
美 [ˌdi ˈsi]英 [ˌdiː ˈsiː]
  • abbr.(=direct current)直流(电)
  • 网络直流(direct current);直流电;树突状细胞(dendritic cell)



1.美国哥伦比亚特区District of Columbia in the US

直流(direct current)

直流变压器一次侧交流220V,二次侧为直流(DC)24V,安装直流器具使用瓦数为2200W,那我一次侧的交流电流为多少安培? 更多:…


直流电Dc)是指电流流动方向不随时间变化而改变的电流。交流电(Ac)是指电流流动方向和大小按一定时间作周期变化的 …

树突状细胞(dendritic cell)

树突状细胞(DC)、自然杀伤(NK)细胞和LAK DC具有比巨噬细胞更强的抗原提呈能力,作为APC参于细胞免疫和体液免疫。LAK …

数码相机(digital camera)

数码相机(DC)什么牌子的好,好的数码相机(DC)品牌有哪些?1. 佳能Canon(1937年日本领导品牌市场占有率第一) 2. 尼康Nikon…

域控制器(Domain Controller)

域控制器 如果域控制器 (DC) 接收请求的速度比响应请求的速度快,则身份验证可能会成为 SharePoint 环境中的性能瓶颈。对 …


电压(DC)55V时 20A/20A(单触点)/(双触点串联)当电压(DC)110V时 5A/20A(单触点)/(双触点串联)当电压(DC)125V时 4A…

Employees in DC schemes can be at a loss when deciding how much to invest, where to put their money and what kind of pension to expect. 在DC计划中,雇员在决定投入多少额度以及需要哪种养老金时茫然不知。
It uses the DC permanent magnet motor, installed on the front windshield wiper motor and worm generally made of one mechanical part. 它采用直流永磁电动机,安装在前档风玻璃上的雨刮器电动机一般与蜗轮蜗杆机械部分做成一体。
DC and LA seem to send messages too, but I haven't spent long enough in either to say for sure what they are. 华盛顿和洛杉矶似乎也在说点什么,不过我在那里都只是短暂停留,甄别不出他们的呢喃。
Yesterday we went for a flight around the area in an old R4D. The R4D was the Navy version of the Douglas DC-3. 昨天,我们乘坐一架老式的R4D飞机在周围兜了一圈,这架R4D是道格拉斯DC-3的海军版。
Yet, in places like Los Angeles, the San Francisco Bay Area and Washington, DC, every other car seems to be a Toyota Prius. 不过,在一些像洛杉矶、旧金山港湾区和华盛顿特区之类的地方,似乎满眼都是丰田普锐斯。
A convict broke out of jail in Washington DC, then a few days later accompanied his girlfriend to her trial for robbery. 华盛顿一家监狱的一名犯人越狱,几天后他女朋友上庭受审,他陪着一起去了。
In this paper, we reviewed some applications of immunocytes, including LAK, CIK, DC, CTL, TIL, which have been used in leukemic therapy. 文章对五种免疫细胞(LAK,CIK,DC,CTL,TIL),在白血病治疗中应用进展做一综述。
A team chosen by the brother of one of DC's most powerful lobbyists, and a White House headed by the quintessential DC politician. 由华府最有影响力的一政治说客的兄长挑选产生的一个工作小组,及由华府最出色的政治家担纲的白宫政府。
Simulation shows that this controller can reduce the total harmonic distortion of source current and stabilize the DC-link voltage. 从计算机仿真可以看出,该控制器能减小电源电流的谐波畸变率,并能稳定直流侧电压。
He said the evacuation was being coordinated by the US State Department out of Washington DC. 他说,撤离是由美国国务院华盛顿特区进行协调。
Bystanders are often handcuffed at gunpoint, as happened to one of Lexington's blameless friends a few weeks ago in Washington, DC. 就连目击者也常常被拷起双手,被枪顶着,几周前华盛顿特区莱克星顿的一个朋友就是这样,他是无辜的。
The yuan is still not a free-floating currency, and only seems to appreciate when tempers in Washington, DC, reach boiling point. 人民币仍非自由浮动货币,且看似只在华盛顿情绪达到沸点时才升值。
It was a stretch version of a DC-9, meaning it had the capability to go anywhere in the world. 这架飞机是DC-9的加强版,也就是说它能去世界的任何地方。
Chelsea are ready to move into the American market by linking up with Major League Soccer's leading club, DC United. 切尔西不想因为依赖俱乐部老板阿布的个人财富而不发展自己在美国的市场。
DC has been here for a week. While we ate out most of the time, he did cook for me a couple of times. DC在这里已经一星期。虽然我们大部分时间在外面吃,他还是为我做了几顿饭。
He found a course on treasury management in Washington, DC, and sent her there for the rest of the month. 他在华盛顿找到一个财务管理的课程,然后派她去学习,以渡过那个月中剩下的日子。
Industrial production frequently uses high-current DC power, which is often composed of parallel three-phase bridge rectifiers. 两组整流桥并联组成的大电流馈电系统在工业生产中有着广泛的应用。
This one in Washington DC yesterday was a wrapping up of a three-week tour across the U. S. 昨天在华盛顿特区的这次是为期三周美国之旅的结束。
Polices say they found the body of a woman recently convicted of running a DC prostitution ring . 警方发现一具女性尸体,可能是由于自己被宣判操纵集体卖淫罪引起的。
For DC current measurement, a current shunt is place in series in the current path and convert the current to a DC voltage signal. 对于直流电流测量﹐在电流通道串联一电流分流器﹐将电流转换成直流电压信号。
The holiday detector shall be checked with a DC voltmeter at least once each shift to ensure accuracy. 应至少在每次换班时用直流电伏特计检查一次漏涂检测仪以确保其准确度。
Plastic Man also was one of 10 DC Comics characters featured on a set of US Postal Service stamps in 2006. 塑料的10人也被DC漫画人物之一精选对美国邮政服务在2006年邮票。
Owing to its good starting-up and smooth speed regulation performances, the DC motor is so widely used in various fields. 直流电机因具有良好的启动、平滑的调速等性能,使其在各领域得到广泛的运用。
Since the Democrats control Washington, DC, the only Republicans changing things (as opposed to merely blocking change) are in the states. 自从民主党控制了首都华盛顿,共和党唯一可改变的只有实在州里的事情(而不是仅仅阻止改变)。
Additionaly, the metadata of the computer account cannot be removed if the computer account of the DC contains another leaf object. 另外,如果DC的计算机帐户包含其他页对象,则无法删除该计算机帐户的元数据。
HN sits at the office room in her house. She says to DC that she's happy that DC's back. 惠娜坐在她的办公室内。她跟东灿说她对他的回来非常高兴。
When five EU leaders turned up in Washington, DC, for the G20 summit last November, he saw none of them. 当五位欧盟领导人去年11月出席在华盛顿举行的20国集团峰会时,他谁也没见。
ONCE a year, Washington, DC, receives a group of visitors who put the city's resident politicians to shame: the governors of the 50 states. 一年一度,华盛顿特区都会接待一群让本城政治家们自惭形秽的访问者:亦即50个州各自的州长。
Space charges are easy to be formed in insulating polymers under dc stress because of the trapped charges. 但是在直流电场下,绝缘聚合物中的陷阱易于俘获电荷,形成空间电荷,使得材料中的电场分布发生畸变。
The next day, in Washington, DC, another group of centrist Democrats called the Hamilton Project offered a complementary set of proposals. 翌日,民主党中间派系的另一自称“汉密尔顿计划”的团体在首都华盛顿提出了一套补充建议。