
美 [ˈdæmɪdʒɪŋ]英 ['dæmɪdʒɪŋ]
  • adj.造成破坏的;有害的;损害的
  • v.“damage”的现在分词
  • 网络有破坏性的;损坏;危害严重的



1.造成破坏的;有害的;损害的causing damage; having a bad effect on sb/sth


新概念第四册单词总汇[旺旺英语论坛] ... aging 老化 damaging 有害的 hanging 绞刑 ...


请答一下这些英语题_百度知道 ... C. negative( 负面的,否定的) D. damaging有破坏性的) A. enthusiastic( 热情的) ...


翻译一篇英语短文。_百度知道 ... 17 urgent: 紧急 18 damaging破坏 2 floods: 洪水 ...


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译 - 外国语 -... ... damaged 被损坏的 damaging 损坏 damagingly 很 ...


新概念4三七课_Bar台咨客_新浪博客 ... have been 过去完成式, damaging 危害严重的 to face reality 面对现实 ...


同义词扩充_中华会计网校论坛 ... 063 cure,v 治愈, 治好 064 damaging adj. 有破坏性的,损害的,诽谤的 065 danger,n 危险, 风险 ...

"A strike will be much more damaging to a company sourcing from a single factory in Asia than a small increase in costs, " he said. “对那些在亚洲只有一家供应厂商的公司而言,这种破坏将远远大于成本小幅增长,”他表示。
But it was used to create a climate that this thing - freedom of information - was damaging business. 但人们用它来造成了一种氛围,即信息自由损害了企业。
This can be emotionally damaging to a child as they start to understand that you will not meet their needs if they are crying or upset. 这会对他们的情绪造成影响,之后他们会明白即使哭泣或不开心,你也不会满足他们的需求。
In a statement last Friday, Danone claimed its trademark contract was valid and said Mr Zong's statements were damaging the company. 在上周五发布的一份声明中,达能声称其商标合同有效,并表示,宗庆后的言论正在损害该公司利益。
It was Starr's last, almost desperate attempt to break Hubbell and force him to say something damaging about Hillary or me. 这是斯塔尔的最后一招,几乎是拼命般地逼迫哈贝尔讲出对我或希拉里不利的话。
In the next two hours I'm sure we're going to hear plenty of testimony about how damaging having gay parents is on kids. 在接下来的两个小时,我们还会听到更多「同志养育小孩大不幸」的言论。
Allowing outsiders to have access to the source or object code for these assets would be extremely damaging to the company. 允许外人访问这些属于公司资产的原码和目标码将对公司产生极大的危害。
No friends? Make some online so you don't have to leave your house and expose your skin to the sun's damaging rays. 没有朋友?可以找几个网友,这样你就不需要离开房间,不需要让皮肤暴露在紫外线中。
But don't bet on it. A more divided world economy could make 2011 a year of damaging shocks. 但不要对这些抱太大指望,世界经济的分割格局将使2011年全球面临破坏性的冲击。
The fact that such a head would have to answer to the taxpayers of the world only at a distance could be very damaging. 此类总裁不用直接面对全球纳税人的事实,可能具有非常大的破坏性。
WHEN Barack Obama was running for the Senate, an adviser showed him a file of damaging facts that Republicans had dug up about him. 巴拉克·奥巴马参加竞选的时候,当时一名顾问曾向奥巴马指出共和党已经掌握了令人难堪的事实。
Mr Obama's regulatory surge would be less damaging if it had not followed one by Mr Bush, Mr Mandel says. Mandel先生称,如果奥巴马没有延续布什的一项法令,那么他的这阵监管狂潮的伤害性或许更小。
Subjects who thought that commerce can be environmentally damaging were ready to accept the scientist as an expert. 那些认为商业活动会给环境造成破坏的研究对象乐意承认该科学家是专家。
The defeat was bad enough for Liverpool, but the injuries made it a much, much more damaging weekend. 这场失利对利物浦的确非常糟糕,更糟糕的是这场比赛引致多位球员伤停。这个星期可说是个多灾多难的一周。
But he added that he doubted that the rumor would prove damaging, and he said he would not want genetic sequences kept off public databases. 但是他补充说他怀疑流言会被证实具有破坏性,他还说他不想基因序列保存在公共数据库中。
Moreover, at a time when co-operation among the authorities is essential, the appearance of disarray is itself damaging to confidence. 此外,在权力机构的彼此合作至关重要之际,混乱迹象本身就会损及信心。
Following these steps will help you prevent damaging the roots of roses when planting, but so will a little common sense and a bit of care. 以下这些步骤将帮助你避免损害根部玫瑰种植、但这样会有点常识和有点谨慎。
What helps is when a child has or seeks out a role model who provides inspiration to carry him or her through the damaging experience. 能改变这种状况的方法是,找到一个榜样,这个榜样能给孩子带来鼓舞并帮助他走出受伤的经历。
And since the body is made of just one piece of soft polymer, there's no chance of water damaging the delicate parts inside. 但是由于这个机器是用一整块柔软聚合物制造的,如果内部的精密部件被水损坏了,是无法更换的。
But I find such a life is damaging to my studies, " said Lu. " I feel tired and don't want to live for others any more. 但我发现这样的生活损害了我的学业,我感觉累了,不想再为别人生活了。
A cross over at the front of the stroke tends to cause your elbow to drop, also damaging your catch and hurting your propulsion. 身前的划水过中线易于使你的肘部下沉,而且破坏你的抓水和损害你的动力。
The most damaging "solution" would be if imports fall as a result of a contraction in consumption, possibly due to recession. 如果美国的进口因消费收缩而回落,而消费收缩源自于经济衰退,那将是一个最具破坏性的“解决方案”。
The first and most damaging run on the bank took place in its other short- and medium-term wholesale liabilities (see chart 5). 对该银行产生的最早且最严重的破坏发生在短中期大规模债务中。
More damaging is the absence of Charles. Wounded in the heel a few days before, he is unable to lead his troops. 查理离开战场之后,战况更加吃紧。由于查理几天前脚踝受了伤,他已无法再领军作战。
One of the reasons life is short on Earth, for both humans and animals living on the surface, is the damaging rays of the sun. 生活在地球上是短期的,表面上生活的人类和动物,原因之一是太阳有害的射线。
The pathologist insisted on anonymity, he said, due to fear of damaging his reputation with involvement in such a high-profile case. 病理学家坚持匿名,他说,由于害怕因卷入此类高度关注的案例中损害他的名誉。
The helicopter, Riaz says, had fallen out of the sky and plunged onto the compound, damaging at least a boundary wall. Riaz说,有一架直升飞机从天上掉下来,一头栽进了院子里面,毁坏了至少一面外墙。
He found this did not cause any of the damaging fatigue that would be expected. 据他观察,预期中的材料损毁性疲劳并未产生。
It is a corporate sham and one of the most insidious, most damaging and yet most prevalent of corporate activities. 绩效评估不过是企业自欺欺人的把戏,是最险恶、最害人然而也是最普遍的企业行为之一。
People have drunk alcohol since the beginning of recorded history, the authors say, but it has become more damaging. 自有历史记载以来人类就已经在饮酒了,文章作者如是说,不过饮酒已经变得越来越具有危害性。