
美 [dens]英 [dens]
  • adj.密集的;稠密的;浓密的;浓重的
  • 网络浓厚的;密度大的;密实

比较级:denser 最高级:densest

dense fog,dense forest,dense population,dense crowd,dense jungle


1.密集的;稠密的containing a lot of people, things, plants, etc. with little space between them

2.浓密的;浓重的difficult to see through


4.(信息量大得)难理解的,难懂的difficult to understand because it contains a lot of information

5.密度大的;密实的heavy in relation to its size


大学英语四级单词集锦 D 开头_百度文库 ... demonstrate vt. 说明;论证;表露 dense a. 密集的;浓厚的 density n. 密集,稠密…


俞敏洪单词串讲 - annjining的日志 - 网易博客 ... demolish 破坏 dense 浓密的,稠密的 density 浓密度,稠密性 ...


大学英语四级单词集锦 D 开头_百度文库 ... demonstrate vt. 说明;论证;表露 dense a. 密集的;浓厚的 density n. 密集,稠密…


英语词根6 - Leo.Zhu - 博客园 ... condemnation n 谴责 dense a 浓密的 dexterous a 灵巧的,敏捷的(右手比左手灵巧) ...


高二英语词汇表 ... motion n. 运动;移动 dense adj. 浓度大的;稠的;密度大的 trust vt. 信任;相信 ...


密字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 密室〖 aroomusedforsecretpurpose〗 密实dense;thick;becloselyknit〗 密探〖 secretagent;sp…

If it had been slightly more dense, it might have undergone gravitational collapse, just like the matter falling into a black hole. 假如它的密度比临界密度再高一些,将会导致重力塌缩,就像掉入黑洞的物质一样。
Hitachi also plans to come out with perpendicular drives this year, as well as an even more dense version of these types of drives in 2007. 日立公司也不甘落后,随即宣布将于年内推出自己的垂直记录式硬盘,并号称将于2007年推出具有更高存储容量的同类产品。
Hall said he has flown into Congonhas airport, and said he recalls that it has a very short runway and is located in a dense urban area. 孔戈尼亚斯机场飞行过,他回忆说跑道很短,并位于人口密集的市区。
The dense smoke was rising over the enemy's front line where something was burning, exploding and flying through the air. 浓烟弥漫着敌人的前沿阵地,那里有些什么正在燃烧,爆炸和在空中飞散。
Raising her head, she looked up at the dense rain drops from sky, whirlingly and flurry, falling down to her eyes by gravity. 她抬头看着从天而降的密集的雨,它们纷纷扬扬,被地心吸引着落在她的眼里。
He entered a dense wood, picked his pathless way to the centre of it, and sat down on a mossy spot under a spreading oak. 他走进一片茂密的森林,披荆斩棘,闯出一条路,来到林中深处,在一棵枝叶茂盛的橡树下,一屁股坐到青苔地上。
The moment treasuring and staying with you is in boundless dense lovesickness , it is in boundless very heavy dreamland! 珍惜与你在一起的时时刻刻,虽然是在无边的浓浓相思中,是在无际的重重梦境中!
Over the last four years, the price of the healthiest foods has increased at around twice the rate of energy-dense junk food. 再过去的四年中,健康食品的价格已经增至那些高热量垃圾食品费率的两倍左右。
When he arrived at the sea the water was purple and dark blue and gray and dense , and no longer green and yellow . He stood there and said. 他来到海边时,海水不再是绿得泛黄,已变得混浊不清,时而暗蓝,时而深紫,时而灰黑,不过仍然很平静。渔夫站在岸边说。
Researchers need two very dense objects orbiting very close together, and they have to be able to detect what is going on between them. 研究者们需要两个密度极高的物体,并让它们的轨道闭合在一起,此外研究者还要有能力对它们进行观测。
The ashes turned into a dense fog which the eagle could not cross. as it was getting dark, the witch could not follow the lovers any more. 骨灰变成了浓雾的雄鹰不能交叉。因为它是越来越黑了,巫婆不能按照爱好者了。
long lances of sunlight pierced down through the dense foliage far and near, and a few butterflies came fluttering upon the scene. 这儿那儿,一道道阳光如长矛一般从茂密的树叶中直刺下来,几只蝴蝶扇着翅膀,在翩翩起舞。
They emerge where dense bundles of magnetic field lines from the sun's interior break through the surface. 它们出现在高密度磁场束从内部突破到表面的地方。
The rate of interception is high at the beginning of rain, especially during summer and with dense vegetal cover. 高速率的拦截之初,尤其是在夏天雨水和浓密的植物覆盖。
In a fairytale setting - a castle and a tavern in the heart of a dense wood - a company of men and women are brought together by chance. 在一个童话般的环境--位于茂密森林的腹地中的一座城堡和一个客栈--一群男人和女人偶然的遇在一起。
The obscurity was more dense there than elsewhere. It was a pit of mire in a cavern of night. 黑暗在这儿比任何地方都深厚,这是夜之洞穴中的一个泥坑。
breast tissue in younger women is often too dense to evaluate the lump. 通常密度太高不易于判断肿块.超声波检查法在这些妇女中易于估计
Its body a bit of a bamboo pole as the clothing to take, one of a, near the roots of the festival more and more dense. 它的全身有一点像晾衣服用的竹竿,一节一节的,靠近根部的节越来越密。
The small dense LDL was one of the independent risk factors of diabetic macro-vascular complications. 小而密LDL是糖尿病患者发生大血管慢性并发症的危险因素之一。
The dense dispersing medium, the water, permits a species to produce a large seed and yet retain dispersability. 作为稠密的扩散基质的水,允许一个物种产生大型的种子,但仍然保留其扩散性。
The effect was to make each tube behave as if it was more dense at one end than the other. 效果是使碳管表现的似乎一比另一端更高密度。
The cylinder's flat bottom allowed the ball bearings to shift out of alignment and into a less dense pack. 那是因为圆柱体的瓶底让球体滚出列队从而导致包装不紧密。
The cloud was so dense that it seemed as if the sun were setting early. At least one person thought a volcano had erupted. 阴云密布,就象太阳将提早要下山,有人居然以为是火山爆发了。
It also has a peculiar office, at the bottom of a pile of Narcissus dense ball of white Gener, like the grandfather of the white beard! 它还有一个奇特之处,在水仙球底部有一堆密密麻麻的白色根儿,像老爷爷的白胡子!
The planet was, in fact, very near the horizon and was traversing a dense layer of mist which imparted to it a horrible ruddy hue. 那颗行星当时离地平线确是很近,透过一层浓雾,映出一种骇目的红光。
Trembling as the wind blew, which told of his joy of reunion to me by the dense aroma of white lotus. 风颤颤,用白荷酽酽的花香告诉我重逢的喜悦。
Suppose as you were walking in a dense forest, you strayed off the path and lost your way. 假设你是一个迷失在密林之人。
"They would have been hitting you mid-calf as you walked in these very dense clusters, " she said. “当你在这些较密集的生物群众走时,他们会击中你的小腿,”她说。
My wife and I raced out of Philadelphia as if fleeting a pestilence, only to run into dense shore-bound traffic. 我和妻子像逃避瘟疫一样风驰电掣般驶出费城,结果却陷入前往海滨的稠密拥挤的车流之中。
To the early Qing Dynasty, the distribution of irrigation channels in Ningxia Plain had been a dense web and almost perfect. 至清初,宁夏平原的灌溉渠道渐趋完善,其分布密如蛛网。