
美 [kʌp]英 [kʌp]
  • n.杯子;杯赛;奖杯;一杯(的量)
  • abbr.(=Cambridge University Press)(英国)剑桥大学出版社
  • v.使(手)窝成杯状;使(双手)成圆状托起
  • 网络打印功效的看守保护进程项(Common UNIX Printing System);茶杯;杯饮类

复数:cups 现在分词:cupping 过去式:cupped

coffee cup,silver cup,plastic cup


n. v.

1.[c]杯子a small container shaped like a bowl, usually with a handle, used for drinking tea, coffee, etc.

2.[c]一杯(的量)the contents of a cup

3.[c]杯(美国用作烹饪的计量单位);量杯(金属或塑料量器)a unit for measuring quantity used in cooking in the US; a metal or plastic container used to measure this quantity

4.[c]杯状物a thing shaped like a cup

5.[c]奖杯;优胜杯a gold or silver cup on a stem , often with two handles, that is given as a prize in a competition

6.[sing]杯赛a sports competition in which a cup is given as a prize

7.[c](胸罩的)罩杯one of the two parts of a bra that cover the breast


in your cups

喝醉having drunk too much alcohol

not sbs cup of tea

非某人所好;不合某人心意not what sb likes or is interested in


杰克杯子(cups) 於 2008-07-06 23:19 回覆:等级:留言|加入好友 文曲是一颗才艺之星,加上华盖脱俗的想法,加上命宫空宫 …

打印功效的看守保护进程项(Common UNIX Printing System)

Common Unix Printing System(CUPS)是一个出现的比较晚的打印管理程序,也正是如此,它的功能很现代,界面也非常友好 …


英语发音规则 – 个人日记 – 一百易社区 ... →bridges 桥梁 →cups 茶杯 →cats 猫 ...


(5)杯饮类(Cups) Cups(杯饮)类鸡尾酒通常以烈性酒如白兰地等加橙皮甜酒、水果等调制而成,但目前以葡萄酒为酒基调制已成 …


首页-helloparty生日派对用品综合商城-淘宝网 ... 生日书︱成长纪念册— Birthday S 纸杯Cups 纸盘— Cake Plates ...


...客场翻盘的可能性仅限于理论上)——这么说吧,一旦在杯赛Cups)中遇到B字头的球队,A字头的阿森纳(Arsenal)就好 …

How much yogurt do we need? -Two cups. 我们需要多少酸奶?两杯。
Mother always filled things up -- cups, water jugs, vases, boxes, arms -- as if colour and weight equalled a superior quality of life. 妈妈总喜欢用东西装扮那些:空杯子、空水缸、空花瓶、空盒子等就连双臂也不愿空着,好像颜色和重量就等于一种生活的高品位似的。
I tried several cups of Susanto's brew, which had been roasted by hand in an earthenware pan over a wood fire for seven to 10 minutes. 我尝了几杯Susanto煮的咖啡,他将咖啡豆放在木头火堆上的陶土锅里,手工炒了7到10分钟。
A week later, Prowse had become suspicious when they met for coffee and she noticed the lids of the cups had been removed and replaced. 一周后,他们相约喝咖啡,她注意到杯盖被挪动和更换了,普劳斯开始有所怀疑。
His hands are too busy to shiver, plucking tiny cups out of boiling water and making tea with a jumble of strainers and clay kettles. 他的双手很忙,不断的从小杯子里面倒出开水,然后用一堆陶器做的具有过滤作用的各种壶沏着茶。
He cups his hands over his mouth, draws a breath, and makes a low, lonesome moan that rises to a fierce cry. 阿尔瓦雷斯把双手放在嘴边,做成扩音的样子,深深地吸一口气,发出低沉、孤独的呜咽声。
The druggist plugged in an electric percolator, found two cups and put them on a table that had a chair on either side of it. 老板把一个电咖啡壶插上电源,找了两个杯子,放在一张桌上,桌子的两边各有一把椅子。
How much cups of coffee did you drink? 你喝了多少杯咖啡?
They made the lampstand of pure gold and hammered it out, base and shaft; its flower like cups, buds and blossoms were of one piece with it. 他用精金做一个灯台;这灯台的座和干,与杯、球、花,都是接连一块锤出来的。
Large-capacity dual-Cup Road down cup, designed to put more than 200 cups, do not always add the cup. 大容量双杯道落杯器,设计可放置200多个纸杯,无需经常添加杯子。
He gave a blurb for my most recent book, "Half the Sky, " and I read his book "Three Cups of Tea" to my daughter. 他还给我的新书《半边天》写了荐语;我给我的女儿读他的书《三杯茶》。
But after few cups of wine they began to talk. He could not help but to ask the man about his ex wife and their marriage. 两个男人原本无话,客套寒暄后,几杯酒下肚,他终于忍不住,询问人家的婚姻状况。
Italy, with roughly the same population, has won four World Cups and been runner-up in a few more. 而人口差不多相当的意大利,获得四次世界杯冠军和好几次亚军。
Or like the lama behind me doing prostration, he would lay out a circle of small cups of water with a flower in each cup everyday. 或者像我做大礼拜后面的一位喇嘛,他每天都会在圆形的佛塔座上放满一圈小杯供水和花。
The pump comes complete and ready to use with a 12. 5 foot grout hose and a set of spare piston cups. 该泵构造完整,可以使用12.5英尺水泥浆软管和一套备用活塞。
Don't you want to take a set of those tiny cups and pots with you back to the United States? 您想要买一套袖珍的茶壶和茶杯带回美国吗?
Even if you can fall asleep with no trouble after drinking two cups of coffee right before you head out to bed, don't do it. 即使你喝两杯咖啡后还能轻易入睡,也不要这样做。
Well, I could never stay away any of his briefings without first drinking at least 3 cups of coffee. 好吧,假如我不先喝了至少3杯咖啡的话,我一定会在他布置任务时(无聊得)昏睡过来。
Make a lampstand of pure gold and hammer it out, base and shaft; its flowerlike cups, buds and blossoms shall be of one piece with it. 要用精金做一个灯台。灯台的座和干与杯、球、花,都要接连一块锤出来。
But cups are very special in this country and it was the only domestic trophy we haven't won in the last two years. 但是杯赛在这个国家有特殊的意义。这是我们过去两年内惟一没有获得的国内奖项。
The only possessions that it could see were a few tin plates and cups and a couple of pots. 我看到的仅有的财产就是几个镀锡的盘子,几个茶杯和两三个锅。
She was so exhausted that she let me help her without protesting, and finally we sat down together near the fire with our cups of tea. 她累极了,所以乖乖地由着我拾掇她,最后我们端着茶在炉火旁一起坐了下来。
The bra (see photo), made of recyclable plastic, can be tied together to create pots out of the bra's cups. 文胸罩杯由可回收塑料制成,可拼接成一个小花盆。
Because the only realistic way he would have gotten interested in Afghanistan is if it had been wearing a miniskirt and sported C-cups. 因为他对阿富汗感兴趣的唯一现实的方式就是她是否穿了迷你短裙和运动的C罩杯。
After I was ready to go, I peeked into the kitchen and there were the four coffee cups on the kitchen table awaiting our return. 准备出发之时,我偷偷看了看厨房,发现了四个咖啡杯,静静等待着我们归来。
The children were given the chance to search under one of the cups and allowed to keep the sticker if they found it. 孩子们在两个杯子中寻找标签,谁先找到,谁就可以得到那张标签。
Well, sometimes it may cost us a few broken cups or ruptured sofa, but it is all about fun, isn't it? 嗯,有时候猫啊,狗啊会把杯子打碎或者把沙发挠烂,但对它们来说这完全是种乐趣,不是吗?
Oil the metal cups in the popover pan and place a tiny bit of butter in the bottom of each cup from the bits you cut up. 给泡芙烤盘的金属杯涂点油,在每只杯底放一小点你刚才切好的黄油块。
Strain and refrigerate until ready to use. Fill cups about half way with each liquid. Add one teaspoon of the boiled cabbage to each glass. 应变和冷藏,直到准备使用。填充液体每杯约一半。添加一个煮白菜的每个玻璃茶匙。
Using CUPS, it is possible to use the domain print servers or to print directly to the network interface of the printer. 在使用CUPS时,可以使用域打印服务器,也可以直接向打印机的网络接口打印。