
美 [kɜrb]英 [kɜː(r)b]
  • v.抑制
  • n.起控制(或限制)作用的事物;(由条石砌成的)路缘
  • 网络路边;约束;制止

复数:curbs 现在分词:curbing 过去式:curbed

curb inflation,curb growth,curb rise,curb power,curb demand


v. n.

1.~ sth控制,抑制,限定,约束(尤指不好的事物)to control or limit sth, especially sth bad


赵丽——GRE词汇课 - 豆丁网 ... curt 简洁的 curb 控制 curd 凝 乳 ...


词根联想记忆法词汇教程(二)|联想记忆法背单词 ... cunning adj. 狡猾的;可爱的 curb v. 抑制 curiosity n. 好奇心 ...


考研英语常见词根的来历(词源) - 豆丁网 ... cur 而来 如: curb n. 路边,场外证券市场 care 嘛 9 如: ...


六级英语写作常用短语精选(三)|第1英语作文网 ... incentive 鼓励, 刺激 curb限制, 抑制 consumption 消费 ...


Benjamin Netanyahu ... quagmire: 沼泽,湿地 curb: 约束,限制 bolt: 退出 ...


制字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 制造厂〖 plant〗 制止〖 check;curb;prevent;stop〗 制作〖 make;manufacture〗 ...


建筑专业英语词汇(C)|房地产建筑专业英语词汇 ... cupola dam 穹顶坝 curb 路缘 curing agent 固化剂 ...


包头市规划局 ... 第4.1.23条 硬路肩 hard shoulder 第4.1.24条 路缘石 curb 第4.1.25条 平缘石 flush curb ...

My husband, who was the captain of the patrol boys in the eighth grade, has a tendency to hold out his arms at the curb: stand back! 而我丈夫在八年级时是童子军队长,每每他会伸出手来抓住我:退后!
India has raised interest rates nine times in just over a year as it tries to curb inflation. 为了遏制通胀,印度在仅仅一年多的时间里已加息9次。
It may even have promoted susceptibility to the virus it was trying to curb. 它甚至会增加对原先想要制服的病毒的易感性。
The flash of headlights through the rain caught my attention as a dark car pulled up to the curb just a few feet away, facing us. 汽车前灯的光穿透过雨幕吸引了我的注意,一辆黑色的车子向着我们开过来,只有几英尺远了。
The curb on virtual money reflects concerns that it has been used to circumvent China's strict laws against gambling. 中国政府对虚拟货币的限制反映出,人们担心它已被用于绕开中国严格的反赌博法规。
I bet it's not a piece of good news for PBOC which is trying to curb China's soaring inflation. 我打赌这对正在试图控制通胀的人民银行不是一个好消息。
Seven minutes after she was first hit by the van, a 57-year-old rag collector noticed the girl and moved her to the curb. 距离悦悦第一次被撞七分钟后,一个拾捡垃圾的57岁阿婆发现了小女孩并把她抱到路边。
Trying to curb electricity consumption would be political suicide for the Party. 试图遏制电力消耗,对党来说是政治自杀。
"Spring and Autumn" as a "courtesy of the large" is only an attempt to curb the "no-Jun-jun, Chen-chen does not" trend. 《春秋》作为“礼之大宗”,只不过是企图遏止“君不君、臣不臣”的发展趋势。
But given how polluted the country already is, and how much unrest that pollution is causing, it should curb its hunger for resources. 但是如果考虑下到这个国家究竟已经被污染到什么程度,并考虑下污染正在引起多大的动荡,政府应该克制下其对资源的饥渴。
On the curb in front of their house someone had etched a white mark, indicating to fellow travelers that this house was an "easy mark. " 他家房子前的侧石上有人蚀刻了一个白色记号,向别的流民表明这家是“软蛋”。
It's trying to run its own monetary policy, raising interest rates and ratcheting back bank credit to curb inflation. 它努力实施自己的货币政策,通过加息并回笼银行信贷来遏制通货膨胀。
They were carefully backing their big bikes into a curbside space, as if they had never backed their bikes to a curb before. 他们仔细地支持他们的大自行车到路边的空间,好像他们从来没有支持他们的自行车到遏制前。
Unable to stop in time on the compromised surface, the car ran up the curb and made impact with a pole and the front of a store. 无法阻止在时间上的损害表面,赛车跑到路边,并影响了极点和前面的一家商店。
That the terrain to which his auditors are released is dauntingly featureless did not curb Emerson's own delight in solitary freedom. 他的听众被指引去的地方是令人畏惧、毫无特色的,但这并没有束缚住爱默生在孤独的自由中享有的喜悦。
China, while resisting such targets, may have done more to curb emissions growth than any other country in recent years. 尽管中国抗拒这些目标,但近年来或许没有任何一国在控制排放增长方面做过中国这么多工作。
The next day, in order to curb the spreading of the war and out of the thinking of trial, America cast the first bomb on Hiroshima. 于是在8月6日,一方面为了阻止战争的继续蔓延,一方面出于试验的心理,美国向广岛投放了第一颗原子弹。
Seeing the other car coming toward him at such speed, John lost his head and drove up over the curb into a tree. 看见另一部小汽车飞速向他开过来,约翰惊慌失措把车子开到路边的镶边石上,撞到树上去了。
Obama said the U. S. will not try to curb climate change at the expense of economic growth. 奥巴马表示美国不会试图牺牲经济增长遏制气候变化。
Everyone yelled at me to hurry up since the kid was panicking and trying to take his mouth off the curb edge. 每个人都在冲我嚷嚷让我快点。胖小子惊慌失措,他挣扎着想把自己的嘴从侧石上挪开。
As I hesitated on the curb, I felt a hand on my elbow and looked down to see the smile of my small beggar friend looking up at me. 当我在街头犹豫的时候,我感到在我胳膊肘处有一只手。我向下看了看,看到那个身材矮小的乞丐朋友微笑地望着我。
was the ninth in just over a year and has raised questions over the effectiveness of RBI efforts to curb inflation . 这是印度央行在短短一年里第九次加息,不禁让人怀疑其抑制通胀措施的效力。
Despite legislation designed to curb the potency of any one private army, the massive corporations were able to build sizable droid forces. 尽管法律原则上限制任何私有军队的发展,但这些大企业却能组建规模庞大的机器人武装。
As he tilted his little wooden platform over the curb, his eyes met mine. He greeted me with a grand smile. "Good morning, sir. " 正当他费力抬高他身下的木板,想挪到人行道上时,他的目光与我相遇,并向我灿烂一笑。
Another dynamic we are beginning to see involves countries benefiting from strong inflows of funds needing to raise rates to curb growth. 我们正开始看到另一种情况,即从资金强劲注入中获益的国家需要上调利率以遏制增长。
If you step off the curb in New York City and a taxi is coming, you've got to worry. 当你在纽约走上人行道时有一辆出租车向你驶来,你就得担忧。
I got there a little early so I parked the car by the curb, across the street from where she worked, and waited for her. 因为我到得稍微有点早,就把车子停靠在母亲单位对面的路边上,等候母亲。
Barack Obama is keen to curb greenhouse-gas emissions with a cap-and-trade scheme. Can Congress come round to his way of thinking? 巴拉克.奥巴马提出限额交易体系,急于期望削减温室气体排放。议会会改变观念,与他想法一致吗?
The Bank of Japan called an emergency meeting Aug. 30 to pump more liquidity into the economy, also an attempt to curb the yen's rise. 8月30日,日本央行召开紧急会议向经济体注入更多流动性,目的也是为遏制日圆升值。
But Chanos'worry is that the government will overdo it in trying to put a lid on the economy, especially the effort to curb construction. 但柴诺斯的担心在于政府在给经济加盖是会矫枉过正,特别是控制建设方面的努力。