
美 [ˈderɪŋ]英 [ˈdeərɪŋ]
  • n.大胆;勇敢;胆量
  • adj.勇敢的;敢于冒险的
  • v.“dare”的现在分词
  • 网络大胆的;胆大的;胆大妄为的



1.勇敢的;敢于冒险的brave; willing to do dangerous or unusual things; involving danger or taking risks


词根联想记忆法词汇教程(二)|联想记忆法背单词 ... dank adj. 阴湿的 daring adj. 大胆的,勇敢的 dart v. 投掷 ...


词根联想记忆法词汇教程(二)|联想记忆法背单词 ... dank adj. 阴湿的 daring adj. 大胆的,勇敢的 dart v. 投掷 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... dare 敢 daring 胆大的 dark 黑暗的 ...


[精华] Let's study together - ChinaUnix.net ... chop at 向。。。砍(去) daring 勇敢,勇气,胆量 effort 努力 ...


Paris Jewel Heist_BBC Chinese ... heist 持械抢劫 daring 胆大妄为的 stylish 着装讲究的 ...

Daring, you look so beautiful at this moment. I wish the time stop here. So nice. I'd like you to marry with me in this wedding dress, ok? 亲爱的,这款婚纱真是为你量身定做的.我觉得还不错。
If individuality is appreciated, feel free to be a little more daring than you would be if you were a trial lawyer. 展现个性适合,那就放轻松,你可以比出庭律师的着装大胆得多。
What is different with the "Dream Within a Dream Tour" ? It seems to be much more daring than your previous tours. 这次的“梦幻之旅之梦”与以往有什么不同?它看起来比你以往的巡回演出更大胆一些。
But the truth was that you had been longing to leave me, not daring to tell me. 可事实上你早想离开我,只是不敢告诉我罢了。
"I feel like they are a little more daring, " Mr. Sullivan said. "They popped this thing out in a few weeks. That's very Googley. " “我觉得他们的确有勇气”,沙利文先生认为,“他们在几个星期内就把它做火了,这也太像谷歌的做事风格了吧。”
By now it can be applied to any policy which consists of daring one's opponents to take matters to the point of catastrophe. 现今,它可以用来指会激起对方把事情引向灾难的任何政策。
Gun advocates are daring to say that if Virginia Tech allowed concealed weapons, someone might have stopped the rampaging killer. 但支持持枪的人就是敢说,如果VT允许人隐蔽的持枪的话,就可能会有人出来阻止这个狂暴的杀人狂。
But the truth was that you had been longing to leave me, not daring total me. 哦,我是这样认为的。可事实上你早就想离开我,只是不敢告诉我罢了。
When you do a rather daring thing, you've just got to have the courage of your convictions. 当你做一件相当需要勇气的事儿时,你必须坚定你的信念。
Maybe you were trying to find out about each other's heart, never daring to go over the line. 也许你们彼此在捉摸对方的心,而迟迟无法跨出界线。
The tenacious Obi-Wan Kenobi was back, and a daring game of cat and mouse played out among the rocky debris of the Geonosian rings. 紧追不舍的欧比—万·克诺比又来了,他与费特父子在吉奥诺西斯星环的碎石中玩起猫捉老鼠的游戏。
"You are a daring rascal, Sir, " said the magistrate; "and how dare you hope times are mended with you today? " “你是个胆大包天的流氓,先生,”市政官说,“你胆敢认为今天会时来运转?”
Fernando Torres angered his followers by becoming an apostate and daring to say that he was moving somewhere else that might be bigger. 费尔南多•托雷斯的叛变行为和“他将要去一家可能更大的俱乐部”的言论激怒了他的利物浦追随者。
Though they believe it will take at least a decade to recover, their vision, especially compared with the lack of it in politics, is daring. 尽管他们认为至少需要十年才能恢复,但尤其与政治家的不作为相比,他们的想法是大胆勇敢的。
It was so dark that his wisdom eye opened and he said, Oh! There was a big cloud in front of him, daring to cover him completely! 他打开智慧眼一看,有一大片乌云竟敢挡在前面,把他全部遮住!
Only by focusing on the whole experience and daring to break out of its own mold will Facebook maintain momentum and growth. 只有专注于整体体验并勇于突破自我才能长盛不衰。
if the chicks eyes open Large, lift your head, ready to take off on its daring greater is the top grade birds, you can select. 如果幼鸟眼睛睁大,挺胸昂首,准备起飞,说明其胆子较大,是上品鸟,可以选取。
She had a long running battle with successive tumors and sarcomas and was always in the front line for any daring new treatment. 她长时间以来不停地和肿瘤作斗争,也一直在大胆地尝试新的治疗方法。
Daring even to try with a fine pair of jeans, there is a conflict the United States. 胆大的人甚至可以尝试搭配细牛仔裤,有一种矛盾冲突的美。
It is daring of Mr Kelly to invite such a direct comparison of his theories to the ramblings of a madman. 凯利竟胆敢将自己的理论直接比作一个疯子的乱七八糟的布局。
We consider it a daring and original project- after all, not many homes feature green spaces for every floor of the building. 我们认为这是一个大胆原创的项目,毕竟每一个楼层都有绿色空间的家庭不是很多。
It also includes a daring guarantee: you make at least $1, 000 in the next six months with your passion-based business or your money back. 我们承诺:未来六个月,你将在喜欢的行业赚至少1000美元,否则,我们将退还学费。
Anakin's bold stance and daring nature made him into a popular figure among the Jedi and New Republic. 立场坚定、勇往直前的阿纳金在绝地武士团和新共和国中深得人心。
A company in which anyone is afraid to speak up, to differ, to be daring and original, is closing the coffin door on itself. 一个公司,如果员工都不敢开口说话,发出不同声音,或大胆表达创见,大概离关门不远了。
With characteristic daring, I shall wait to see how events unfold before passing judgment on the deal. 凭借特有的勇气,我将拭目以待,看看事态如何发展,然后再对此笔交易加以评判。
But Violet drifted alone among the lilies, dreaming of the daring duck who would take her to live in the moat of a castle. 小紫却在荷叶间姗姗游过,梦想着可以带她生活在城堡护城河里的亲爱的另一半。
They would have run away severally had they dared; but fear kept them together, and kept them close by John, as if his daring helped them. 如果他们有胆量的话,可能早就跑得不见了踪影,但恐惧使他们呆在了一起,而且紧紧围在约翰-希尔弗四周。
Two inmates have made a daring escape from a prison in Canada by climbing up a rope into a hovering helicopter. 加拿大某监狱两名囚犯通过绳索爬上一架悬停直升机,冒险越狱。
Goodall received their daring and imagination- qualities that along with her curiosity, would serve her well in her future occupation. 古得尔遗传了他们的勇敢和想像力-这些素质和她的好奇心都在她今后的职业中起了作用。
The year of the tiger is a year of power, passion and daring. It bodes well for financial gains, new enterprises, and growth. 虎年是一个充满力量,激情和果敢的一年。