that crushed the ship's deck is BElieved by many to BE the result of an unapproved salvage operation. 更糟糕的是,许多人都认为桅杆倒下来压碎轮船甲板是由未经批准的打捞行动造成的。
When he finally called and said he wasn't looking for anything serious, I was crushed. 当他最终打电话说他并不是寻找任何正儿八经的恋情的时候,我崩溃了。
But ever he sucked and chewed on the crushed bones of the caribou calf, the least remnants of which he had gathered up and carried with him. 但是他却一直吮吸和咀嚼那只小鹿的碎骨头,这是他收集起来,带在身上的残渣。
That was the beauty of it, because no one was turned away, but it also led to many hopefuls who had no talent having their hopes crushed. 因为没有人被转离开,但是它也导致许多有希望之人,所以那是它的美人谁没有才能有他们的希望压破。
He wondered if she did not begin to see what a powerful engine it was, and how nearly it had crushed her. 他不知她是否真的还没看出,纽约社会是个威力强大的机器,曾经险些将她碾得粉碎。
If the trauma of being pulled to the surface from the deep is not fatal, the fish are usually crushed in the net by other fish. 就算把鱼从深海拉出的创伤还能挽回,这些鱼也通常被网里其他的鱼压扁了。
He broke off and began to walk up and down a desolate path of fruit rinds and discarded favors and crushed flowers. 他忽然停住不说了,沿着一条布满了果皮、丢弃的小礼物和踩烂的残花的小道走来走去。
To make crushed ice, put some ice cubes into a strong polythene bag, seal it tightly, then hit it with a rolling pin to break up the ice. 制碎冰时,放一些冰块在结实的聚乙烯袋,封紧袋口,用擀杖敲击打碎即可。
Also, if your Spy is about to be crushed, bribe the enemy unit to save your Spy. 当然,在间谍快被压死旳时候别忘记贿赂那个想压伱旳单位来救间谍一命。
I saw a woman carrying a baby. She was pushed and dropped the child, who was crushed under the feet of the crowd. Then I passed out. 我看见一个妇女背着孩子。她被推倒,孩子掉在地上被人群踩在脚下。随后我冲了出去。
The last two fingers on his right hand looked as if they had been crushed and then tied together. 右手的最后两个手指看起来好像被轧坏了,包在一起。
It had been waiting until their forces crushed remaining Gadhafi loyalists before launching their plan. 在实施他们的计划之前一直在等待,直到他们的武力碾碎剩余的卡扎菲的拥护者。
The wind failed to attract the wet weight, dry particles continue to be crushed, until it can be sucked up into the wind drying tube. 风力无法吸引的湿重颗粒继续被击碎、干燥、直至能被风吸起进入干燥管。
Other plants and parts of plants (including seeds and fruits) used for perfumery, fresh or dried, whether or not cut, crushed or powdered. 香料用植物及植物之一部份(包括种子及果实),新鲜或干燥,不论是否已切割压碎或制粉。
I was still full of fervor just a few days ago; it seemed to me that I could move mountains; today, I am crushed. 就在几天前,我还豪情万丈,似乎能移山倒海,可今天,我彻底垮了。
She let me watch her limbering and I put my finger at the bend point of her spine and it crushed it like a pair of nut-crackers. 她让我看她把炮挂在牵引车上,我把我的手指放在她的脊骨的弯曲处尖,它压坏它喜欢胡桃钳。
An optimistic, entrepreneurial spirit emerged that will not be crushed by a few years of recession. 积极、乐观进取的精神将不会被仅仅几年的经济衰退而粉碎。