
美 [dɪˈfensɪv]英 [dɪ'fensɪv]
  • n.辩护;守势
  • adj.防御的;保护的;保卫的;戒备的
  • 网络防御性;防卫的;防守型

defensive medicine,defensive tactic,defensive weapon


1.防御的;保护的;保卫的protecting sb/sth against attack

2.戒备的;怀有戒心的;自卫的behaving in a way that shows that you feel that people are criticizing you

3.防守的connected with trying to prevent the other team or player from scoring points or goals


洛奇释放卷轴 - 洛奇小册子 ... Darkred Bear 黑红熊 Defensive 防御的 Difficult 困难的 ...


网球英文术语_百度文库 ... default 弃权 defensive 防御性 deuce 局末平分, 盘末平局 ...


新概念第四册单词总汇[旺旺英语论坛] ... convulsive 起痉挛的 defensive 防卫的 offensive 进攻的 ...


防守型DEFENSIVE) 接敌后部队会先暂停行动而尽力发挥火力。


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... defense 防□ defensive 自卫的 defer 延缓 ...


金融英语 - 金融学 考研论坛 ... Default risk 不能收回本金的风险 Defensive 防守性;具抗跌力 Deferred asset 递延资产 ...

KG is one of the most versatile big man of all time, as he is an excellent scorer, rebounder, passer, and defensive player. 加内特是历史上最全能的大个子球员之一,他是一个出色的得分手,篮板手,传球手和防守球员。
No more wimpy returns on second serve, Andy Roddick promised. No more going into a defensive shell when the balls are not in his hands. 安迪罗迪克承诺,不再有懦弱的回球。在对手发球局中,不再退而防守。
My plan is to put him on the defensive before he considers how good I've been. 我的计划是在他发现我有多好前采取守势。
At the beginning of preseason, the back line was letting teams get behind them and defensive speed looked to be an issue. 在季前赛刚开始的时候,后防线确实拖了整个队伍的后腿并且防守的速度也成问题。
Cole had blossomed into a fine all-round left back, improving his defensive work while attacking with as much vigour as ever. 科尔成长为一个优秀的多才多艺的左后卫,提高他的防守效率,同时在攻击时有用不完的活力。
Despite many chances, none of the challengers has landed serious blows on Mr Yudhoyono, or even forced him on to the defensive for long. 尽管有一些改变,但是没有一个挑战者能够给尤多约诺致命一击,或者迫使他长久防御。
The Fringser was to be sorely missed in the Italy match - especially because he took the defensive work so seriously. 缺席对意大利的比赛弗林斯很痛苦。尤其因为他在防守中起着至关重要的作用。
Years later, many consumers started seeing evidence of a more reactive and defensive approach from the company. 许多年后,消费者开始看到公司采取一种日趋倾向回应性和防卫性的对应措施的迹象。
He said Khartoum was trying to seize oil fields and that the southern army was strengthening its defensive positions. 他称,喀土穆试图控制油田,南方军队加强了防卫力量。
At Saturday's summit, 16 of the 18 nations spoke out on the question of territorial rights, putting China on the defensive. 在上周六的峰会上,与会的18个国家中有16个就领土问题发表了意见,迫使中国不得不采取防守姿态。
Seoul has no plans to introduce defensive tools to help business protect itself, South Korea's finance minister says. 表示,首尔没有引入防御手段帮助韩国企业进行自我保护的计划。
One version held that this was a defensive move designed to prevent Microsoft from siphoning away Google's audience. 一种解释认为,这是谷歌的防御性举措,旨在阻止微软抢走自己的用户。
Pursuing peaceful development and a national defense policy which is defensive in nature, China poses no threat to any other countries. 中国坚持和平发展,奉行防御性国防政策,不对任何国家构成威胁。
But if the Lakers need an offensive outburst from him or need him to become a defensive stopper, Bryant says he is up to the task. 但是如果湖人需要他在进攻端爆发或者要他在防守端阻击敌人,科比说他会完成任务的。
I'm not the greatest defensive player in the world, but I watched some tapes and tried to take away what he really likes to do. 我并不是世界上最伟大的防守球员,但是我看了一些比赛录像,尽量去让他不做他喜欢做的事情。
The United States has no formal diplomatic ties with Taiwan, but provides the island with weapons for defensive purposes. 美国同台湾没有正式外交关系,但向台湾提供用于防御的武器。
The U. S. said the naval drills are 'defensive' in nature and had been planned before last Tuesday's artillery barrage by the North. 美国说,此次海上军演从本质上来说是“防御性质的”,是在23日朝鲜炮袭之前就已计划好的。
But Germans are no longer so ready to be put on the moral defensive or to view the Nazi era as the defining episode of their past. 但是德国人再也不准备在道德上为自己辩护或者把纳粹时代视为对他们的过去起决定作用的时期。
This tactic is useful for forcing an enemy out of a defensive position or into a dangerous one, such as in a pool of lava or over a cliff. 这个策略有利于迫使敌人离开防御位置或是进入一个危险位置,例如一池熔岩或悬崖。
"I need more attention" may come out as, "You never spend time with me, " which would naturally cause you to feel defensive. 他本意“我需要被更多地关注”,就会以“你从来不花时间陪我”这样的抱怨表达给他人。
Play better DEFENCE! Commit the Rockets to being the best defensive team in the west and maybe they might be able to win a playoff series . 我们应该在防守方面做得更好。让火箭成为西部防守最好的球队,或许有可能赢得一轮季后赛。
That last stat is something of a surprise because steals are a defensive category, and Melo has never been much of a defensive player. 最后的一样统计数据多少有些让人吃惊,因为抢断是一个防守方面的统计数据,而安东尼从来就不是一个防守型的球员。
they have always been a very good defensive team. . . thats what Van Gundy brings to a team. 他们一直是一个防守非常好的球队,这就是范甘迪给球队带来的(理念)。
Meanwhile, Gerrard is confident Suarez's compatriot Sebastian Coates will prove to be a fine addition to Liverpool's defensive ranks. 同时,杰拉德相信苏亚雷斯的老乡科茨将会被证明是利物浦后防线上一个很好的补充。
"We have a lot of talent on this team, " Bynum said. "The big focus this year is going to be on the defensive end. " “我们的队伍有很多才华横溢的球员,”拜纳姆说。“今年我们将把我们的重点放在防守上。”
It helps to be big. Yao and Dwight Howard are the only players in the top six in both defensive rebounds and blocked shots per game. 个头大总是有好处,姚明和霍华德是仅有的两个同时在防守篮板和盖帽场均列联盟前6的球员。
The less said the better about the team's cheap-shot fouls, blown defensive assignments and inexplicable lack of energy. 对这支队伍谈论的越少,故意犯规就越好,防守策略和莫名的懈懈怠倍受责难。
'[After starting fully invested] you're constantly moving to a more-defensive position until you just get out, ' he said. (在开始满仓投资后),你会始终趋向一个更具防御性的仓位,直至选择离开。
Kobe is an eight-time All-Defensive first team player and Ron-Ron is known as one of the best man-on-man defenders still in the game. 科比是一个8次入选全防守第一阵容的球员。罗恩,罗恩还是以比赛中最好的防守队员而出名的。
In the U. S. , health advocates who say Coca-Cola contributes to an epidemic of obesity have put the company on the defensive. 在美国,说可口可乐公司对肥胖的流行有贡献的健康倡议者,迫使公司采取了守势。