
美 [ˈdɪrli]英 [ˈdɪə(r)li]
  • adv.非常;很;代价极大地;高价地
  • 网络深深地;昂贵;昂贵地

dearly love


1.非常;很very much

2.代价极大地;高价地;昂贵地in a way that causes a lot of suffering or damage, or that costs a lot of money


《Friends》词汇表B ... orthodox adj. 正统的, 传统的, 习惯的, 保守的, 东正教的 dearly adv. 深深地, 昂贵 sweden n. 瑞典 ...


未分类 - - Nicolas’ Blog - Upholstery ... dealer 经销商 dearly ad. 极,非常,昂贵地 death n. 毁灭,消灭 ...

未分类 - - Nicolas’ Blog - Upholstery ... dealer 经销商 dearly ad. ,非常,昂贵地 death n. 毁灭,消灭 ...


《Friends》词汇表B ... orthodox adj. 正统的, 传统的, 习惯的, 保守的, 东正教的 dearly adv. 深深地, 昂贵 sweden n. 瑞典 ...


未分类 - - Nicolas’ Blog - Upholstery ... dealer 经销商 dearly ad. 极,非常,昂贵地 death n. 毁灭,消灭 ...


verb ... dear( 昂贵), dearly深切地;昂贵地) close( 靠近地), ...


高中英语第一册词汇表 ... childhood n. 幼年(时代),童年 dearly adv. 深爱地;热切地 now and then 时而,不时 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... dear 亲爱的 dearly 亲爱地 death 死亡 ...

You do not know how dearly loving it'll not men, not to continue to pay your gentleness and love. 不懂得疼惜你的男人不要为之不舍,更不必继续付出你的柔情和爱情。
Dearly beloveds, recently thru Kibo I said I would turn the world upside down and inside out by the end of the year. 亲爱们,最近我通过Kibo说过年底之前我们要将地球的磁极进行互换以及内部能量的释放。
She dearly wishes you to become fully conscious and allow her to complete her own vast transformation. 她深深的祝福你们,成为全有意识,让她也能够完成自己的伟大转变。
Life is too short to risk your reputation, because sooner or later a bad reputation will catch up with you, and cost you dearly. 生命如此短暂,不能拿名誉来冒险,因为恶名会毁了你,并让你付出惨重的代价。
Because he had arrived too late to see his Master, the Buddha, who loved him dearly, let him see His feet for the last time. 因为他很晚回来,没办法看到佛,所以佛疼他,就这样弄,让他看祂最后一次。
Among them was a rare vase made of jade. The vase of exquisite workmanship and of historical value and he loved it dearly. 其中有一件稀有的玉盂,工艺精湛,具有很高的历史价值,深受这个富人的喜爱。
I love both of my brothers dearly , but to me, of all the children in our family, Elizabeth was always the most important. 我很爱我的两个弟弟,但对我来说,在我们家的所有孩子里,伊丽莎白总是最重要的。
I seem to be at lead the fatalistic life, I did not struggle not the situation that like, also did not love dearly that happy day. 我似乎就是在过听天由命的生活,我没有挣扎不好的遭遇,也没有去眷恋那开心的日子。
For fourteen years he had been one of my closest friends; we were always there for each other, and I loved him dearly. 14年前,他是我最要好的朋友之一。我们互帮互助,我真得很爱他。
I'm sorry our meeting was a little tense. I miss your father dearly. He was like a brother to me. In fact, he was a brother to me. 抱歉我们的会面有些紧张。我很想念你的父亲,他就像我的兄弟。实际上,他就是我兄弟。
Even if future hacks do see some advantage in trying to skew the odds of future elections, it may cost them dearly to try. 即便未来的政治打手的确发现了试图改变当选赔率的好处,那也会让他们付出昂贵的代价。
Because all this advice came from people who I love dearly, I decided to move on with my life not sharing with the world my entire truth. 因为所有这些建议都来自我最疼爱的人们,所以我决定继续过自己的生活,不和这个世界分享全部的真相。
The touching gift revealed how dearly he treasures the memory of his mother and how much he values Kate. 这珍贵礼物揭示出他对母亲的挚爱思念和对凯特的浓厚情谊。
We have nothing to hide or hold back from you, and indeed we dearly wish to share this grand adventure with you all. 我们没有任何事情需要对你们隐瞒,而我们真正的希望是与你们所有人分享这次伟大的冒险经历。
she wished , she dearly wished she could tell clifford that this had been said her , during the famous thunderstorm. 她希望,她真上希望她能告诉克利福,在那雷雨交加的时候,有人曾对她这么说过。
Uther the Lightbringer: I dearly hope that there's a special place in hell waiting for you, Arthas. 乌瑟尔。光明使者:我会在地狱里留个专门的位置等着你,阿尔塞斯。
I felt sorry for her wasted time, resources and energy but I could not take back what I had said for I loved Dew so dearly. 我很抱歉她为此浪费了时间,金钱和精力,但是我不能收回我对露所作的爱的承诺。
'Once upon a time, ' said Richards, 'there was a lady -a very good lady, and her little daughter dearly loved her. ' “从前,”理查兹说道,“有一位夫人——一位很善良的夫人,她的小女儿非常爱她。”
Dearly beloveds, my, it has been a while now since Candace and I did a work together. It is time to update a bit in a more serious manner. 我心爱的人们,距离上次我和坎迪斯合作以后,已经有一段时间了。是时候以一种更加严肃的态度进行一下更新。
We understand that there are many many questions that souls of Earth would dearly Love to have answered by us and they ask of you to ask us. 我们知道这里有着许许多多的问题,这些灵魂们都非常急于从我们这里得到答案,他们要求你来询问我们。
We dearly desire to begin a more personal approach to you and be able to make our broadcasts together with the Galactic Federation of Light. 我们非常渴望与你们开始一个更加个人化的演讲,能够让我们与来自光的银河联邦的朋友们一同向你们广播。
The police officer decided not to say anything more about the poor father's negligence since he had already paid dearly about it. 警察觉得不起诉那位可怜的父亲,因为他已经为此付出了昂贵的代价。
The pound of flesh, which I demand of him dearly bought, it is mine, and I will have it. 我向他要求的一磅肉是我出了大价钱买下来的。它是属于我的,我一定要把它拿到手。
I dearly hope that there's a special place in hell waiting for you, Arthas. 我深深地希望地狱为你留著了一个特别的位置,阿萨斯。
Instead, Mr Geithner seems absolutely determined to have markets solve the problem, even if it costs taxpayers dearly. 相反,盖特纳似乎已下定决心让市场去解决问题,哪怕让纳税人付出沉重代价。
She loves her motherland as dearly as she loves her mother. 她像爱她的母亲一样地爱着她的祖国。
As I read that, I couldn't help but think, God loves me dearly and waits for me to fellowship with Him. How many days do I forget Him? 读到这里,我忍不住会想:「上帝是如此的爱我,期待我与祂沟通。然而,有多少日子我却把祂遗忘了?」
Her friend is quite upset to hear her speaking so; he pities her at heart, but dearly longs to go. 听到这些话,她的朋友很不平静,虽内心怜悯她,但离开的心更迫切。
It's dearly I'd like to get my hands on the throat of him. 我真想用手卡住他的喉咙。
She loves her country as dearly as she loves her mother. 她像爱她的母亲一样爱她的祖国。