
美 [kɜrs]英 [kɜː(r)s]
  • v.诅咒;咒骂;在心里诅咒;念咒语诅咒
  • n.咒;咒语;祸根;咒骂语
  • 网络咒歌;骂人;诅咒术

过去式:cursed 过去式:curst 第三人称单数:curses 现在分词:cursing

put curse,lift curse


n. v.

1.[c]咒骂语;骂人话a rude or offensive word or phrase that some people use when they are very angry

2.[c]咒;咒语a word or phrase that has a magic power to make sth bad happen

3.[c]祸根;祸端;祸水something that causes harm or evil


见崎鸣_百度百科 ... B - blue( 悲伤) C - curse诅咒) D - doll( 人偶) ...


咒_百度百科 ... 诅咒[ curse;swear;abuse;revile] 咒骂[ curse;swear;abuse;revile] 咒文[ incantation] ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... currency 通货,货币;流通 curse 诅咒;咒语 v.诅咒,咒骂 curtain 窗帘,幕布 ...


2013最新最好听最好看的网名-起名网 ... 爆米花也是 floweR ✿ 咒歌 Curse 尼古丁 Radjf ...


骂_百度百科 ... 骂名[ bad name] 骂人[ abuse;curse;rail;swear] 骂山门[ shout abuses] ...




中级口译翻译教材第二版词汇(16) ... 造福 benefit;blessing 祸害 curse;scourge;harm 输血 blood transfusion ...

The gas is does, endure is the enemy, but to leave the bitterest curse of ground, children in crops. 气是无明火,忍是敌灾星,但留方寸地,把于子孙耕。
But Adam broke that covenant by eating from the forbidden tree, falling under God's curse through sin, and all his offspring with him. 然而亚当吃了禁果,破坏了这个圣约,因而遭受圣约的咒诅,并且连累到他所有后代的子孙。
Not allowed to bully me, curse me, to trust me, people bully me, you want the first time out to help me. 不许欺负我,骂我,要相信我,别人欺负我,你要在第一时间出来帮我。
A small man pushed his way to the front of the line, only to be pushed back, amid loud and colorful curse. 一个身材矮小的人推挤着想到队伍的前头,但被推了回来,而且大家还七嘴八舌地大声斥责他。
You will comfort me in my disappointment in love, when, in my curse with him to help me curse. 你会在我失恋时安慰我,在我骂他时一起帮我骂。
But he continued to curse and struggle, and I butted him again and again until he went down heavily, on his knee, profusely bleeding. 但是他仍旧骂着、挣扎着。我一次又一次的撞他,直到他沉重地跪倒在地,不断流着血。
Her reaction to such sights is often to murmur a curse and fetch a cup of instant coffee. 她对于这些景象的反应通常是低声的咒骂然后快速灌下一杯速溶咖啡。
A little yellow light went on in one of the scratched windows and someone began to curse. 一扇模糊不清的窗户里面亮起了一盏昏黄的灯,有人开始骂人了。
Conversely, it is considered bad luck for a single woman to wear a ring on her engagement finger as it might curse her to be single forever. 相反,对一个单身女人来说,把一个戒指戴在无名指上,可能让她一辈子单身。所以很不吉利。
I weep for what he once was, and yet I curse him for the arrogance that has led him to this path, sowing pain and death across our world. 我为他从前的事迹而哭泣,也为他傲慢自负导致自己走上了这样一条道路、将痛苦和死亡带到我们的世界,而感到愤恨。
A farmer unearths an old top hat on his property and with it an ancient Indian curse that lays waste to all the farmers crops. 一个农民无意间在他的庄稼地里挖出了一顶旧高顶礼帽,而这顶礼帽带来的印第安诅咒会毁坏所有的农田。
"If so, globalisation will not be a curse for employment in western Europe, it could instead turn out to be a blessing, " the report says. 报告表示:“如果是这样,全球化就不会成为对西欧就业局势的诅咒,反而会是一个福音。”
His wife held up her hand to cut him off in mid- curse. "please, dear, " she said, "not in front of chilled wren. " 他的妻子举起手让他停了下来:“拜托了,亲爱的,”她说,“别在这只受冻的鹪鹩面前说。”
Why Job began to curse his birthday after three of his best friends came to comfort him for 7 days? 约伯为何在三个好友来访陪他七天后,开口咒诅其生日?
Tell her they're not some curse inflicted upon her for being a woman, but nature's way of keeping you from bleeding too much. 告诉她这不是作为女人的诅咒,是身体让她减少流血的自然反应。
I would never curse some innocent child with my eyebrows, my bad luck (yes it has got to be genetic at this point), and my anxiety. 我绝对不会想让个无辜的孩子继承我的眉毛和我的坏运气——是的,这个也是会遗传的——以及我的焦虑。
It was the second fear is the curse: "who disturbed the pharaoh's sleep, death will open their wings fell in his head. " 那是第二条令人恐惧的诅咒:“谁扰乱了法老的安眠,死神将张开翅膀降临在他的头上。”
Iran must be made to understand that owning nuclear weapons is a curse for it rather than a blessing. 必须让伊朗明白,拥有核武器是一种诅咒而不是一种祝福。
But the Lord your God would not give ear to Balaam, but let the curse be changed into a blessing to you, because of his love for you. 然而耶和华你的神不肯听从巴兰,却使那咒诅的言语变为祝福的话,因为耶和华你的神爱你。
At the same moment the convict screamed out a curse at us and hurled a rock which splintered up against the boulder which had sheltered us. 正在这时,那罪犯尖声痛骂了我们一句,便打过来一块石头,那石头在遮住我们的大石上碰得粉碎。
For the rest, like an autoimmune disease, the curse undermines the ability of a country to build defences against it. 至于其它国家,这种诅咒会像自体免疫性疾病一样,破坏它们建立防范机制的能力。
A week later, after she was sick of listening to me curse the computer screen for not delivering up a dog, Sally took over the search again. 一个星期过去了,我还在对着电脑屏幕抱怨怎么还不把狗儿送过来,莎莉早已厌倦不堪,于是她又开始接替我搜寻了。
"The hill goddess asked me to marry my son to her. The marriage will help in getting rid of her curse, " said the mother. 不久前,她说自己在梦中看到了“山神”,“山神”要求与她的儿子结婚以解除对她所施的毒咒。
However, god as if blame you cut thick bang for your general under a curse, he in a flash intangible let you changed. 然而,上帝仿佛责怪你剪去厚刘海一般为你下了一道无形诅咒,他在一瞬间让你变了样。
When Balak son of Zippor, the king of Moab, prepared to fight against Israel, he sent for Balaam son of Beor to put a curse on you. 那时,摩押王西拨的儿子巴勒起来攻击以色列人,打发人召了比珥的儿子巴兰来咒诅你们。
Is the wildly using of robots will bring our human beings danger, use you own view tell sb you thoughts on it: a blessing or a curse? 过度的使用机器人来取代人类工作,将变的危险,你的看法?是好还是坏?
This winner's curse is often behind bad acquisitions because the successful purchaser is the bidder most willing to pay too much. 失败的收购背后常常也存在这种“赢者诅咒”,因为胜出的买家是最乐意支付过高价格的竞标人。
Just a little curse I learned from a witch back in India. -Curse? Hah! What kind of curse? 只不过是我跟印度巫师学的一点咒语。-咒语?哈!什么样的咒语?
The curse inflicted upon the citizens was that of futile hope, as each knew in their hearts that these places were far beyond their reach. 这对于人们来说是空洞却无法实现的希望,因为每个人都知道这些地方远在他们可到达之外。
But I was always taught his son, even beat him, told him not to go swimming in a ditch, pond, but he was my curse, secretly learned to swim. 而我却总是教训儿子,甚至打他,叫他不要到沟里、池塘里去游泳,但他却在我的臭骂中,偷偷学会游泳。