
美 [.di 'eɪ]英 [.diː 'eɪ]
  • abbr.〈美〉同“District Attorney”
  • 网络多巴胺(dopamine);黑质多巴胺;配电自动化(Distribution Automation)





多巴胺dA)是一种中枢神经递质,其神经元在正中隆起处与垂体门脉有密切联系,这一解剖特点至关重要。目前 dA调节 gn…


目的探讨大鼠黑质多巴胺(DA)能神经元的形态学发育和分布特征.方法行大鼠出生前后不同时期的脑黑质区段连续冠状石蜡切片, …

配电自动化(Distribution Automation)

配电自动化DA)是一项集计算机技术、数据传输、控制技术、现代化设备及管理于一体的综合信息管理系统,其目的是提高 …

附凭单(Documents Attached)

...款交单D/W (Deadweight) 重量货物 DADocuments Attached) 附凭单DAF (Delivered at Frontier) 边境交货DDP (Delivere…

Yet there is no escaping the fact that Da Vinci was able to achieve so much, so broadly, because so little was known. 然而,我们无法回避一点:达芬奇之所以能够取得如此之多、覆盖面如此之广的科学成就,是因为那时人们对科学知之甚少。
He might have thought the place was Da Temple where we were supposed to take a break and have lunch. 原来他以为到了我们计划休息吃中餐的大殿了。
Maybe I was too ambitious to ask the best way to see a glimpse of Da Vinci's work in Venice from someone who didn't seem to care. 可能是因为我的高傲让我不齿于去问一个漠不关心的人那去看那些在威尼斯的达芬奇的作品的最好路线。
of my bed and saw Beloved Adi Da standing there, surrounded by golden light, with His hands on His hips, and an amused look on His face. 我在我的床尾看到挚爱阿谛达站在那儿,他的手和臀部都被金色的光芒环绕,脸孔流露出愉悦的神情。
'Ta-da! Look what I got for you, Dad! ' I said excitedly. “哈!老爸,看我给你带了什么!”我兴奋的说到。
He said: "Arsenal fans can be completely relaxed that Wenger has got this signing spot on - Da Silva is a great buy. " 他说:“阿森纳球迷可以完全放松了,因为温格已经签下了正确的人-达席尔瓦是一个伟大的家伙。”
5th, if you cannot help on me, I hope you to be able Qian Da in mine wages, if perhaps the wages were too low I not to be able to help you. 如果你不能帮我上,我希望你能把钱打在我的工资里,如果工资太低我恐怕帮不了你了。口语点,谢谢啦。
This thesis will explore the question of motion and rest, which is one of the ten painting questions of Da Vinci. 本文拟将达芬奇所论述的绘画之十大项目之运动与静止作为主要研究课题。
A video, da Silva and two other lovers has parachuted out of the cabin, three hand then pull up in the air, a circle. 一段视频中,达席尔瓦与另外两名跳伞爱好者先后跳出机舱,三人随即在空中拉起手、围成圈。
But Aggarwal has nonetheless become an aggressive champion for a spice that Vasco da Gama brought back to Europe from his voyages eastward. 不过,对于这个由达伽马东航之旅带回欧洲的香料,阿格瓦可是不遗馀力的鼓吹者;
OPC Data Manager allows two or more control systems to share DA, HDA and A&E data in a secure and reliable manner. OPC数据管理器允许两个或更多的控制系统,以安全可靠的方式共享DA,HDA和A&E数据。
Da Silva said, it is often even fell asleep on the plane in the sky. 达席尔瓦说,它甚至常常在升空的飞机上睡着。
DA: A physicist will tell me that this armchair is made of vibrations and that it's not really here at all. 大卫·爱登堡:物理学家会告诉我,这把扶手椅根本就不存在,它只是振动的结果。
"Since the concept of our helicopter came from Italy, I always wanted to take a flight in the birthplace of da Vinci, " Yanagisawa said. 他说:“因为直升机的理念源自意大利,所以我一直想在达·芬奇的出生地飞一次。”
I've just looked back through past issues to see when we stopped calling him Mr da Silva: the answer is when he took office in 2003. 我刚才查阅了一下过期杂志,找找看我们什麽时候最后一次称他为MrdaSilva︰答案是2003年的就职大典。
The great painter Raphael was one of the big three of Italy's high Renaissance, along with Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. 伟大的画家拉斐尔是意大利文艺复兴全盛时期三大画家之一,和莱奥纳多·达芬奇、米开朗基罗齐名。
To the east of the town center lies Praia dos Pescadores or Fisherman's Beach and Praia da Oura is only a few minutes away. 到市中心以东普拉亚到之处在于澎湖或渔夫湾及南湾大浦只有几分钟的路程。
Tahe Tahe is one of two counties in the north end of China; it borders Russian and is located in the center of Da Xing'an Ling. 塔河塔河县是我国最北部的两个县份之一,与俄罗斯接壤,居大兴安岭地区的中心地带。
The Da Vinci Code is a middling adventure game take on Dan Brown's mega-selling novel, but it does do at least a few things reasonably well. TheDaVinciCode是一款披着丹·布朗百万级销量小说外衣的中等品质冒险游戏,不过它至少有少数东西还是做的相当不错的。
One of Zhang Feng's enemies, White Eye, spots A-Da and challenges him to a game as he is also convinced A-Da is Zhang Feng. 这时,要找赌神风报仇的白眼突然出现,也认定阿达就是赌神风,并对他下战书。
Once I found a quote by Leonardo Da Vinci, and it said: "Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication" . 一旦我找到了一个达芬奇格言、它说:“简约风格,是一种成熟的最终形式”。
Amazingly, da Vinci wrote backward, so the easiest way to read his notes was to hold them up to a mirror. 令人惊奇的是达芬奇写下了反向,所以读他的笔记的最简单的方法便是在镜子前面举着笔记。
Angolan Prime Minister Fernando da Piedade Dias dos Santos held a grand ceremony to see him off at the parking apron of the airport. 安哥拉总理费尔南多·多斯桑托斯在机场停机坪举行了隆重的欢送仪式。
Author Dan Brown is a friendly, normal guy--not the type you'd expect to have created the dark world of The Da Vinci Code. 作家丹·布朗是一个友善的普通人,他不是你所想的那种能够创造出《达芬奇密码》里的黑暗世界的人。
Da Xiong is careless, even what he said, he maybe forgot soon. 大熊说完估计忘了,一直给我搭讪,我没理他。
She had, according to her da ughter, given up trying to compete with his work years a go, when the children were small. 她说,在女儿的记忆里,她很多年前,当孩子们还很小的时候,就放弃了和他工作的抗争。
Below, please friends with the author to be a time trip to see friends this Da Shetou the course of development. 下面就请朋友们跟笔者做个时间之旅,看看这个大舌头的朋友的发展历程。
It is indeed a wise child that knows its own father, and even knowing one's father, it may not be a good idea to call him "Da" . 是的,一个懂得自己真正的父亲是谁的小孩可以算得上聪明吧,他还懂得最好不要对自己的父亲叫“大大”。
At least this was more interesting than "da, da, da" - which has nothing to recommend it at all. 至少这比“嗒嗒嗒”有趣一些——“嗒嗒嗒”真是一无是处。
Commentator Ya Wei of the Da He newspaper said the only fault with the campaign was that it didn't go far enough. 《大河报》评论员亚伟认为,这次运动唯一一个缺陷就是距离不够远。