
美 [ˌsi ˈvi]英 [ˌsiː ˈviː]
  • n.真直径;卡值;连续变动;变异系数
  • adj.心血管的
  • 网络变异系数(coefficient of variation);简历(curriculum vitae);循环伏安法(Cyclic Voltammetry)





1.履历,简历(全写为 curriculum vitae)the abbreviation forcurriculum vitae (a written record of your education and the jobs you have done, that you send when you are applying for a job)

变异系数(coefficient of variation)

变异系数(cv)是标准差和平均数的比率,是相对的变异指数。求得变异系数的公式是:s span style='mso-ignore:vglayout;;z-inde…

简历(curriculum vitae)

简历CV)这类材料没有大段大段的文字,很难体现水平。而Research Proposal多为2~3页,能体现一个申请者的思路。

循环伏安法(Cyclic Voltammetry)

循环伏安法(cv) 研究了在含cd2+的水溶液中修饰电极的电化学特性。研究发现,溶液中cd2+的存在,使fc-gsh 的氧化峰电位 …


对于个人简历CV)、个人陈述(PS,personal statement)、申请原因陈述(PR,pursue reason)、研究计划(RP,resea…

声优(Character Voice)

Evolution - 宇宙漩涡 ... 唱见 Nico singer 声优 CV 角色 Character ...

And whatever you do, do not spend time improving your CV. It sounds as if your CV is fine as it is. 还有,不管你做什么,别把时间花在为简历增色上。听上去你的简历似乎已经相当不错了。
Make sure you use the same paper as you used for your CV; it demonstrates professionalism. 确保你用的纸张与简历用的纸张是一样的。这是专业性的体现。
We will limit their contracts to three months, long enough to get something sensible on to their CV and to be able to give them a reference. 我们会把他们的合同限制在三个月,这个时间长度足以给他们的简历加上点有意义的内容,也足够给他们提供一种参考。
Then make a note of any questions you want to ask and have a note book and pen ready along with a copy of your CV. 然后记录下你想要问的问题;同时随身携带纸笔和你的简历。
Bullet points give your CV a clear and easy to read look, so use them to separate your interests into different types. 简历上的要点需要清晰、易读,所以可以根据不同要点对你的兴趣进行必要地划分。
But don't think he's not tough . Two years in prison for GBH on his wife's new boyfriend is unfortunately etch ed on his CV . 不过别以为他坚不可摧。因重伤了他妻子的新男友而入狱两年的经历不幸地成为了他履历上不可磨灭的污点。
their job advertisements and corporate websites will alert you to which ones they favour. Then tailor your CV to include the buzzwords. 不同雇主对于流行语侧重点亦不同。他们广告和企业网站可以告诉你他们青睐何种术语。你简历中可以添加这些术语。
Your creative skills can be illustrated via your portfolio; provide a link on your CV to a website with examples of your work. 你的创造性也可以通过简历的内容来展示:比如在简历中加上一个你自己设计的网页链接。
A CV for a new graduate might be one page, whereas those at the top of their profession might require dozens of pages. 一个刚毕业的学生可能写一页纸,而那些行业精英们可能需要一打纸。
Patrick Imbardelli is not the first top executive to leave his employer over his CV and he will not be the last. 帕特里克•因巴德利(PatrickImbardelli)不是首位因履历问题而被解雇的高级执行官,也不会是最后一个。
get out of [^et aut Cv] She tried to get out of helping her mother. 逃避,摆脱她尽量逃避帮助她的妈妈。
The liquid, ready-to-use reagent features total imprecision of less than 8% of the coefficient of variation (CV) across the assay range. 检测试剂是即配即用型试剂,总变异系数不超过检验范围的8%。
"It would be wonderful to have play-off winners on my CV and I think we are capable of it, " he added. “能在我的简历里写上附加赛的胜利者这一条将会是无比美妙的。我也认为我们能够获得它。”他继续说。
Leaving it late (I started building my CV in the second year) has made me realise just how much this put me at a disadvantage. 大学第二年我才开始打造我的履历,这使我意识到滞后让我处于不利的地位。
Two years in prison for GBH on his wife's new boyfriend is unfortunately etched on his CV. 因重伤了他妻子的新男友而入狱两年的经历不幸地成为了他履历上不可磨灭的污点。
The difficult bit has always been balancing the yearning for an impressive sexual CV and the longing for a wife, family, and home. 男人们总是得在让人回味悠长的性体验和对妻子、家庭和家的渴望之间作出抉择。
You can adapt your CV for the specific job requirement; try to match what you offer with the company's needs. 你可以针对特定的职位要求修改自己的简历,尽量让自己提供的资讯与公司的需要相符合。
Do not inconsistent with the conditions of delivery of the curriculum vitae, CV, please do not send an attachment, or is an appointment! 不符合条件的请勿投递简历,简历请勿以附件形式发送,合则约见!
It is often overlooked that fines and sanctions are just one aspect of CV. 人们经常忽略这一点,即罚金和处罚只是强制投票制的一个方面。
You can adapt your CV for the specific job requirement; try to match what you offer with the company's company require specif needs. 你可以针对特定的职位要公司可以东西求修改自己的简历,尽量让自己提供的信息与公司的需要公司尽量简历相符合。
So I guess in the end, I can't rule out a sense of possessiveness, but I don't see it much in CV. 所以最后,我想我不能排除有占有欲的可能,不过我在佛得角也没看到什么。
Owing to the addition of a flight deck over the existing hull, the USS Langley (CV-1) became known as the "Covered Wagon. " 由于是在现有的船体之外加上了一层飞行甲板,兰利号航空母舰(CV-1)也被称为“大篷车”。
A: I think you need to update your CV. Bring it over to my office tomorrow and I'll help you with it. 我觉得你需要改改你的简历了。明天把你的简历拿到我办公室来,我帮你看看吧。
AGAINST: Five years without a trophy at Arsenal has been a blot on his once impeccable CV. 劣势:在阿森纳已经5年没有拿过一个奖杯了,这成为他辉煌履历上的一个污点。
"New or adjusted CV risk-prediction tools are needed to provide reliable prognostic information, " he said. “我们需要新的或改良的心血管事件风险预测工具以提供可靠的预后信息。”他说。
This might have been established because of the excellence of your CV and covering letter. 对方可能是根据你的简历及自荐书确定你的能力。
Visual CV allows you to create multiple online resumes easily, with a variety of different templates. VisualCV允许你很容易的创建多个在线简历,使用大量的不同模板。
In the City, there is at least one soul who has enough moral fibre to pause, even momentarily, before padding their CV. 在伦敦金融城(City),至少有一个人有足够高的道德品质,会在给简历添油加醋之前犹豫一下,哪怕只有一瞬间。
With the 50-year genetic improvement, protein and fat concentration did not change greatly and their CV was relatively small. 经过50年的遗传改良,大豆蛋白质和脂肪含量变化不大,且品种间变异幅度较小。
We will contact you within a week if we find your CV matches our requirements. Thanks for your information! 如果你的CV符合我们的要求,我们将在一个星期以内和你联系。感谢你的信息!