day and night

  • na.昼夜
  • 网络日日夜夜;夜以继日;日与夜

day and nightday and night

day and night


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... cut up 齐根割掉,切碎 day and night 日日夜夜 do one's best 尽最大的努力 ...


夜,夜字的解释,查字典 ... 夜宴[ dinner party] 夜以继日[ day and night] 夜莺[ philomel;nightingale] ...


语丝心韵_散文诗_随便看看吧 ... 1. 白与黑 White and Black 2. 日与夜 Day and Night 3. 灯 Lamp ...


英语必修三单词表_百度文库 ... parade 游行;阅兵;检阅 day and night 日夜;昼夜;整天 clothing 衣服 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... bring back 拿回来,使恢复 day and night 日日夜夜地 pay off 还清(债务等);付清 ...


昼与夜》(Day and Night)导演泰迪·纽顿(Teddy Newton)未命名动画长片《由内而外》(The Inside Out)首张概念图 …


小野丽莎 - CD音乐下载 ... 超小比基尼 Jtsi Bitsi Petit Bikini 3:19 日以继夜 Day and night 3:15 月亮河 Moon River 3:16 ...

Love, my heart longs day and night for the meeting with you------for the meeting that is all-devouring death. 爱,我的心日日夜夜期待着和你相见——那宛如毁灭一切死亡的相见。
Stay clear of Paradise Beach. This hotspot is only for those who love all day and night beach parties. 那千万别来天堂沙滩,这个地方只适合那些能晚上一天一夜也不累的人。
His wife was leaning against a big tree in a high mountain while hoping for her man to return home day and night. 他的妻子是靠在一棵大树在高山区,同时希望她的人返回家园的白天和黑夜。
The soldiers have been struggling against the flood day and night for a week. 战士们日以继夜地和洪水抗战已经一个星期了。
At any time of day and night, he was always ready to go and help sick people. 在一天的任何时候甚至晚上,他总是乐于去帮助生病的人。
Day and night, my heart will always be with you and I together of the scene. 日日夜夜,我心里总是会有你和我在一起时的场景。
Throughout the next day and night I thought every now and again of the train still on its way to Urumqi. 接下来的一整天我都会不时的想起这列还在前往乌鲁木齐途中的列车。
He coughs day and night. The doctor asked him to stay in bed for a week. 他日夜咳嗽。医生告诉他要卧床休息一周。
Consequently, he works hard day and night and is thus not able to devote any of his time to her. 于是他没日没夜地工作,结果不能匀出时间来陪妻子。
What sort of life would his be if, day and night, shadows of his crime were to peer at him from silent corners. 要是他的罪恶的暗影不分昼夜,从肃穆的角落里窥视着他,他的日子有多难过。
One week, he did his own work and that of several other steel-drivers. He worked day and night, rarely stopping to eat. 有一个周,他除了完成自己的工作外,还兼顾另外几个人的事,他日以继夜,废寝忘食。
I waited patiently till dawn, but like a lion he broke all my bones; day and night you made an end of me. 我使自己安静直到天亮;他象狮子折断我一切的骨头,从早到晚,他要使我完结。
Her bones shall be laid to rest in the Temple of the Graces, and a hundred candles shall burn day and night in her memory. 她的遗骨会安息在恩泽之庙中,一百根蜡烛会日夜不停的燃烧以纪念她。
The average length of day and night that day, while half of the spring of ninety days, it referred to as the "Vernal Equinox. " 这天昼夜长短平均,正当春季九十日之半,故称“春分”。
But trying to make sense of the heavens gave us more than the natural cycle of day and night. 探究天空的欲望告诉我们的还不止日夜的自然更替。
Mathilde had to work hard day and night and bought such a diamond necklace as she had lost to pay back to Jeanne. 马帝尔德不得不日日夜夜地干活,来买一个像被她丢掉的那样的钻石项链还给让。
Bill, I am glad to hear from you! I've been at it day and night. . . looking over the records. 比尔,我很高兴得到你的消息!我这些天都忙着核对那些账目报表,
The performance of small piled up in the boundless in the garbage can continually swept the boring work day and night, never seem to no end. 小瓦力们在无边无际堆积成山的垃圾堆中不断清扫,可日以继夜的乏味工作似乎永远没有尽头。
Day and night, Shu Qin immersed himself in his books, studying hard, but unfortunately was unable to stop himself dozing off. 苏秦日夜埋首读书,可是每到深夜,就不由自主地瞌睡起来。
Thinking of his wife day and night, Hou Yi then had an incense table arranged in the back garden that Chang E loved. 后羿的妻子日夜思考,然后安排在嫦娥喜爱的后花园,一个香案。
Low when the wind is black, day and night to scratch, the sun is ugly, like a devil swallowed. 低落的时候,风是黑色的,没日没夜地刮,太阳是丑陋的,像只恶魔吞噬周围。
One of the two dates each year when at noon the Sun is directly overhead at the equator and day and night are of equal length. 一年中出现两次的日子,这一天中午太阳直射赤道,并且白天和晚上有相同时间长度。
And it rocks day and night, like a boat, on every wave of the hours, the word that I had to say to her. 我要对她讲的话,像一叶扁舟日日夜夜随时间的浪潮而颠簸起伏。
Day and night, you see the figure gradually growing, you think back to the teachings of an invisible force and inject heart. 日日夜夜里看见您渐渐老去的身影,回想起您的教诲,一种无形的力量又注入心田。
He had a dream, let us above the head of the sun during the day and night, he really lighten our lives. 他曾经的一个梦想,让我们的头部太阳上述白天和黑夜,他真正减轻我们的生活。
Indeed, a new study shows that in mice, high-fat diets seem to disrupt the body's natural day and night rhythms. 事实上,一项新的研究表明高脂饮食打乱了小鼠体内正常的昼夜节律。
I thought about it day and night. My master liked to go fishing in a little boat, and he al-ways took me with him. 我日夜思考着逃跑的事。我的主人喜欢乘小船去钓鱼,而且总是带上我。
Day and night they continued to approach me, poking and prodding at my belly. 他们从早到晚粘着我,在我的肚子上戳戳弄弄。
Thousands of motorcycles move slowly down the street in a kind of never-ending parade that continues all day and night. 几千辆摩托缓缓的行驶在街上,像是没有尽头的游行队伍,持续整天整夜。
The old man knew that it was his wife who had nursed him day and night for two weeks. 这位老人心里明白,两周以来,正是他老伴日日夜夜护理了他。