
美 [dɪˈlɪvər]英 [dɪˈlɪvə(r)]
  • v.交付;发表;兑现;传送
  • 网络递送;投递;传递

第三人称单数:delivers 现在分词:delivering 过去式:delivered

deliver message,deliver speech,deliver lecture,deliver mail,deliver report



送货╱信take goods/letters

1.[t][i]递送;传送;交付;运载to take goods, letters, etc. to the person or people they have been sent to; to take sb somewhere

发表演说give speech

2.[t]~ sth发表;宣布;发布to give a speech, talk, etc. or other official statement

履行诺言keep promise

3.[i][t]履行诺言;不负所望;兑现to do what you promised to do or what you are expected to do; to produce or provide what people expect you to

交某人控制give to sb's control

4.[t]~ sb/sth (up/over) (to sb)交出;交付;移交to give sb/sth to sb else so that they are under this person's control


5.[t]~ a baby助产;接生to help a woman to give birth to a baby

6.[t]分娩;生孩子to give birth to a baby


7.[t]~ sth投掷;把…瞄准;用…对准to throw or aim sth


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... delighted adj. 欣喜的,快乐的 deliver vt. 递送,传递 delivery n. 递送,交货 ...


  "交付"(deliver)就任何股份或债权证而言,指实物交付或藉电子方法交付该股份或债权证,如属未发行股份,则指在发行该等股 …


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... delighted a. 高兴的,快乐的 deliver vt. 投递(信件,邮包等) demand vt. 要求 ...


(D-F)英语四级词汇表下载 ... delight n. 快乐 deliver vt. 投递,送交;发表 delivery n. 投递;交付;分娩 ...


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... delighted adj. 欣喜的,快乐的 deliver vt. 递送,传递 delivery n. 递送,交货 ...


“传”的繁体字写法_爱问知识人 ... 作传;记载[ write biography] 传递;传送[ transfer;deliver] 传授[ teach;impart to] ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... delightful 愉快的 deliver 传送;接生 deliverance 释放 ...


英语词汇-法律_百度文库 ... deliberate 故意的 deliver 释放 detention 拘留 ...

And ultimately, the challenge of the baker, the challenge of every culinary student, of every chef, is to deliver flavor. 而最终,对于面包师,对于每个学徒,每个厨师来说,最大的挑战,都在于要展现美味。
Obviously, there was no pressure to deliver on a certain date, and the requirements were entirely up to me. 显然,没有交付期限的压力,而且,需求也完全取决于我。
The cabinet has no independent power and can't deliver reforms or meet the demands of the opposition on its own. 内阁没有独立权力,不能独立进行改革或满足反对派的要求。
At present, no one can deliver a clear answer to the question of who answers for police actions in London. 事到如此,已经没有人可以清楚地回答究竟谁要为伦敦的警方负责。
That doesn't mean you don't take a bad shot or every shot is amazing, but it was just a level of comfort knowing that I can deliver. 这不是说每一张照片都是神照或者压根找不出烂照,但是一种更高层次的自知之明,以及我还能提高的范围。
So I am using the media as a tool to deliver the message of philosophy, to produce an easy-to-understand way for Confucius. 所以,我现在在运用媒体为一个工具,传播哲学思想,将孔子的思想以一种更容易被接受方式传播开来。
When Obama flew to Cairo a few days later to deliver a landmark speech to the Arab and Muslim world, Mubarak did not attend. 数天后,奥巴马总统飞往开罗,对阿拉伯和穆斯林世界发表了一次具有里程碑意义的演讲,穆巴拉克也未出席。
At this point, maybe you guys should develop a media platform which can stand for your voices and deliver messages to all around the world. 在这一点上,也许你们应该建立能代替自己声音,并将这些信息传播到世界各地的媒介平台。
For a time he believed that he would not make a good actor as he could not deliver his lines. 有一段时间,他以为自己不会成为一个优秀的演员,因为他记不住台词。
But when Reuben heard it, he tried to deliver him out of their hand and said, Let us not take his life. 流便听见了,要救他脱离他们的手,就说,我们不可害他的性命;
Our ability to deliver quality services comes from over 12 years of institutional knowledge and a strong commitment to our customers. 文思出色的交付能力来源于12年来在技术上的不断创新和对客户承诺的完美体现。
It is a great honor for me to have been invited by the London School of Economics to deliver this Hayek Memorial Lecture. 我很荣幸,能应伦敦经济学院(LSE)之邀,来此发表哈耶克纪念演讲。
If the parties do not intend to deliver the goods across the ship' rail, the CPT term is preferred. 如果双方不打算将货物越过船舷交货,应使用CPT术语。
In other cases, the goal is to deliver new services or products by combining the services and products of two or more partners. 在其他情况中,目标是组合两个或更多伙伴的服务和产品制造新的服务或产品。
Again will duplicate a time of next time the time and the place, then will deliver her to board. 再重复一次下次的时间和地点,然后送她上车。
She then went on to deliver a number of jokes of her own at her husband's expense. She made fun of his early bedtime. 然后劳拉拿他丈夫、也总统开玩笑,讲了一连串的笑话。她笑他睡觉睡得太早了。
It was a big mistake to try to push Italy into an International Monetary Fund programme without being able to deliver such an outcome. 逼迫意大利加入一项国际货币基金组织(IMF)计划的努力,未能取得任何结果——这真是一个很大的错误。
It may also indicate that he was ambushed or attacked by a rival tribe's raiding party on his way to deliver the axe. 它也可能预示着他伏击或竞争对手部落的执法人员在袭击他的方式,即以开刀。
This story isn't to say that people should stop funding or supporting programs that deliver livestock to needy areas, not in the least! 讲这个故事并不是想说人们应该停止捐款给或支持那些向有需要的地区输送家畜的慈善项目,一点也不是!
As you know, applying and managing information technology (IT) to deliver business value is challenging nowadays than ever before. 如你所知,应用和管理信息技术(IT),提供具有挑战性的商业价值是现在比以往任何时候。
The system finds the content and deliver it to you rather than it requiring you to scout for it. 该系统发现内容并将其提供给您,而不需要你去搜寻这些。
In fact, it's very easy to be seen as "above average" if you know what women are looking for, and you know how to deliver. 实际上,如果你知道女人们在寻找什么,而且知道如何去表达它,想看起来“平均以上”非常容易。
Husband #4 was in telemarketing: even though he knew he had the order, he didn't know when he would be able to deliver. 四号丈夫是做电话销售的:就算是他知道已经拿到了订单,他还是不知道什么时候能够发货;
"European members do deliver but it takes a necessary democratic time, which is not always pleasing to the markets, " she said. 她说:“欧洲国家会采取行动,但事先要经历一个必要的民主决策过程,而这个过程并不总是能让市场满意。”
As long as you can really enjoy, treat, and tolerance to them, I would be very reassuring to them to deliver to you! 只要您能真正喜欢、善待、包容她们,我将会很放心的把她们交付给您!相信我,有了她们的陪伴,您的生活里会再多一些快乐与爱心!
I would like to deliver my gratefulness to Ms Yue who provide me with related information and helped me out of troubles. 首先感谢乐小芳老师,为我提供相关的信息,并且有什么困难都热心地帮助我。
he said cheerfully. He was in a very good mood. Obviously he thought nobody stood a chance of reaching them here in a storm to deliver mail. 他兴奋地说,弗农姨父看上去心情好极了,很显然他认为没有人有可能在暴风雨中把信送到一个孤岛上来。
To her bird companion she said, "Dear swallow, please deliver this news to my mother. " 王子对她的鸟同伴说道:“亲爱的小燕子,请将这个消息告诉我的母亲。”
Mr Madoff's victims believed he could deliver returns that were too good to be true, and did not ask how or why. 麦道夫的受害者们相信,他能够实现那些高到难以置信的回报,从来没人问过“如何”或者“为什么”。
For a female to choose a blond male he must be able to deliver resources (mammoth), as his blond hair alone is not enough to turn her on. 女性选择能够给她提够一些食物(比如猛犸肉)的男人,因为仅仅靠他的棕色头发并不能激起她的性欲。