
美 [dɪˈsaɪd]英 [dɪ'saɪd]
  • v.决定;决心;裁决;使下决心
  • 网络判决;决策步骤和方法

第三人称单数:decides 现在分词:deciding 过去式:decided

decide fate,decide question,decide case,decide matter,decide issue
finally decide,ultimately decide



《Friends》词汇表A ... apes n. 猿 decides v. 决定, 判决 climbing adj. 攀登的, 上升的n.攀登 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... apes n. 猿 decides v. 决定, 判决 climbing adj. 攀登的, 上升的n.攀登 ...


...涯选择行为,弥补了其他理论的不足。 系统的生涯决策步骤和方法decides)具有重要意义。 大学生生涯规划与辅导 五、 …

They are not agile or fast ships. If the enemy decides to make a run for it, ship-of-the-line would have hard time to catch up. 他们并不是快速轻巧的船只,如果敌舰决定脱离海战,轻型战列舰很难在第一时间追上。
Another community decides to come on board. The European Union is ready to move on without waiting for others. 另一个团体也决定支持。欧盟不等其它国家就准备开始行动了。
This is just before he decides to cope with the disappearance of his wife by sitting at the bottom of a dry well for hours at a time. (这发生在书中主人公一次坐在一个枯井里,几个小时的思考他老婆的失踪)。
How much longer will it be before some smart alec from the building trade decides to replace conventional windows with electronic displays? 但在建筑业那些自作聪明的人将传统的窗户改装成电子显示屏之前,人们抬头看世界的时间会有多长?
But he's 39 years of age. There's going to be a time when Edwin decides it's time for him. 但他已经39岁高龄,是他该决定何时退休的时候了。
The amount of RAM simply decides how much paging and swapping you will do, i. e. how fast memory access will be. RAM的大小仅决定了有多少内存分页和交换可用,如,程序多快能访问它们。
it decides by a new and wholly original insight it had never tried before, and would have never thought to try. 凭借以前从未试过、也从未梦想一试的一种全新的原创悟性,它做出了决断。
Mary decides to leave the company and changes ownership of the procedure and table to Tom. Mary决定离开公司,并将过程和表的所有权更改为Tom。
Instead of giving me the phone she decides to hang up on him, thinking it was some guy trying to "get with me. " 她没告诉我,相反的,她自己和那个男的聊起来了,她以为那个男的是个基佬,想搞我。
Ms McCrumb does not mind waitressing for a bit as she decides what to do with her life, but the clock is ticking. 麦克拉姆并不介意当一段时间的服务员,这期间她可以决定自己想要什么样的生活,但是时间十分紧迫。
She decides she wants to be like the supreme god and be able to emanate on her own, so she puts out a being on her own. 她决定她要向至高无上的神那样,自己也可以发散,于是她自己创造了一个存在。
He is required to submit receipts for the card to the House, which decides how much information to publish. 他被要求上交信用卡的付款收据,并由众议院决定公布多少信息。
If it decides, in Google's phrase for deceiving or messing around with its customers, to "be evil" then millions feel the effects. 如果它决定欺骗或捉弄用户——用谷歌的话来说就是“作恶”——那将有无数人受到影响。
The president then decides he has little alternative but to strike out on his own, regardless of what the Constitution says. 其后总统便决定,无论宪法怎么规定,此时的他除了依靠自己采取行动之外别无选择。
But even if Mr. Murdoch decides to make such a change, one of the people said he wouldn't do it right now so close to the current turmoil. 不过据其中一位知情人士说,即使默多克决定做出这样的改变,他也不会在眼下这个动荡的关口这么做。
A woman dissatisfy at her husband's social duties every night, with her being left lonely . she decides to take a chain of vindictive acts. 女人不满丈夫婚后每晚都出去应酬,把她一个人留在家里。她决定采取一连串报复行动。
"FIGHT, " he decides. "What was the word in your family when you were growing up? " “打闹。”他判断,“在你成长期间,你家的用词是什么?”
You could be evicted (say, if the landlord decides not to renew your lease, or to sell the home) and may need to seek another place to live. 你可能会被下逐客令(比如:你的房东决定不再把房子出租给你而决定自己住了,或者卖出这套房子),那么你就得另寻他处了。
If your young child decides to go vegetarian, consider it a sign that they are headed for great things. 假如你的小孩决定成为一名素食者,你可以把这看作是他们往好的方面发展。
Fred mistakenly gets on a bus full of war veterans, but upon discovering it is going his way, decides to stay on for the ride. 弗雷德上错了客车,车上全是打过仗的老兵,不过发现这车顺路,也就干脆坐着搭个便车。
The man decides that it's time to go home and wants to find out if his wife is ready to leave as well. 这个男人决定是时候回家了,于是他想找到他的老婆看看她是否也想走了。
An American tourist in London decides to skip his tour group and explore the city on his own. 有个美国的游客,在伦敦的时候,想要脱离他的旅游团,独自一个人在这欧洲古城探险。
At first the salesman looks suspicious but quickly decides that she's serious about buying (and that this isn't a stickup). 刚开始,售货员略有疑虑,但很快意识到她是真的要买项链(而不是一个强盗)。
Ultimately, it is the frame designer who decides how much the frame weighs. 归根结底,这是谁决定的框架设计多少框架重量。
Me, either! Who decides how much money we get? 我也是啊!是谁决定我们拿多少钱?
Meanwhile, Duoli has a bitter quarrel with Hongyuan and decides to break up with him for good. 另一方面,多丽与宏远再发生激烈争吵,决定永远不再跟他复合。
If you make it to the last interview, you may have to wait up to two weeks before the company decides if they want to hire you or not. 如果你坚持到了最后,也得等上两周的时间看公司是否决定雇佣你。
Bill falls in love with his secretary, and he decides that the only way to be with her is to murder his wife and three children. 李四和他的秘书相爱了,于是决定只有杀掉老婆孩子才能与其双宿双飞。
So, if your inner jerk decides to tell you otherwise, you can tell it, in a strong voice, to go away and never return. 因此,如果你内心的混蛋告诉你另外的选择,你可以大声地跟它说:滚吧,别再回来。
If he decides to stay put, again he might be criticized for being insincere and uncreative . 如果他决定留在原地的,他可能再次被批评为诚意和有点类似于。