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Deng Xiaoping and his wife Zhuo Lin attended the welcome ceremony on the south lawn outside the White House held by Carter and his wife. 邓小平和夫人卓琳出席卡特夫妇在白宫南草坪举行的欢迎仪式。
Jiang Zemin s legal ethics thought and legal ethics thought of Marx, Engels, Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping come down in a continuous line. 江泽民法律伦理思想与马克思、恩格斯、毛泽东和邓小平法律伦理思想是一脉相承的。
Officials whisked Ms Deng off to a mental asylum, saying that antidepressant pills found in her bag showed she was psychologically unstable. 地方官员迅速将邓女士转移到一家精神病院,并称在她包里发现的抗忧郁药表示她精神不稳定。
Comrade Deng XiaoPing once said: The country which has no national economy and no fist products will have no future. 邓小平同志曾经说,没有自己的民?工业,没有自己的拳头产品,这个国家就没有前途。
Deng said she pulled out a knife after the men repeatedly dragged her back as she tried to leave. 邓玉娇说她极力想离开,那几名男子却一再把她往后拉,她就拔出了刀子。
Deng Chengxiu, though a scholar out of the circle, also ranked as one of these scholars in his own way. 作为这一圈子之外的邓承修,以另一种建言方式,同样跻身到“清流”的行列。
The paranoia about evil foreign designs that thrived under Mao and was discarded by Deng Xiaoping is still close to the surface. 在毛泽东时期蓬勃发展、在邓小平时期被抛弃的偏执的外国邪恶图谋论仍然接近浮出水面。
I remember watching the footage of him meeting Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping escorting his party on a tour to the Great Wall. 我还记得电视上毛泽东主席与惠特拉姆总理会谈、邓小平先生陪他登长城的镜头。
Deng Xiaoping said, "To get rich is glorious. " However, the line is often misinterpreted as an aggressive dismissal of ethical concerns. 邓小平在一次讲话中曾经说过:“致富光荣”,而这句话却经常被错误地理解为对伦理因素无情的抛弃。
she had a vague recollection of seeing Deng's article in the early 1990s, but its content did not stick. 她依稀记得在90年代初读到过邓的文章,但不太记得内容。
in terms of positive impact made to the world and the way he did it. Deng was no doubt a great statesman of all times. 根据对世界的积极影响和他所用的方法。邓毫无疑问是个世界上最伟大的政治家之一。
One of Deng Xiaoping's first decisions was to break up the system of communal farms and distribute land on an equal basis to rural families. 邓小平最初采取的改革措施之一,便是打破农场集体所有制,将土地平均分配给农户。
Vogel is so effusive in his praise of Deng that the book sometimes reads as if it came straight from party headquarters. 傅高义对邓小平的赞扬溢于言表,因此有时候这本书读起来就像它直接出自共产党总部。
Mao might have been a monster, but he was a monster with a back pocket, and Deng was always there. 毛可能是个怪兽,但是他是个有后袋的怪兽,邓小平在那里面。
As with Deng, many commentators did not know quite what to make of Thatcher's ambitions. 就像难以看懂邓小平一样,很多时评家也很难理解撒切尔的雄心抱负。
Deng said on the occasion that it might be better to let "future generations, which may be wiser" to tackle the sovereignty imbroglio. 邓小平当时还提到是否更应该让我们的子孙,也会是更加聪明的一代来处理这个主权纠纷。
Deng said he had been beaten up for trying to report the corruption. 邓说,他因为举报了这个腐败案而一直受到殴打。
And yet Deng led a long and remarkable life, packed with drama and global significance, one that deserves to be dissected in detail. 尽管如此,邓那漫长精彩的一生仍然充满着戏剧性与全球化意义,这是一个值得人们详细分析的人物。
As they attacked, Ms. Deng said, she took a fruit knife from her purse and stabbed wildly. Mr. Deng fell, mortally wounded. 面对他们的攻击,邓女士说,她从手袋里掏出一把水果刀拼命挥刺,邓贵大重伤倒地。
Its hard to understand and explain the scientific nature of Deng Xiaoping s socialist essence. 怎样理解、说明邓小平社会主义本质论的科学性是个难点问题。
She was about to leave when Deng Guida pulled out a thick wad of bank notes and then he pushed her on to a sofa. 邓玉娇要离开的时候邓贵大拿出一厚打钞票并把邓玉娇推倒在沙发上。
She then pulled out a knife and stabbed Deng Guida three times and slashed Huang's right arm when he tried to help his colleague. 她掏出一把刀子刺中了邓贵大三次并刺伤了黄的右臂,在他帮助他的同事的时候。
how much China pay their rail road workers? Like Deng said, seek truths from facts. 中国要支付给铁路工人多少钱吗?就像邓小平说的,要事实就是。
Deng: To be quite frank, I am trying to persuade people to let me retire at the Party's Thirteenth National Congress next year. 邓:坦率地告诉你,我正在说服人们,我明年在党的十三大时就退下来。
It was the year that Deng Xiaoping, then the country's paramount leader, signalled that he wanted to step up the pace of market reforms. 就在这一年,时为中国最高领导人的邓小平表示,他希望加快市场改革步伐。
Deng came to the United States with the aid of a California couple, according to a Wall Street Journal profile of her in 2000. 在一对加州夫妇的帮助下,她来到了美国。她努力学习英语,最终进入了耶鲁商学院学习。
Deng, like Mao Zedong before him, tolerated the dissident movement as long as it served his ends, and then stamped it out. 同毛泽东一样,邓小平容忍着持不同政见的人充分表演,然后一脚踩灭他们。
Deng Yan-da was a strong fighter in the Chinese democratic revolution and a representative figure of the radical petty bourgeoisie. 邓演达是民主革命的坚强斗士,小资产阶级激进分子的代表人物。
Also, Chairman Deng Xiaoping conducted the policy of Reform and Open up in an unsensational way at the very beginning. 其实,中国的改革开放从一开始就是邓小平他老人家领导并“举重若轻”地进行的。
Deng soared high above the floor on her tumbling passes, her every landing punctuated by the appreciative roar of the crowd. 邓在她的空翻中飞得很高,她的每一次落地都伴随着观众们激赏的轰鸣声。