
  • prep.〈外〉同“off. de facto”
  • abbr.(=destroyer escort)护航驱逐舰
  • 网络德国;消化能(digestible energy);从




中国国际人才网、招聘外教、招聘外国专家 ... 瑞典( se) 德国( de) 捷克( cz) ...

消化能(digestible energy)

同问消化能DE)、代谢能(ME)和净能(NE)的定义是什么? 满意回答 相关内容 消化能:最强 更多等待您来回答的问题>> …

自学葡萄牙语第一课 ... em 在 de 的, um/uma (第1) ...

护航驱逐舰(Destroyer Escort)

护航驱逐舰DE)类似,派里级被视为一种次等护航舰艇,战力与功能有限,但成本较低,能 建造较多的数量弥补史普鲁恩 …

剂量当量(dose equivalent)

PM1208提供一天24小时辐射形势的控制,指示环境剂量当量率(DER)、环境剂量当量DE)和DE的累积时间,在超过预置 …


DE2开发板 - 豆丁网 ... 键盘接口 6.其他:50 M,27M 的使用 关于 DE2 的配置 (当然这也能够通过 OpenI2C ...

The effort of rotary de-scaling on the surface quality of a pickled hot-rolled strip is shown in figure 9. 图9表明了旋转除锈器对于热轧板带表面质量的影响。
He said, "There were murders last night in the town. The aide-de-camp of the military governor, a sergeant and a girl on a bicycle. " 他说道:“昨天夜间城里发生了几起谋杀,一名军事长官的副手、一位中士和一个骑自行车的女孩被杀。”
It is often a stuttering journey, with cul-de-sacs and fog. And the goal can change as you approach it. 这个过程通常跌跌撞撞,一路上有死胡同,还有迷雾,但在你接近它的过程中,目标也许又会发生改变。
On the slopes of Spain's Sierra de Aitana Mountains, Italian Arias * waft through the air, and lions roar as if in accompaniment. 在西班牙艾塔那山脉的斜坡上,空中飘荡着意大利的咏叹调,狮子的吼声好像在伴奏。
His ideas were based on a remarkable connection between waves and particles which had been discovered a little earlier by De Broglie. 他的想法是基于波和粒子之间的非凡关系,这个关系是在比当时稍早一点的时候由德布罗意发现的。
As Charles de Gaulle once said, "The big thing in politics is to know when it is time to leave. " 就像CharlesdeGaulle曾经说的那样“政治上最重要的事情就是要知道该在什么时候离开。”
Olympe drove by in an elegant carriage which Monsieur de N has given her. She tried to cut me with a look. 奥林普坐在一辆N先生送给她的漂亮的马车里经过,她想用眼光来侮辱我。
and the englishman drew from his pocket a bundle of bank - notes , which might have been twice the sum m . de boville feared to lose. 英国人说着便从他的口袋里抽出了一叠钞票,那叠钞票大概有两倍于波维里先生所害怕损失的那笔数目。
By early Saturday, he was still awake -- and still did not know who had won the latest stage of the Tour de France. 周六早上,他仍然醒着,而且仍然不知道是谁赢了最近那一场环法分站赛。
"Louis de Pointe du Lac would see a ghost now, " she said, musing, "as if his suffering isn't enough. " “现在的路易看起来像个鬼魂,”她说,又自言自语道:“就好像他的痛苦还远远不够似的。”
Years of experience in quality management . In case of persons with a university de gree , less practical experience is required . 需3年的质量管理经验。假如有大学学位,可以适当的降低实际经验的年限。
Cerro de Pasco has never been a beauty spot. But the few local landmarks, such as the main church, would disappear into the hole by 2014. 塞罗迪帕斯科从来都不是一个美丽的地方,因为这里几乎没有什么当地的显著标志,例如到2014年,主要的教堂也将会消失。
Just like the Tour de France, optimizing every task is often a very bad strategy. 就像环法自行车赛,优化每个任务通常是一个很糟糕的策略。
Viola De Lesseps: Yes, you were deceived, for I did not know how much I loved you. 是的,你被欺骗了,因为我都不曾知道我是那么的爱你。
In this way, the dollar has become a key currency, the United States can fully enjoy the privileges of Charles de Gaulle said the U. 如此一来,美元成了关键货币,美国可以充分享受戴高乐所说的美元特权而带来的种种优惠条件。
'Buh' could also have been used to communicate, says Bart de Boer, an expert on the evolution of speech. “祖先们也用‘Buh’交流”,言语进化专家BartdeBoer说道。
Instead, it was the number of de-escalating gestures that grew. A bigger crowd, in other words, was more likely to suppress a fight. 而与此同时“去激化行为”却随之增多,也就是说聚集的人越多,一场争斗被压制的可能性就越大。
New ventures rarely run smoothly, but one of her problems came from an unexpected quarter: some of the original Miss de Mode retailers. 新业务很少能顺利推进,但吴女士遇到一个出乎意料的问题:摩登小姐原有的一些零售商。
DE. 50 is awesome as you are always being spotted by the enemy point blank. 因为你经常会被敌人发现,所以DE.50(沙鹰)是很好的选择。
Mr De Gucht said he hadn't meant to cause offence, and anti-Semitism had no place in today's world. DeGucht表示,他无意挑起争端,反犹太主义在现在的世界已经没有立足之地。
Mr. de Maistre repeated his denial when questioned by police Tuesday, people familiar with the matter said. 知情人士透露,周二接受警方质询时,梅斯特尔再次否认这一指控。
He said the de facto government "should make themselves responsible for the security of President Zelaya and of the Brazilian Embassy. " 他表示临时政府「应该知道他们自己要为Zelaya总统和巴西大使馆的安全负责。」
Zhou Xiaochuan, who had said the yuan's current de facto peg to the U. S. dollar is a 'special' measure that will eventually end. 周小川曾说,人民币实际上盯住美元的做法是一种特殊措施,最终将会结束。
Gibbs: Not a lot's known about Jack before he showed up in Tortuga with a mind to go after the treasure of the Isla de Muerta. 吉布斯:在他出现在托尔图加之前,我并不太了解杰克•斯帕罗这个人,他只想寻找死亡之岛的宝藏。
Second, he said he had done a statistical analysis that found Wal-Mart de Mexico won permits even faster after Mr. Cicero left. 其次,他表示曾做过统计分析,发现沃尔玛墨西哥公司在奇切罗离职后获得许可的速度反而大幅提高。
He would not have come like General de Gaulle with only an unconquerable heart and a few kindred spirits. 他不会象戴高乐将军那样,只带着一颗不可征服的心和少数几个类似的人来。
He said, "The Count de Buffon believes that nature belittles her productions on this side of the Atlantic. " 他说道:“蒲丰坚信大自然轻视她在大西洋此岸所创造的奇观。”
With this wedding, the public's relationship with the royals has changed. Tim de Lisle explains why most of the coverage misses the point . 因为这次婚礼,公众和皇室的关系改变了。蒂姆·徳·莱尔解释了为什么大多数报道没有切中要点……
But believe me, the epidemic of the plague is only a rumor, no doubt stoked by Catherine de Medici's people. 相信我吧。所谓瘟疫横行只是谣言而已,无疑是凯瑟琳·德·梅第奇的手下在煽风点火。
Uncle De shook his head and said: "No, we have applied for patent for it. " 德叔摇头:“不行,我们已经申请了专利。”